CFL bulbs?


Long Time Member
So, I'm sitting here on MM and my chandelier starts making crackling sounds. I look over and theres smoke coming out of one of the 3 lites. I look under it and the bulb is still on, hasn't blown out. It continues to crackle and smoke so I go shut the light switch off. Turn it back on about 10 seconds later...goes back to crackling and smoking. I know I need to get this bulb out but is that normal for those lights? It's not one of the brands that is "faulty" made in japan. Thanks.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Not normal. Most are made in Japan or China. All are junk. Your federal government knows they are best for you. If it breaks don't inhale the fumes unless you have an affinity for mercury poisoning.

All flouro's have a ballast. It is probably something inside the electronic ballast of the lamp burning up. I'd recommend either replacement or upgrade in homeowners insurance. :)
I'm certainly no electrician, but I don't think it's the bulb. If I were you, I would replace the fixture before you end up having to replace the house!
Hell, I'm upside down on the house....burn this sumbich!! :)

I think I'll take the bulb out now and check it out. It should be cooled down by now.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Very evidence of burning on the bulb whatsoever. It may be the light fixture itself.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Might be the listening device that private detective put the fixture. If not, could be the socket. Most of the time however, the socket melting or deteriorating is the result of a hot lamp. The CFL is not going to get as hot as the incandescent it was designed for. If it is a short usually you're going to trip a breaker before it gets too crazy. If your house is newer and has an arc fault breaker this is especially the case. I'd still suspect the lamp itself.
Just found a post on a weekend electrician site posted by some dude named AyA. He writes that you may have a corrosion issue in the socket itself. Get yourself a sturdy metal ladder and a damp sponge. Steady your balance real good by keeping one hand firmly gasped onto the metal ladder and using the other hand push the damp sponge down into the socket. If you feel a slight tingle it means the socket is very dirty and you may need more water on the sponge pressing firmly into the socket until clean. Hope this helps. :)
Thanks 1911....its not 'bugged'. Although I have noticed my wife visually undressing men that wear floppy hats. I was going to ask you where you shop. :)

I'm a little concerned now. Maybe I'll throw a regular bulb in there and see what happens.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I'll give it a shot! Thanks 1911.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Regardless of what's wrong, CFL bulbs are not good for you or the environment. Soon that will be all you can buy thanks to our backwards thinking government. Two of the biggest mistakes our government have made in the name of going green are CFL bulbs and ethanol. I would buy up as many incandescent bulbs as you can before the government shuts it down.
They are not good for the economy either. The push to the 'green' politically correct nonsense has all but extinguished domestic manufacturing in this market sector. Just one more tick mark on the export of US jobs. Sad times. Soon I suppose we can all fight over fast food jobs as America steps deeper and deeper into the realm of takers instead of makers.

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