Challenge for Bucksnort

LOL... No, my boat won't do that..

Only a matter of time before they smack the wall and smash the passengers heads like Gallagher smashes water mellons with his sledge-a-matic... Having said that, I would love to go on that ride!

Can you imagine the liability insurance they must have?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Then all MonsterMuley members should QUALIFY HANDS DOWN.....LOL

LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-11 AT 03:42PM (MST)[p]The Shotover trip was pretty fun but both my Wife and I thought Deep Canyoning was more exciting. They haven't killed anyone in over 30 years of jet boating. Yet. New Zealand isn't lawyer happy the Way we are so insurance isn't as bit a deal. The Big Nige trip takes a three hour hike to get into and about 4 hours to descend by sliding, jumping, and rapelling.

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