Charities U give 2?


Long Time Member
I give what i can to a few charities.
American Cancer Society
American Diabetes Association
and a local food bank

Aside from the state wildlife agencies at license time, what cause do you give to?
I cant remember the name, but it was supposed to help a few young women get through college. No tax breaks, but it had some great incentives :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I'm a charity case, please sends funds....... ;-)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-09 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]The local soup kitchen here in Oregon, the local outta work guy on the corner pan handling, 700 club, Jews for Jesus, soup kitchen in Israel, my local church... NRA...
American Cancer Society
Race For The Cure
Salvation Army
St Vincent DePaul
Arizona Deer Association
Arizona Elk Society
United Gay Sportman's Association
AIDS Foundation
United Negro College Fund
I suppose we could have guessed all those based on your name Big and Tasty
On a serious note....if and when I have enough money to contribute to a charity, it will definately be the Make A Wish Foundation. My 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with aortic stenosis at birth and when she was 8, she had to have open heart surgery to maintain her condition. A year later, she had to have a pacemaker put in due to long gaps in her heart beats...this was an unrelated occurence to her aortic stenosis. Aortic stenosis will be a life long problem with her...meaning it will not go away. Long story short, Stevie, my daughter, wanted to swim with dolphins and they granted her wish. They sent our whole family to Orlando, FL to the Disney Park so she could have her wish of swimming with dolphins. It was an amazing time. Make a Wish does phenomenal things for kids with life long physical problems.



LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-09 AT 05:11PM (MST)[p]Glad your daughter got to do that Steve! awesome! Sounds like another great charity to make some donations to.
My little plumbing business sponsors a couple entries onto The Make a Wish Trout Tournament that's held here on Lake Almanor Ca. This years goal is to raise $50,000. for the foundation grant program. I have been a participant and sponsor for 4 of it's 5 years existence, won the tournament and the Big Fish entry one year, and had nothing but good times on the lake.

Sure it's a few bucks but, IMO, to a extremely good cause, worth it for the cause alone, yet meeting and spending time with some of the best fisherman and nicest people in the area really sets it apart as something i want to continue doing as long as possible.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-09 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]

God knows how many car payments I've made for them...

Ah sheit NVMULEDEER1 beat me to it and I missed it...guess there's 2 of us...

Steve, man, I can't explain it and I'm really going to get crap for this one, but I cried when I read about your daughter, would you mind if I prayed for her...

I'm also familiar with the long QT syndrome (long time lapse between beats) I've dealt with life threatening condition with my kids, but through prayer we came out on top....

@ age 13

@ age of 19
My church
St Jude's Children's Hospital
American Cancer Society
Several others

And,yes,I pay lots of taxes (income,property,sales,licences,fees,etc.) like many of you a lot of which support those who are unable/unwilling to pay their share....
Wow Manny....all I can say is that's very nice of you to pray for Stevie. Is that your son in the picture? We had no idea that she had a weak beating heart until she was made to wear a heart moniter for 24 hours. A few days after she did that, we got a call from UCLA saying she needed to come down immediately for a pacemaker. We left an hour and a half later and she was in surgery a few hours after we got there. Her heart would stop for up to 9 seconds at a time when she was in deep sleep. Imagine blood being pumped through your body for up to 9 seconds. Pretty damn scary.
Tell me about your son...if that is who is in the picture.

I remember some controversy a few years back when Make A Wish refused to give a kid a hunting trip for his wish. If I recall correctly a few new charities popped up to fill this gap for sick children that wanted to go hunting.

Anyone know the names of any of these pro hunting wish foundations??

I wouldn't mind kicking a few bucks their way.
supported DU, Mule deer foundation every year, I am a life member of VFW really suprised more people dont support VFW or Disabled American Veterans, they are one the reasons we arent speaking japanenese or german right now. Thats really cool steve If i could i would support dang near everything that wasnt anti american, anti hunting, anti gun basicly anti contstitutional rights... I just recently stopped supporting Bud Light, they have had enough of my money...Oh i forgot i support IDFG big time i spend mucho money on very little tags i recieve


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-09 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]You are correct Hillbilly, that is how Hunt Of A Lifetime was formed by Tina Pattison from PA. Make a wish came under a lot of political fire for doing a hunt so they quit. She had a very sick child who's last wish was to hunt moose and had a heck of a time fullfilling the wish of her dying son. She vowed to never let another parent go through that again. The bow to political correctness by these other groups infuriated outdoor enthusiast and they have rallied in droves by donating their guiding skills, lodging and travel cost, and many other things that makes these kids' hunts truly amazing. Hunt Of A Lifetime now has many state chapters, including ours, you can check it out at and see what we are up to.
I have supported the BPOElks for over 35 years for their Major Project....Celebal Palsey.
I donate to the VFW and Disabled American Veterans of which I am a Life member.
On occasion for someone I know also the American Cancer.

>Wow Manny....all I can say is
>that's very nice of you
>to pray for Stevie. Is
>that your son in the
>picture? We had no idea
>that she had a weak
>beating heart until she was
>made to wear a heart
>moniter for 24 hours. A
>few days after she did
>that, we got a call
>from UCLA saying she needed
>to come down immediately for
>a pacemaker. We left an
>hour and a half later
>and she was in surgery
>a few hours after we
>got there. Her heart would
>stop for up to 9
>seconds at a time when
>she was in deep sleep.
>Imagine blood being pumped
>through your body for up
>to 9 seconds. Pretty damn
>Tell me about your son...if that
>is who is in the

Yah that my youngest, he's 24 and married now with a little boy, he was 13 at the time, it started with a sniffle and a runny nose, we thought he had a cold, so he just kept putting tissue up his nose to curb the running, three days later I woke up in the middle of the night to find him unconscious on the bathroom floor, the stuff coming from his nose was cranial fluid, he had a hole in his sinus cavity that went into his durra surrounding his brain.

Panic set in Luckily we were in Sacramento and the ambulance took him to UC Davis, their first report said he was in a coma wouldn't make it thru the night cause his brain was swollen n had an infection in his durra which they termed Nero meningitis.

Long story short we called the gang together from my church and the praying started, well he lived thru the night and on the third day he woke up (no bull 3rd day) he didn't recognize anybody at first but later that day he did, the miracle to this story is, that when some one has a infection in the durra surrounding the brain they 98% of the time come out deaf dumb and blind, well he is none of those things, That was in August by November he was on his first muzzy hunt.

I got a few more stories for yah some day, I'm sure some people would say it was dum luck but I know better, prayer works, there was also a Scientific Study of Prayer for patients.

your girl looks healthty and I'm gonna set my mind on praying for a complete healing.....
Manny i am not a very religious person, but i found prayer in iraq I would never give anyone crap about prayer. I wont say that i didnt shed a tear with this post for both you and steve...Glad to know everything came out ok in your situation.


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-09 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p]just one more....


my daughter walked away from this car accident, an X boy friend hit an oak tree doing 60mph......

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