caribou hunt



Looking for a great caribou hunt for me and some buddies. Looking for hard horned, trophy potential, two bulls, good price. Any help on where and who to go with would be greatly appreciated.
Haven't seen a lot of Bou guys here. I would try bowsite. They have some hardcore Bou hunters and they seem to know the places to go. Just don't tell them you plan on using a gun!
I did alot of research last year looking for a caribou hunt for my father and I. I chose central canadan barrenground caribou due to the fact that they are the least migratory and there are very few outfitters for them compared to barrenground or quebec-labrador caribou. I, after many phone calls and hours spent, will be hunting the in NWT with Adventure Northwest this Sept. 16-23 for hard horned white maned bulls. Wish me luck. Any questions feel free to pm me. Mike
Hey bucknwy,if you are looking for a great mountain carbiou hunt you should look into LANCASTOR FONTANA OUTFITTERS out of British Columbia Canada.If you are looking for a good Central Barrenground Caribou hunt you should look up Barry Taylor of Arctic Safaries.They are out of yellowknife,NWT.Barry was the first outfitter in the NWT and runs a first class operation.The barrenlands are an enchanted place and is a hunt of a lifetime.As for a good price remember you get what you pay for.You will pay around 5000 for a caribou hunt.This includes tags for two caribou,wolverine,wolf and fishing.Also there are some hidden cost's such as tipping,export fee's, trophy fee's etc so the cost will rise some.Hope this helps.
Hey deerslam hope your trip goes good.You picked a good week to go.The later the better because the migration will be going good.Plan on seeing lots of caribou,cbg grizzly and northern lights every night.Pack lots of warm clothes and make sure they are water proof.We seen everthing from pouring rain,to blizzards to 5 foot waves crashing over the boat.If you are like me and are just a working stiff i would sugest you buy every tag you can.If this is going to be once in a lifetime hunt you may as well spend the money because it will be your only chance.We had guys in camp that only bought 1 bou tag and no wolf or wolverine and they where dissapointed when they shot there bou on the first day and there hunt was over.
Thanks muzzy125.
I'll have two bou tags and tags or license for anything else that walks, swims or flies (except for grizz of course).
I have looked into that mtn. caribou hunt with the Lancasters, Stan calls me about every 2-3 months, but it is a heck of a lotta money for us workin stiffs. Someday maybe.
Deerslam thanks for the info. Let me know how things turn out. Sounds like a blast. I will keep in touch with you.
Back in '98 the Mulchatna herd in Western Alaska was the hot herd to hunt.
You used to be able to take two bulls.
It was one of the most enjoyable hunts of my life.

Last fall I went to the NWT and hunted with Courageous Lake Caribou Camps. My dad and I both got 2 bulls and one guy in camp shot a wolverine. The group before use got 1 wolf and 2 wolverines. Everyone in camp tagged out and I was lucky enough to get a booner. It was an awesome trip and would highly recommended it.
Thanks for all the info. It helps a bunch to have a site like this. I could not imagine trying to sift out all the hunts in books or online. Any one do a D.I.Y. drop camp? Is it worth paying more for the guided hunt? All the work does not bother me just making sure I have a good hunt is the most important.
Very nice Caribou!
Esp. the double shovel bull.
My hunt in Alaska was self guided too.
Moosies site is really cool!
With all the ugly ramblings by obnoxious people here as of late, I think I'll be spending more time over there.
see ya

Sounds like you did it right. Do you think there is a possibility of a group being successful (surviving and having a good time) without prior Alaska experience on a trip like that or am I begging for trouble?

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