

Long Time Member
I remember a thread on here about a year ago about chainsaws and I can't find it now.

Any of you guys remember the title or who's thread it was?

Or want to give me your opinions between Stihl vs Husqvarna?

It will be used for cutting fire wood, I bought and installed and an outdoor wood boiler.
Both are good Saws!

According to Busheler,Husky's are the only Saw!

Got one of each,I prefer the Stihl 066 MAGNUM!

Buy one of the 2 & You'll be happy!

REDDOG told me His Makita is a Husky in Sheeps clothing(Husky!) so that'd be a good choice also!
They are both good saws. I would find out which dealer, if you have both in your town, will give the best deal, customer service etc.
I am partial to Stihl. Used em at the FS, just got used to them. Easy to take down and clean. I have a small 025, have cut wood as my major source of heat with it for 9 years now. Going bigger after using my buddies' 044. Just gets it done faster. I like a longer bar for brushing property as well, you can stand up straighter and reach the ground easier where the brush and junk is.

My, 2 cents.
Both are good Saws!
>According to Busheler,Husky's are the only
>Got one of each,I prefer the
>Stihl 066 MAGNUM!
>Buy one of the 2 &
>You'll be happy!
>REDDOG told me His Makita is
>a Husky in Sheeps clothing(Husky!)
>so that'd be a good
>choice also!

You would have to bolt two of those 066's together to keep up..Even then they'd be burned up by the end of the week...


If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
i have a husky. love the thing. they dont send as much vibration to your hands as the stihl. i think their is a reason that thee two are the only ones mentioned when people talk about good saws. the only thing i would not do is buy the husky brand chains. they seem to get dull quickly. granted i cut cedar a lot and that can dull a chain real quick but i have had the best luck with the chains i get from home depot rental department.
I'm with desertdeer. I own two Huskys and ran a Stihl belonging to one of my pals (one after the other). I don't think you could go wrong with either.

I got mine off that evil auction site at a very nice price.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I bought a Huscavarna about 15 years back and have not had a single problem with it. It don't get used much except for every camping fishing hunting weekend and the occasional tree for my friends and family. There are 5 kids in my family, we are all married with kids. 3 of us have chainsaws and mine gets borrowed more than the others.

would'nt think about buying any other brand!!
I figure that easy i got a couple thousand cords of oak firewood with my first Stihl saw, a 042 super. Later on, i went with Husky's or Pioneer, cutting big cedar's, doug fir, or bigger lodgepole pine.

I think that the Stihl is a more dependable saw all around with lots of torque. If you buy one new and take care of it, it will treat you well.

The Husky's seem to be a little faster, higher revving saw and they seemed to me to be a little better cutting tool, chain for chain, pound for pound, though a few i had for some reason did not always want to start right up when they got older.

To me, if i had to do it all over again, never happen, i'd go Stihl. I also like a over sized bar! 28" min, prefer 32" for serious woodcutting. If cutting a lot of wood, the longer bars are a LOT less strain on your back!!

my $.02

I started building a cabin last year. I needed to buy two saws. I went to a dealer that sold Stihl and Husqvarna. I asked what he preferred. He said Stihl. He said the started a little better. So far. I am really happy with my choice.
I bought a Stihl because that's what my logger buddies use. A guy that makes a living with a saw knows what to buy. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-11 AT 08:12AM (MST)[p]"Now, many years later, i'm looking forward to getting anywhere under the 300lb mark. How is a guy like me ever going to meet their requirements?"

With all the excercise if cutting a couple thousand chords of wood, it's amazing you could put on all that weight...

my .02 :)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-11 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]Fudd, There you go, can't help yourself but being the a-hole you are and that i've figured you to be!! No Smile!!

Up until recently, there wasn't a year, going buck to my twenties, that i didn't bring in at least 100 cords... Some years, much more! For that and several other reasons, this big ol boy, always had been pretty much left be by the boys looking to get rowdy, that is unless they were from outa town, really drunk, or just didn't care how they were gonna feel for a few weeks.

