Caylee Anthony



I know this is not a CSI website ,BUT ,What are youre thoughts on what is happening.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-08 AT 09:47PM (MST)[p]

Casey Anthony's goose is cooked....and she should be too. Only a fool thinks she is innocent. I wonder how innocent the grandparents are??

Poor Caylee can now be properly buried. God rest her soul

Yep i've been watching this with great interest since the beginning. looks like they found some pretty compelling evidence on/in the garbage bag yesterday and once the DNA test comes back in a week on the skull that should about seal the deal. Casey and the parents are all pretty sick individuals
Casey is colder than Scott Peterson. Put them together in the gas chamber. (after a fair trial, of course,:))


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
It is looking like the grandparents had something to do with the cover up or something. They police took a bunch of stuff out of their home as evidence. Poor little girl...who could do that to a child?


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