Chadwick Ram



I was sent some photos of a Stone that was shot with Yukon Stone Outfitters that almost bested the Chadwick ram. I am not sure if it is ligit or not, but it is a beautiful ram.
Yes I did and that is a nice ram. But the Chadwick Ram is the trophy of trophys according to B&C. It is on display in Cody and greatly admired by sheep hunters. This new ram from the photos I got almost equals that ram. It measured 46x48. I am not sure if it for real or not.
I have a picture somewhere in an Album that I took of the Chadwick Ram there in Cody back in 1977 I think it was. That one is impressive.

SCORE: 196 6/8

LOCATION: Muskwa River, BC

HUNTER: L.S. Chadwick

OWNER: B&C National Collection

DATE: 1936

Length of horn: Right 50 1/8 - Left 51 5/8
Circumference of base: Right 14 6/8 - Left 14 6/8
Circumference of 3rd quarter: Right 6 6/8 - Left 7
Greatest spread: 31
Tip to tip spread: 31
Yes a large, very large stone was killed this year in the Yukon. I dont have alink to any pics but they said it was a 180 sheep. Although it is a ram of many lifetimes with horn lengths in the high 40's it will still probably score 10 inches less then the Chadwick ram.

They say it will be a top 10 head. Once again awesome ram.

The real special thing about the Chadwick Ram other than its total score is the fact that no other Sheep in the book has a single side over 50", and it has 2.......


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