Some of you skinny guys could never understand how a guy could weigh 300 lbs, be in great shape and still way outwork a 180 lb guy who thinks no, that he's the one in shape. If you're ever in Chester Ca., stop in at one of the water holes, i no longer drink, and ask around about the things i've done. Yes, i'm talking the talk, but Son, i've walked the walk!

Thank you, Sageadvice. I consider that a compliment, coming from you. This time, the intent was to make an obnixious and rude slap. Not sure if I'll ever be that way, but I'm sure you have told the boys lots of good tales. I won't reply to you again, just wanted to make sure I deserve the title...Thanks again! :)
You betcha Fudd, glad i could oblige!

There is about half a dozen guys in these pages that i don't care for and you are one of them. The best part of it, is they all know who they are. I roll that way!

100 cords a year + work + Hunting + Fishing ..... Sageadvice, you must have been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest :)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-11 AT 04:06PM (MST)[p]"100 cords a year + work + Hunting + Fishing ..... Sageadvice, you must have been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest"

Snort, That ain't the half of what all i've had going on. Part of what made wood getting easy was i worked swing shift for many years. Nothing to go out to our Ranch and cut, split, and deliver a cord of oak before going in to work. I finally though, gave up my wood business over to my Dad who i took in as a full partner. He had quit his job of 30 years, that he hated, once us kids were raised and out the house. He wanted me to cut with him EVERYDAY, just got to be too much so i gave him my customer book and still cut with him a couple days a week. Many a day off, i'd bring in two or three big loads back to the house. It's kinda like working hay bales, the more you do it the easier it gets... plus it helps when you have your own trees.

Edit; Oh, i never owned a splitter either! My splitter was a 12 pound maul!! :)


>I remember a thread on here
>about a year ago about
>chainsaws and I can't find
>it now.
>Any of you guys remember the
>title or who's thread it

Yes I do.
NVB is still Pissturbed over High powered Chainsaws!

They're kinda like Guns & Trucks NVB!:D

Like Sancho once said:

I don't need that high powered Chick,But I damn sure WANT Her!:D
I cut a lot of wood, Mostly with an Ax. I would chop a cord and a 1/2 a day. One day a feller stopped by my camp and told me he was getting 4 cord a day with a Husky. So I ran down and bought me one of them big ol saws. Hell I worked my arse off and it took me 2 days to get a cord. So I took it back to the hardware store. I told the store keeper I was having a hell of a time. He said let me see that saw. He pulled on that rope a couple times and it made a hell of a noise. I jumped back and said what the hell is that noise? I swear I never knew it had a motor on it.

I heat totally with wood and cut mainly ash which is harder than Oak. Saying that I ran the same Stihl for 26 years no problems at all other than generally bar and chain maintenance. Then I got smart and bought a Huskvarna Rancher (Sarcasm). I believe it is underpowered with the 20" bar it also is fuel injected and is really really hard to start. I have it worked on about every third load with starting and idling problems. I'm going back to Stihl an getting rid of the Husky it's 2 years old.
They come in bigger sizes you know..


If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
I could see about four pairs of logging boots laying here with a nice gust of wind ??

Dad and I cut all the logs for our cabin and too dam much firewood to count. He had a couple old homelites and Jonsereds. Ha finally broke down and got a Stihl. Could out cut All four together. It ran for 25 years til my younger brother RIP dropped a 36 inch thick lodgepole on it. I can laugh about it now :)
Thanks for all the replies :)

I'm going to pick up a Stihl MS250 today or tomorrow. That model is their top of the line 'Harry Home Owner' model saw!
It was my post..
I bought the Stihl...Was the best choice,worked great at sea level and at 10k


The Stihl commercial line of their saws kills the homeowner version if you use it regularly, but they are much more expensive
Never owned a Husk, but always liked my Stihl 028 Woodboss. Seems like you see more Stihl dealers around, but may just be parts of the country.

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