Cedar City


Very Active Member
The end of this month marks me and my wife's 8th anniversary. We live in St George and are thinking about leaving the kids with grandma and grandpa over night and heading up to Cedar City to escape the heat. I'm sure we'll end up going up to Cedar Breaks and probably over to Brian Head. Anyway, for you locals, what other things could we do around the area? Also, what resturaunts would you suggest? Thank's for the help!
Navajo Lake is really nice. Take a early morning ride across the mountain to Panguitch Lake & look at elk. You have to go through Cedar Breaks anyway.

Breakfast: Market Grill

Lunch: Parowan Cafe

Dinner: Milts or Rustys

Enjoy the time with your wifey.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-08 AT 03:14PM (MST)[p]I've heard good things about Rusty's so we went there this summer when we were at the summer games. I was not impressed.

I live in St. George too. Heat sucks. I was up to Panguitch Lake yesterday. Fishing sucks but the weather was awesome. Cedar Breaks was 63 degrees at 3pm. I would drive over to Bryce Canyon (little over an hour from Cedar) weather is nice there.
Great info guys! I'm sure we'll end up on a nice drive and check out some of the local dining. One think I hate about St George, is the lack of cafe's and diner's! Should be a good time. THANKS!
I like the road north of the P lake that takes you back thru Horse Valley area down to Red creek Res. and to Parwon then back toward Cedar City,

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