Caption needs improving, do your best!



>Are you trying to give Homer
>another heart attack?

Oh yes - bestiality and racial sterotyping. So funny. Ha ha ha ha ha.
>>Are you trying to give Homer
>>another heart attack?
>Oh yes - bestiality and racial
>sterotyping. So funny. Ha ha
>ha ha ha.

You always make a habit of shooting the messenger?
>>>Are you trying to give Homer
>>>another heart attack?
>>Oh yes - bestiality and racial
>>sterotyping. So funny. Ha ha
>>ha ha ha.
>You always make a habit of
>shooting the messenger?

This is Sparta.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-10 AT 04:04PM (MST)[p]"And I thought Roosie O'Donnel had a big camel toe"!
Is that what you call hung like a camel"?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

The Love Swing.....haven't thought about one of those since we took R&R in Bangkok, Thailand years ago.
>>>>Are you trying to give Homer
>>>>another heart attack?
>>>Oh yes - bestiality and racial
>>>sterotyping. So funny. Ha ha
>>>ha ha ha.
>>You always make a habit of
>>shooting the messenger?
>This is Sparta.

Okay LOL
School has been temporarily canceled in Fallujah until further notice, when it was discovered that the drivers ed/sex ed vehicle came up lame.

There is a possibility that a substitute teacher, named Homer will arrive from the States, to handle sex ed, but since he only has a goat......drivers ed will be put on hold indefinately.

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