Cell Phone Boosters


Long Time Member
Any recommendations or advise on cell phone boosters that work well in the rockies? Thanks.


"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
I use a Wilson cell booster in my work truck. I seem to have good luck in those bad zones. The price was around $330. I know they make even more pricey and better ones.
I purchased one. It was in the $350 category. Really doesn't do a lot. In the spotty zones, you are more consistent. But rarely found a spot that with booster I could call and without I couldn't.
I have one in my truck. It helps, lots of places I can't call with out it, but with it I can call out or use the internet. Still lots of places I can not call out but it seems to help. It is a Wilson.
How close do you need to be to the booster for signal?

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
I probably have had every cell phone booster ever made. For the average guy I don't think they are worth the money. I have them in every truck we own. We work in rough areas. I actually bought and returned one for my cabin last week that supposably should of worked on the moon. I thought it would work considering I can walk a hundred yards to the south and have good service without any kind of booster. It didn't. Then once in a while in a totally dead zone they will surprise you and work remarkably well. I would say on average they give you another 1/4 to 1/2 mile of service. I have found for relatively affordable cost versus the Wilson booster is the iridium go. Plus all texting is free and phone calls are expensive but affordable if you keep them short. Well worth the price if your just checking in with home or had a emergency. I think you can actually rent them. I bought mine about a year ago and just turn it on the months I use it. I think it's around $199 a month Maybe not cheap but definitely worth it to me and my family for the security. Plus everybody your with can share it via wifi and even share the cost. Plus they are simpler no wires cords or 12 volt required. Plus I'm pretty sure Wilson no longer exits. I think they was bought out by weboost and their stuff is not nearly as durable as wilsons was. Just my 2 cents
Just to add iridium go is $150 for 75 free min and unlimited texting. I just asked the wife lol...
It depends on what you are looking for. If you are in a area with no signal. It will more then likely not help you.If you have a weak signal and cannot make a call. You can turn on your booster and make a phone call.
My parents have the Wilson. It's nice there are in St. George. They had a problem and stop by the store. They gave them a new one. I have a different brand, I was told it was better? They both work .
There is a small transmitter the size of a Hersey bar.If you are in the passenger space, it boost your signal. In bad areas we hold ours on the back of the phone while calling.
Tailchaser, You hold the phone on a pad that is connected to the booster. you still need to pick a good location to call out from but it has helped me a lot. I have had a lot of guys that have been hunting with me go home and buy one. If you need anything else feel free to call me.
I use a Wilson and it has been great. It is exactly what it's description is, a "Booster". If I can get one bar without it, it'll give me 2-3 more. What it cannot do, is give you a signal where there isn't one to begin with.

Awesome folks! Appreciate the info. The Wilson is the brand I have been looking. Seems to offer what we are seeking. Guess we'll find out.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
I also have the Wilson that costs around a hundred bucks. Comes with a magnet mount antenna. I upgraded the antenna and I am amazed at the service I can get. As others have said it won't give you service where there is none but it definitely will boost an available signal. This past weekend I was in a place I could not complete a call without it but in the cradle I could not only make a call I could also get 3G data. I don't leave home without mine.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
My Chevy truck has ONSTAR. A 5 watt cell phone. Handheld cell phones are 1/2 a watt.

It doesn't work everywhere, but it works wellin many places my cell won't. No need for a booster if you buy a General Motors truck.
Who hunts out of the truck?

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Not really about hunting from the truck its more about peace of mind knowing we have a means of outside communications in the hills. All the other benfits are secondary.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Don't waste your money. Get a satellite phone and know it'll work when you want it. Last year I rented a sat phone and was really impressed with how it worked. I called home whenever I wanted and it worked flawlessly.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-15 AT 05:53PM (MST)[p]Maybe if I was in Alaska. I would buy a sat phone. But a Wilson Antenna is way cheaper then a sat phone. I could drive a 20 mile round trip or just plug in my Wilson and make a call, send and receive texts.For a signal good enough to send a text I only have to drive down the road. No signal at our cabin so this is a normal thing in our mountain area. You learn what peaks you can get a signal on and we even use it on our boat. Its great for mountain areas!

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