Chaps My Ass II



Last weekend I pulls in to a Burger joint drive thru in SLC to get a Burger,before I get up to order this kid around 23-24 years old comes up with this big ole BS story about getting in a wreck & getting a ticket & getting his rig impounded,claims he needs 11.00 more to get it out of impound,has some paper in his hand to prove it(supposidly?)
So I gives him the 10.00 bill I was gonna buy lunch with and backed out of the drive thru,figured he needed it worse than me & I could eat when I got home later that night(I'd forgot to throw more cash in my wallet before leaving the house,it was the last 10.00 I had on me & I said piss on using a credit card)
Well,I go to SLC again today,decides to get me a Burger,well I guess this JOKER didn't notice me/my face in a different rig?
Same ole story,he needs just 11.00 more to get his rig out of impoundment,I didn't say a word for a minute,I was getting fumigated real quick,I bailed out of my rig like a bolt of lightning.
Oh,Ya,I got my 10.00 back from last weekend,might not of been quite ethical,but I got it back.
I think he might be moving camp?
Yes,this kinda crap CHAPS MY ASS!
Many years ago a bum asked me for a hand out in the super market parking lot.
Since it was pay day and feeling good for the weekend I gave him 5 bucks.
When I came out of the market he was getting into a new toyota celica with paper plates. I asked him for my money back.
Things escalated pretty fast and the cops showed up as I was bouncing his head off the hood of his new car. After a little interigation they made him give me my 5 bucks back and we walked away. They were still laughing whene I drove out of the parking lot.
Those are two great examples of why I never give panhandlers money.

I have a couple good ones of my own to share. There used to be this women who had a good schtick going at a super market where I shopped. For over a year, I saw her sitting on the curb with a sign that said "pregnant, homeless, hungry, pleae help" Well, after looking at her bloated belly for over a year, I finally pulled up one day and motioned her over to my truck. Thinking she was going to get a handout, she eageraly approached. Instead of giving her a few bucks, I asked her if she was ever going to have that baby, or not. She got all pissed and started cussing at me, and I drove off thinking that maybe she'd get a clue that her act was way past it's effective date. The next time I went there, she was gone and I never saw her again.

Another time, in the same shopping center, I had a guy approach me as I was going into the bank. He said his car had broken down and that he needed $350 to get it fixed so he could go back to his hometown. He asked me to give him $350! Instead, I walked into the branch and told the manager about it. A short time later, cops arrived and after a bit of discussion they cuffed the fellow and put him in the back seat of their patrol car. Never saw him again, either.

Those are just a few reasons why I don't support panhandlers.
The guy was just saving up for a LE hunt up in the Basin, Now he might fall short. I hope he was from california.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
2 years ago?Knowing someone that got drawn 1st choice Bull Elk in the unit you put in for year after year and DIDN?T GET DRAWN and he spends a whole whopping two days in the unit because he didn't save the vacation time for it and said guy asks you for advise on the area and spends no time scouting it! Good Gawd I just want to rip his lips off!! Now that chaps my arse!!

Sorry Bess, was that you?

What pisses me off is this kind of crap gives us panhandlers a bad name. They're ruining it for everybody.
I remember that Terry, seemed like he went there and had the same thing happen two more times and was going back again too! LMAO!

Ya I here ya, here in Cali some of the better panhandlers that sit at prime locations make over $100,000.00 a year in handouts. Serveral years ago one of the news channels did a special on it and followed a guy that was making almost $1,000 a day. Oh and that is tax free, and they get there food, house, medical, car insurence, kids schooling, and utilities paid with our tax money as well. Damn thats $100,000.00 a year to send on bounus points and hunting tags. Gets ya thinking don't it, who is smarter? If only I didn't have PRIDE and MORLES.
If you feel like helping, give money to a road home or something that will help people. I never give to panhandlers, but I will give to shelters and such.
I am with Bayside. Give some $$$ to a reputable charity.

