Celtics at Lakers



So, what is it gonna be? Or better yet, who?

I am saying the veterans on the Celtics kick the Lakers tonight. I also predict that Phildo will be crying the blues tomorrow and Kobe will say it is not over yet?

Sorry Wiz, Kobe's dream season comes one step closer to being over tonight and the MVP should have gone to Allen, Pierce, or Garnett. Maybe even a Big 3 MVP?
i think the lakers are gonna pull it together and play like they did when they cleaned out the west.
Would it have surprised you at the start of the series that it might go 7 games?

would it surprise you that the refs, may or may not be fixing certain games so that a series could go 7 games?

That being said i've gotta say i'd like the celtics to win in 7(cause its gotta go 7 thats what the league says is good for their pockets)

-just my brain thinking outloud.


I agree. It is sure funny how the Celtics never fouled in the first 2 games and now they cannot stop fouling? Why do teams foul more on the road?
holy cow!!! i just turned the game back on and its tied 75 to 75. i dont know what is going on but i like the looks of it!
Huge Win for Boston. Not much of a Boston anything fan but sooo glad to see the lakers get beat! YES!!!

Go Sacramento Kings!
Just kidding! Ha ha ha!!!

"Never under-estimate the heart of a champion." The Celtics come back and beat, the "shoulda been" MVP Kobe! Ha ha ha!!!

What will Phildo's excuse be this time? Th refs, Kobe's team-mates, the fans? Did Jack, Dyan, and Flea not cheer loud enough!?

I will never forget the look on Kobe's face with 49 seconds left as he sat on the bench during the time out. Ha ha ha ha! Jordan would never have let that happen! A 24 point come back or what ever it was!! He he he he!
How fitting. The come-from-behind looks a lot like your MVP's jersey number. Kobe should have stuck with #8.
i am jumping ship. there is a boston force at work here that is more powerful than i could have ever thought.this is the same guys it took seven games to get rid of the hawks?
may the force be with you mr twister. i didnt think boston could pull it off but they have stepped up big time! i want to see a game 7 as long as boston can pull it off! it would be some great action
Better jump on boys.....the bandwagon only comes around once a year!! I wonder how many of you are now Celtic fans. What a joke. You know what the Laker ought to do to really piss the Celtics off? Lakers oughta lose on purpose on Sunday so the Celtics can't celebrate at home with their fans!! Ya, Ya... that would be a burn!! Lakers in 7!!

The only reason I am a Celtics fan, is because they are playing the Lakers. Had it been the Suns, Jazz, or about anyone but the Spurs, I would have stuck with the west.

7 games to take out the Hawks? Maybe the Hawks are better than your Lakers?
Those are my thoughts also ktc. I'm a fan of any one going against the Lakers.

If Boston was going against anyone else I would be cheering against them. Danny Mainge got lucky. He was on the verge of getting fired and his good friend from Minnesota bailed him out.
I'm with ktc...anybody but the Lakers and if it's the Celtics it's that much better. It's great to see the greatest basketball rivals ever, playing for the world championship again. It will never be as good as Bird vs. Magic game 7 final seconds, but it's the best match up out there. I love watching the classic 1980's games between them. I think that was the NBA at its finest.

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