Charles Hawkins?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-10 AT 02:32AM (MST)[p]I met, drank, BS'd, swore, laughed, and hunted for a couple weeks with an old boy that went by the name of Charley Hawkins bout 20 years ago. We had a hell of a great time. I think often about that trip long ago, him and his pard, went by the name of Jones, could be found hardly ever without each other, on most afternoons in the Bar in Bieber, Ca.

Jones had a irrigated Alfalfa field out behind his house along the hi-way to Adin. On meeting these two guys, Charley is a big ol boy now and i'd been warned that he rather enjoyed fighting, I introduced myself and told them that i had a antelope tag, tuff draw area 5, and that they were supposed to be the guys i needed to talk to. Ol Jones spoke up first, "you say you got a tag? I got one goat that i want $3000. for and another on my place that i'll take $1500."

"Hold on boys" i said, "you got the wrong guy." I bought their drinks the rest of the evening and we made plans to meet up the following evening to go take a look at lope bucks, a scouting trip. This was about a week before the season opened. Every evening, we'd load my ice chest, a bottle of Segrams VO for Jones and one of Christian Bros brandy for Hawkins, maybe the other way around wouldn't bet on it either way, and a few beers for myself. We covered a big chunk of that country and those boys could put away some booze i'm telling ya.

That's all it ever cost me, money wise, we went out ever night and by the time our scouting week was over, i had permission to hunt for free on about a dozen different ranches. I had sore cheeks, from smiling so much, and a bunch of memories of a super great time. The lope hunting was only fair, I killed a good buck on the last weekend but never could get the drop on the one huge lope buck i'd found off the beaten path up north and back around some. Anyway, i may be heading up that way again and can't help but think of ol Charley.

If he's still breathing, i'll wager he's still hunting that country. His trophy room is one of the best i ever saw of just Calif bucks. Anybody heard of him or know how i could get ahold of the man? If you know him, tell him "Joey from Chester" is looking for him and i'm a gonna kick his ass! :) Thanks!!

Thanks Larry for pointing me in the right direction!!

Just got off the phone with Charlie. He's living in the same country, maybe back down the hi-way towards Redding some and has a taxidermy shop set up at his home. We had a real nice visit on the phone and i'm gonna look the boy up if i get the tag or tags this year that i think i might. He say's i'm more than welcome. I'm sure that we've both slowed down some but that man can flat hunt and I'm looking forward to seeing him again :)

Joey......he's my cousin....did he show you his black buck he shot in Nevada? time you talk ask him about welcoming the Rainbow people to Modoc County.....HEHEHE
Longun, It's been a long time, can't say that i saw his black buck. I found Charley to be nice as can be in every way but i could see where he could'a been hell in a basket if a guy ever got him really riled up. Some have said the same of me, maybe that's why we got along so good.

If things go as i'd like, i'll cross paths with him again this Fall and i'll ask him of the Rainbow People. I've been fortunate to have run into a ton of great guys, awesome dudes, while traveling, hunting, and fishing these Western states. Good people, a man's man, your cousin Charley is! It's been too long!!

Thanks OldKoot for the sad news.

I again visited with Charlie this deer season in his small Taxidermy shop out near his Pittville ranch-home. He had just gotten back from helping a buddy with his deer hunt. We talked about deer hunting, antelope hunting, guns, and more hunting. He may have taken his share of meat animals in his day but Charlie loved to hunt and take big Calif Bucks. There too, he got at least if not more than his share!! The Guy could hunt!!

RIP Charlie Hawkens!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Thanks Bukslayer!

I heard from Longun, his cousin back in Wy. He said that the funeral will be in Fall River on the 28th.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I met Charley through my neighbor in Day. Charley has done a lot of taxi work for him. As a matter of fact he has two elk still in Charley's shop. RIP Charley.


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