cartoon from the 40's

Thanks Manny, I posted this on my facebook page.


1 Corinthians 2:2

You have posted some really off the wall stuff over the years and I have had as much sport with you as anyone.....but that little cartoon is a homerun manny. Anyone on this sight that actually watches it and thinks it is untrue and is not happening is either a moron or a socialist or both.

Keep it up manny.

nobody else is gonna say it so i'll say it for all of us,
we love you manny!

I guess I'm gonna have to be the one ol' stick in the mud.

While the video's message is fine, I have my doubts that it's a product of 1948. The first thing I saw to provide that doubt was the photo of the black kid in the classroom and the script that went with it.

Harding College -- the supposed producer -- is/was a bible college in Arkansas. In 1948, school and other segregation was still a way of life in the South. So pushing the lack of racism as a freedom doesn't seem too likely, IMO.

Also, several other terms used during the video were newer/modern than those that would have been used in 1948.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
without noticing anything that Tony saw, I too had my doubts about the 1948, that video just seems way too correct to have been made 50 years ago.
>I guess I'm gonna have to
>be the one ol' stick
>in the mud.
>While the video's message is fine,
>I have my doubts that
>it's a product of 1948.
>The first thing I saw
>to provide that doubt was
>the photo of the black
>kid in the classroom and
>the script that went with
>Harding College -- the supposed producer
>-- is/was a bible college
>in Arkansas. In 1948, school
>and other segregation was still
>a way of life in
>the South. So pushing the
>lack of racism as a
>freedom doesn't seem too likely,
>Also, several other terms used during
>the video were newer/modern than
>those that would have been
>used in 1948.

>How To Hunt Coues Deer

well your first mistake is, is for entertainment, I couldn't care if is from the 40's or not I thought it was kool....I'm sick of politically correct people, that's what let that waco slip thru the crack at FH??
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-09 AT 10:51AM (MST)[p]Good points Tony. I too had my doubts. The statistics they quote however match for 1948 but the terms "class warfare", "race hatred" or "religious intolerence" would have been very progressive for 1948, though I am sure they did exist and were used in academia. The rhetoric seems a little too convienent as well. However, I did a little research and shows this as originially being released in 1948 and as being directed by Hanna and Barbera. So it looks legit.

As far as the content, I find it very humorous yet straightforward and somewhat self-contradictory. The "isms" they speak about as being so bad had already been infused into US politics and culture to a great extent and were the focus of many debates, newspaper articles, and boardroom conversations - the message is not trying to . The cartoon warns against a utopian fantasy that the "isms' would create, specifically pointing the finger at the USSR. However at the same time, by shunning these "isms" the cartoon proposes its own utopian ideal of the "great American dream" where freedom creates a perfect balance between labor and management and between industry and politics.

While I agree wholeheartedly with the premise of the cartoon and its greater message, I do think we need to take it for what it is worth - highly stylized propaganda that pushes a specific and exclusionary agenda. After all, if we truly have freedom, shouldn't we be allowed to partake of the "isms", even though they may ultimately harm us? And if we truly are seeking balance as the cartoon suggests, shouldn't some of these "isms" exist to a certain extent? Or does one drop from the vial poison the whole system? Definitely gives us a lot to think about.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I guess I am a simpleton but it appears the cartoon has a lot of truths but is overall just a part of the "Red Scare" mania that was growing and dominated our culture in the late '40s and early '50s-culminating in ruined lives,blacklisting, and Sen. Joseph McCarthy's witch hunts. Even in those times,Sen. McCarthy's tactics were so egregious and shameful he fell from the public eye in disgrace when his hearings on "Un-American Activities" were televised.

History's lesson:One cannot curtail freedoms in the name of protecting them. Thoughts,ideas,and associations are best examined in the light of day with Americans free to engage in them as they wish.In that way their merits/demerits will become apparent and they will rise and fall based on their value-and not because the State forces one view or another upon her citizens.Communism ultimately fell under its own weight in the face of the spread of democracy without the necessity of Armageddon as many had presumed.The Founders knew all this when they drafted the Constitution granting ALL freedoms to the people-with the only exceptions being those that threaten our ability to secure ourselves both as a nation and individually.

I am both a social and fiscal conservative but realize that if I curtail the freedom of my brother to disagree with me in the marketplace of ideas or dictate his actions when they pose no threat to me or my country then I am not really holding true to the American way at all-I have just become what I purport to detest.Just like Sen. McCarthy. Just like many are doing today.

"Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

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