Once in awhile I will give money to a panhandler...and will help out a guy traveling with a dog. Usually buy the dog some fresh food and the guy a burger or two.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON May-28-10 AT 12:33PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-28-10 AT 12:24?PM (MST)

My attitude is this - "If I had it, I would give it" and most of the time I don't have it and am barely saying to myself "there but for the grace of God go I." What I can't stand is when you tell a panhandler "No" and they make a big deal out of it, like they are entitled to my hard earned money. Here in Austin there are a ton of homeless teenagers who roam the streets near the campus, and are affectionately called "drag rats" and they will sit about a block away from an ATM or bank and wait for students to come out and guilt them in to giving money. One kid accosted me one day and threw a fit when I told him I didn't have anything, calling me a liar because he just saw me coming from the ATM as I was walking away. That made me stop dead in my tracks and turn around slowly and point at him telling him he had no right to expect me to take money that was meant to feed my kids out of their mouths so he could sit on a street and drink beer and shoot dope all day. Punk started backing away really slowly, but out of the corner of my eye I caught one of his little buddies sitting near by stand up and start coming up on my side. Without turning my head I yelled at him to sit back down or he would be the first to get his ass kicked. Right then I noticed two other guys walking up from down the street, they were plain clothes APD officers. Put both of the kids in handcuffs and the three or four others scattered like fleas. They didn't even say a word to me, just asked if I had been threatened.

About a week later I saw that same kid again, this time he offered to sell me some shrooms. Made my mind up right then and there that I would never give a dime to those punks again.

I don't mind sharing what I have with those who have less, in fact I think it is a solemn duty we have and I give what I can monthly to a trusted organization that I know will administer the money properly and in good faith. I am all for helping some one out that doesn't mean that I have to fall for their schemes! Most of the time whatever money you give a panhandler is going to go right in their veins or in to a bottle. Judgemental? Maybe. Statistically true? Absolutely.

If you give to panhandlers you are supporting an illegitimate, illegal, destructive and dangerous lifestyle.

On the other hand, on Memorial Day about 3 years ago I was in the park with my son and one of his buddies doing some fishing. There was a small ceremony there dedicating a monument to local Navy submarine veterans and I noticed this one old man off to the side sitting at a bench, not part of the group doing the ceremony, but watching contently. When they played the national anthem, he stood up and put his hat over his heart. I thought for sure he must be a vet. Well we went fishing for an hour or so and as we came back, I noticed that same old man rummaging through the trash cans and looking in food bags for something to eat. Well, that did it for me. Took the two boys immediately over to a McDonalds, got a couple of value meals and took them back to the park and gave them to the man. Started talking with him and sure enough he was a Viet Nam vet, and was extremely grateful for the help. He reaked of alcohol and was filthy from head to toe, but I shook his hand and thanked him for his service and made the boys do so to. Now, whenever we see someone like that, my boy always asks me if I think we should go get him a burger or something. Sometimes we do. I don't mind doing that.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm with you Be Bop, That would tick me off as well!!

I'm a soft touch though i must admit that i live in a area that has little or no panhandlers. I have noticed being hit upon lately at gas stations while on the road traveling. Though i am far from being well off, $5. is not going to keep me from eating that night. Often times when i see a person that looks like they could use a break, usually a single mother with kids while shopping with a near empty cart, i'll give them a couple 20 spots just for drill. It's got to make them feel better and i know that it does me!

While in college I worked in a liquor store in the not so good part of town. Was always having panhandlers come into the store asking for $2 so they could get something to eat. I'd always make each one the same offer; "I'll take you next store to BugerKing and buy you a meal if you would like, but I'm not giving you any cash". In three years I never had one take me up on the offer and had a lot of them get mad at me.
Hey SticksBoy!
A couple years ago at Sportsmans Warehouse just before that Christmas it did happen.
I ain't made of money,I don't mind helping somebody if it's Ligit!
This last deal got me aggitated.
I caught him outright!
I got my donation back!}>}>}>}>}>
And Yes,I do what I can by donating to different Orgs from year to year!
Yup,I must be a SUCKER!


