Casper vs Cody Antelope


Very Active Member
Its coming down to the wire and we are still on the fence. I have never hunted Wyoming so we decided to hunt from a motel on our first trip. We have 3 points and we were going to hunt unit 73. While we were in Utah for the hunt expo we met the owner of the buffalo bill hotel and saloon in cody and thought it might be fun to go there. If you were going to hunt from a motel, would you rather hunt from Cody or Casper? We will need to go special draw to get the tags around Cody with 3 points. I am not sure if I would put in 80 or 78, both look like good units. I think I would enjoy the museum in Cody but I wouln't mind learning some of the country around Casper either. We would also like to get doe tags as well, availability of doe tags could influence our decision. Any thoughts?
I'd go to Cody in a heartbeat for a combined hunt/sightseeing trip like you're talking about. It's a neat town and the BB Museum is a two day ticket just to take your time and see all of it. Casper would probably be the better hunting area for goats, but the scenery is nothing like the mountains around Cody.
Cody to sight see.
Casper to hunt.
Cody to sight see and hunt.

I think that covers it, just as Topgun mentioned.
Cody is much better sight seeing. I'd go there and have a fun trip vs Casper - not that Casper sucks by any means as I enjoy the areas south of there on my trips through the state every year.

Have fun and good luck whichever way you go. Wyoming antelope hunting is a great time no matter where you go. Fresh air and western skies!
Ton of stuff to do in Cody area. Casper I don't care for, darn wind never stops.
I am sure we will have fun at either place but I am leaning more towards Cody. My hunting buddy will fill his tag the first day, he has no patience. I have only made it to day three on a goat hunt so it would be fun to explore the Cody area the rest of our week there. I checked Yahoo maps and they are both 17 hours from home taking completly different routes. The Cody directions take you through Yellowstone, could be fun or could be a pain I guess. I have a friend in northern Idaho so I may go around the park one way. I am going to apply on Wednesday so I will need to make up my mind soon, thanks for the input.
I have been looking at doe/fawn licenses for 78 and 73. It looks like a type 6 in 78 is highly sought after. 10 tags for hundreds of applicants. Type 7 has 189 tags with only a few first choice applicants. I had trouble finding the hunt discriptions to tell what the difference was. I have read back post but I still haven't found the answer I am looking for. do you have to start the application process to veiw the hunt descriptions?
Type 6 are good for the whole unit, Type 7 are only good for a part of the unit. 73-7 are good east of the Bucknum Road 125 and 78-7 are good in the Shoshone River drainage.
I hunted 78 last year. Not many animals, too close to Cody. I always go thru the park. If you're just driving thru its real easy to get a ticket. They were checking with radar on my way back at 2:00 am.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-13 AT 07:50AM (MST)[p]>I have been looking at doe/fawn
>licenses for 78 and 73.
>It looks like a type
>6 in 78 is highly
>sought after. 10 tags for
>hundreds of applicants. Type 7
>has 189 tags with only
>a few first choice applicants.
>I had trouble finding the
>hunt discriptions to tell what
>the difference was. I have
>read back post but I
>still haven't found the answer
>I am looking for. do
>you have to start the
>application process to veiw the
>hunt descriptions?

***Go into the G&F application section and click on Antelope. Then you can click on season dates and it will show each unit with the license types and restrictions, if any, and opening date for the season for each type. Here ya go:
We looked hard at 78 and 80. 78 has a lot more BLM to get around on than 80 does. As far as doe tags, look at neighboring units too. You could get your buck tag in 78 and shoot does in 80 if the draw odds are alot easier.
I would like to thank everyone that replied. We applied tonight for 73 (Casper). After our hunt we will head for Cody and spend a few days exploring and visit my friend in Idaho on the way home. It was a tough decision but ultimatly we are coming to hunt and the idea of seeing hundreds of goats is appealing. If you asked me yesterday we would have applied for Cody. We were just short on points to get those tags in the regular draw and the extra cash influenced our final decision. Thanks again, Jim


My 2012 Oregon Antelope


Mikes 2012 Oregon Antelope
Sounds like a great decision to get the best of both if you have the time and a few extra bucks for the gas to get down there and back up to Cody. That is one whopper of an antelope you got in Oregon last year. I hope he's on the wall at home as he must be easily into the 80s?
Lots of character in both those bucks. I have 17 Oregon points I'll probably use in the next couple years.
I think you'll have a great time in Wyoming with the plan you have.
I have been on a dozen or more Wyoming antelope hunts and I have to say that they were all fun adventures. Good luck on drawing. It sounds like you have plans to make the best of your trip.
My Wyoming antelope advice is have your buddy hide your bullets for the first few hours so you don't shoot the first decent buck you see. That extends the fun!
I hope he's
>on the wall at home
>as he must be easily
>into the 80s?

I just got him back from the taxidermist. I missed the local sportsmans show were I could have gotten him officialy scored. I will get him scored in the future, he might make 80. He is a tick taller than the 78" buck I got in Oregon 12 years ago.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-13 AT 00:24AM (MST)[p]My dad, buddy and I hunt antelope out of cody in unit 80 a couple years ago. And we had a great time in cody. The hunting was ok. But cody is awesome.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
I had one spotted for ya in the cody unit. sadly to say I let this pig walk away during hunting season.

only cause my tag wasn't good for the area. I only cried for 20 minutes


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