cast Iron



OK I need some help, HOw do you season your cast Iron? I know how to do it for Dutch ovens but I don't want to go through the whole bakeing thing with my cast Iron skillet. So please give me some suggestions for seasoning a skillet...

You can Greas'er up like you would a
Dutch Oven to season, then put it on
a Grill/Pitt that has been cooking hot.

In all honesty, the best way to season a
Skillet, is to fry good'ol stuff in it.

It'll get pretty darned seasoned after about the
fourth batch.

That's what I'd do. Start Frying in it.......

A quick Google search came up with a ton of tips. If it's a new pan, make sure you scrub off any coatings that might be on it first though. If it is an old skillet, simply re-season it.


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