Center of the Universe



LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-10 AT 07:41PM (MST)[p]Regarding hunting where do you think the center of the universe is?

I live in Cedar City, Utah.

If you take a compass & draw a 200mi circle around your town what do you end up with?

Within 2hrs of my house there is the Pansugant ? Indian Peak ? the Henries ? Az. Strip.

And a whole bunch of really premium stuff in between like Panguitch ? the Boulder ? Dutton ? Monroe ? Fishlake etc.

Contenders I can think of are Richfield Ut. & Kanab Ut. (not really close in my mind)

Let's hear where you believe the center of the hunting universe is! (Hint it's not stinkeystompers double wide in New Mexico)

Mauna Kea. That's in Lincoln County Nv. right Mosnar? I suppose that qualifies.

150 miles of the Pacific Ocean on the west side, the rest ain't worth driving to.

yeah.....that's real cool Rus, How many tags were you able to get this year?? year??....last year???.....the next year???

"yeah.....that's real cool Rus, How many tags were you able to get this year?? year??....last year???.....the next year???"

Tags? JB... if you are the center of the universe do you really need tags?

"Center of the hunting Universe?

If Utah is the center, i'd cut the center out, throw it away, and hunt the rest!!

Though i've made close to 15 years worth of outa state trips, I've hunted Utah only two years and have never in my life been so disrespected or treated unfairly by anybody or anywhere. People turned their back on me and walked away after i inquired where i could buy gas, ignored me, and when finally spoken to, was cussed for no other reason than being from Kali.

Even after packing several miles in the dark into what looked like decent hunting country, the Pumpkin Patch was unfrocking believable at dawn, it sounded like WWIII going off everybody shooting at every thing on four legs...that was a first for me, i want no part of that.

Now, i make sure both tanks are full when i cross Utah. The place really makes me feel ill. You guys can keep It!! Never again, not me!!!

If it weren't for some nice Utah guys that i've met here on MM, i wouldn't have sugercoated my thoughts of the matter above... :)

>AT 07:41?PM (MST)

>Regarding hunting where do you think
>the center of the universe
>I live in Cedar City, Utah.
>If you take a compass &
>draw a 200mi circle around
>your town what do you
>end up with?
>Within 2hrs of my house there
>is the Pansugant ? Indian
>Peak ? the Henries ?
>Az. Strip.
>And a whole bunch of really
>premium stuff in between like
>Panguitch ? the Boulder ?
>Dutton ? Monroe ? Fishlake
>Contenders I can think of are
>Richfield Ut. & Kanab Ut.
>(not really close in my
>Let's hear where you believe the
>center of the hunting universe
>is! (Hint it's not stinkeystompers
>double wide in New Mexico)

I figured you were full of crap when you said you lived in the Playboy Mansion.

That sucks Joey---sorry 'bout that....

I always am reasonable to non-ressy's as I am a non-ressy everywhere I hunt other than here so what goes around comes around ....kinda.

I think Orderville Utah is a sweet spot but I would not go as far as to call it the Center of the Universe. But to have the Paunsaugunt in front of my house and the best archery general deer unit in my back yard on the Zion was sweet. Panguitch Lake only 20 minutes away. The AZ Strip a short 40 minutes south or so and easy access to Boulder, Dutton, Fishlake, Beaver, Pahvant, Monroe Pine Valley and West Desert all around 2 hours or less away. Also I have three nation parks within an 1 1/2 of my house.

Honestly Cedar is a great place but I would say Panguitch is better situated to be the center of the hunting territories. Not that I want to live in Panguitch because it is alway windy.

Kanab is sweet because you have the Paunsaugunt, Kaibab and the AZ Strip. But they are really far from the good general season hunting. Except the rifle deer season when you can fill your tag at the same time you are sighting in your gun at the rifle range. That happened last year. It was an awesome buck too.

Somewhere in Colorado......Meeker maybe?

As for California, In a 200 mile circle, I have access to more public ground, available to hunt, fish and shoot cannons in, than possibly anywhere in the Nation.

I can hunt almost any game animal in the West, except whitetail, "big elk" and pheasant.....assuming I could draw a tag.

I have the highest mountain and the lowest desert on the Continent, except Alaska.

Only thing bad is that it is in Ca.
I dunno in lower 48 Cody,WY maybe? Bozeman,MT? (I've just heard to much bad stuff about UT and CO.Plus they hate Texans.) I can vouch that WY people have always been nice to me even though I'm from TX.

Anywhere in Alaska.

BC Canada probably is the best for North America overall.
"It's in Alaska"

B I N G O ! ! !

If you use the hypothetical 200 mile radius, then I'd vote for Glenallen, Alaska.

Dall sheep
Mountain goat
black bear
brown bear

If you're a resident, like me, you can do all species w/o drawing a limited quota tag.