OMH!! What is up with that Harry?? Haven't been nuked in a while I see!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Bess.... I'd forgotten about that.... Here's the one I thought happened to you.... Terry

"Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping.
Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic.

Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.
Here's how the scam works:
Two very hot 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are
packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your
windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling
out of their skimpy T-shirts.
It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you
for a ride to another Home Depot. You agree and they get in the backseat.

On the way, they start undressing.. Then one of them climbs over into
the front seat and starts to unzip you and crawling all over you, while the other one while place her breasts over your face
steals your wallet.
I had my wallet stolen May 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the
15th, 17th, 20th, & 24th 29th. Also June 1st, 4th, twice
on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 26th, 30th, three times last
Saturday and very likely again this upcoming weekend.
So tell your friends to be careful."
Look at HH come to the dark side. LMAO !!! Nice post / pictures minus the gut.

I talk to "Pan Handlers" every night at work. Some are just plain lazy and accept that way of life and have no desire to help themselves. A lot start out as alcoholics who slowly loose everything, end up on the streets and the only thing that matters to them is getting drunk.

Others "Pan Handlers" have and suffer from Mental Illness of one form or another. These people do not have the capacity or family support to function normally. There are places they can seek help but for whatever reason some don't.

I am sure others have just fallen on very hard times and genuinely want to help themselves out. Every persons situation is different, I have heard many many stories.

I personally do not give money to Pan Handlers. If I want to make a difference I will donate to a charity. My wife has spent many hours and afternoons at the local food bank and feels great to help out. These type of places are always short on money and volunteers.

When I contribute money to those in need it is through an organization. Most recently the "Race For The Cure". That was a ton of fun and the scenery was priceless!!!
Good on you guys that donate. I'm one that has been burned and won't do it again! Maybe someone will catch me in the right mood but it hasn't happened yet!

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

No SticksBoy,
That wasn't me!
That was Beefy.
Last I heard he buys wallets by the truck loads!}>}>}>}>}>
So it's not my right to get my money back without calling 1911???
Maybe I should have,would'of liked to see the little BASTARD Tazed!
Have been burnt, who cares money is just money i work hard for it but ya cant take it with you. I like to think my doing my little part helps my karma a little... Alot of them are vietnam vets i been to skidrow and encountered all the homeless you would be suprised how many are vietnam vets...While some of you are vietnam vets and had the ability to cope with what you have seen or done. There are those that cant, and they turn to self medicating. It aint my place to say if they really need a burger or their fix...who knows if that 2 dollars or five saves their life for another day...but then again i aint a saint either just trying to help my draw odds with the man upstairs


has anyone seen my kittie
So the wife and I needed some hardware from the home Depot at I-19 and Irvington in Tucson, We drove in did our shopping, then back to the truck. I was loading the stuff we bought into the bed, wife went around to the passenger side to get in. She was approached by some scumbag begging for money, came up from behind her and was there before I even saw him . I heard his request and looked up, instantly pissed me off , mostly because he went up to the wife and from behind to. My thoughts were he could have hurt her or stolen her purse or ? It just pissed me off. I pulled my gun on him, drew down on him and told him if I ever saw his butt in this parking lot again he better be sweeping it . He left , I have'nt seen him again.
Lol Lifetimehunter!
Might have to have you make a trip to Sportsmans Warehouse!
Still not sure if I got took on that one?
I was approched by this Soiled little Dove in a parking lot. She leaned up against my truck door giving me a complete view of het ta ta's, and told me for a few bucks she could show me a good time. She said she could really use the money and I wouldn't have any regrets. About then a bed bug crawled off of her hand and on to my truck. I sped off and figured that is the first time a bed bug tried to hitch a ride to where ever it was I was sleeping.


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