Castles - Elk



So, I purchased the topos for both the Rattlesnake and the Castles and, in the event I dont draw the Breaks archery, I'm leaning toward the Castles for our mid-September hunt. Castles look a little more tolerable on the legs, alot more accessible, should have plenty of surplus cow tags and have much better success rates. Need a little help. The plan would be to pull the camper some 2100 miles to about where FS 581 meets FS 211 and setup camp, between Checkerboard and Bonanza creeks. From there looks like decent country both east and west, good ridges and holes to work. I'd imagine the roads are road-hunted quite a bit there, so we'd be hoofing it past the mile mark. Just want some reassurance that it wont be a totally blown license/cost/week-offa-work trip, and that the area I'm looking at is as decent as anywhere else. It'd be a meat-hunt, with the hopes of taking some bones home.
Footnote question - how's the muley hunting up there?

Thanks to all,

LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-11 AT 10:19PM (MST)[p]Could be good,depends on weather,people,ect.If there are elk in the vicinity you will have lots of company,the best hunting in that area is on the private surrounding the FS,lots of outfitter pressure.

"I actually agree with NONYA on this."
Hope you get guys that post their comments here, because I'm considering something similar if I don't draw the archery 799-15 permit for the HD 700's. I'm looking at the Castles and the Crazys. My old spots in the SW are getting overrun with wolves & grizzlies. When you call for elk, there's no telling what will come in and I'd rather not deal with a hungry griz that's expecting a free meal.
Griz, funny you say that - that's what put a damper on my Crazys archery hunt last year - Lots of guys from all over western MT looking for new hunting grounds. Seems to have pushed the elk up high and over tops. Seems that the majority of them were road/walk-in scouting, not really archery hunting. 5 or 6 days of hard hunting and we caught a glimpse of one bull passing thru up high. On the flipside, one group of three Pennsylvania nuckleheads (like me) pulled into campground where we were about 8:00 am. My buddy from Missoula was there visiting me while me & hunting partners were in the mountains. They got camp set up by noon, drove to a cut line, walked a mile up a cut line, stuck a bull as he followed a cow across it, cut it up, packed it out, broke camp and headed for home by 8:00 pm. The kid that shot it said it was 330 - 340, but my buddy said it was a SOLID 350 - 360 bull. From the cell phone pic that he showed me - I saw a solid 350 - 360 bull also. Hows that for $#it Luck!

Good luck to us on our LE draws! But guys- keep the Castles info coming! Probably gonna need it.

My buddy's family comes out from Wis. and hunts them during the archery and rifle season,they have killed a couple small bulls during rifle but never connected with a bow,heard lots of stories about people who had no business being up there.One guy last fall who set up on a waterhole they were already on,set up decoys and sat down with his 2 DOGS!They take mountain bikes,sounds like a pain in the ass to me.

"I absolutely had my head up my azz "

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