Then throw in the fishing.

T-minus 2-weeks for my fly-out Dall Sheep hunt in the Chugach (this was a LE draw).
Muskeg do you have to draw a permit for Sasquatches?

Here in TX we have no closed season and no bag limit on them but they are much smaller than yours.(We call 'em "Mediumfoots" down here.)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-10 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]MuskegMan, the best of luck on your sheep hunt.

If you're a resident of Alaska you can dipnet BigFoot 10 months out of the year. It's called subsistance hunting. I know guys who have chest freezers full of BigFeet.

I also think Muskeg is on to something. Alaska may be the center of the universe. Best of luck on your hunt.

Ell, do your friends actually process those stinking big feets?

We usually just cut the nuts off the males & roast them like hot dogs on a open fire. You can feed a family of 9 with 2 nuts. A family of 9 = Me, 5 wives & 3 kids that used to belong to my other brother.

The females... well we usually just leave them as they lay & hope the basinites find a use for them.

So.........Sage, tell us how you really feel.

Outdoor Life Mag. ranked Mountain Home, Arkansas #1 outdoor hunting and fishing city with over 4000 population. Pocatello, Idaho was in the top ten and Richfield, Utah ranked number 11. Course they didn't rate the citizens nor did you ask but Joey throw that one in cuz we are just so overwhelming when you get to meet us at the gas pump on Main and Center.

Sage-From all us hillbillies that get to live here in the "Un-Great state of utah", I hope you'll forgive us and at least drive through again hoss. Maybe you'll get to meet Roseanne Barr this time. She's one of ours and represents us better than just our average Gas and Jello Qwik Stop cashier. The smart ones, we send them out of state to send back lonesome doves. The polite ones we them lock up until they learn some manners and the attractive ones are try'en hard to make the cover of Feleno's Magazine.

Now I was thinking, if you didn't care for the folks the last time or two you was here you aught to come try our deer hunt again, now that's a joy right there, I"ll guaren-damn-tee-ya. I'll bet it's changed since you was hear last, hell, you wouldn't recognizes it.

And the pheasant, you got to give us one more go at that before you relegate us to hell. Yep, if you found us to be a slight bit, shall we say............snotty, you should slip in here for a pheasant hunt, now that's when we show our "kinder-gentler" side. We come out of the closet when that first week in November rolls around. You don't believe it? Let me prove it. Just fill "one tank" and coast into Cache Valley this fall on the first Saturday in Nov. buy you one of them upland game license at that there not so friendly Gas and Jello and just pick any old ditch bank west of town. There's a bunch of them, pick one. About 8:00 A.M. just go on ahead and start up through the willows. Man, you will meet folks and I mean right now, and talk, you will not believe the conversation your going to have. I'm just absolutely certain that your opinion of us is going to chance............ like coal changes to diamond, if you know what I mean.

Yeh, come on back, this time spend a day or two in Hildale, it's within 2 hours of the center of the universe and you'll find the folks there more outgoing and anxious to get to know ya ............... well............. anxious anyway. Course, if for some inexplicable reason, you find the Utahans at Hildale "turned their back on me and walked away" your just a city block from Colorado City, Arizona. In thirty seconds you can cross over and those folks right there is friendly, not like us utah pumpkin patchers, cuz they's from Arizona.

Well ........... we love you anyway and they's just not a dang thing you can do about that. ;)

2Lumpy, Geez, what a tempting welcome you paint, Thanks Kindly! It does though, kinda remind me of the nice chunk of cheese one puts on a mousetrap. :)

Back when these couple of trips took place, 1990 & 92 i think, the second trip was up in the Grouse Creek area next o Nev and then over closer to Idaho. I had seen pic's of a record type knarley old non-typical that was listed as taken in that area in the Records of North American Big Game Book so thought i'd give it a go.

I don't know where all the "hunters" came from, there were no large towns to be found, but the country that i found to hunt was literally crawling with people. I made the mistake of pulling over to talk with a couple large groups of mixed age guys that were gathered out by the road. They were all talking, making a hunt plan i'd guess, until i pulled up. I never did learn of or find a gas station until i limped into NAFT(sp?)on fumes.

I guess it might seem odd to some that one can get a bad impression of a whole state from just a couple visits to isolated areas, I did though...and it was very lasting. 2Lumpy, Thanks but i think i'll pass!! :)

Sage you oughta go to CO with TX plates brotha! They do not,I repeat DO NOT, like us Texans in CO.

Maybe it's because our turtles are bigger I don't know....
this cal boy has never had a bad trip to Utah been going on and off since i was a kid,,,,,,,, going back in Oct joey the hunt used to be crazy crowded its not as bad since they cut back the tags

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