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Long Time Member

So i said, "Yeah, but do you have any mounted deer heads?"

Just in case Obama is re-elected!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Boy, is my wife gonna be pissed when she finds out what I bought at the Pawn Shop THIS Time!!
"The public was shocked this morning, when firemen were forced to kick down the door of New York Mayor Blomberg's condo, when smoke was reported coming from a basement air vent".

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Sageadvice casts an eerie, thinly veiled warning to those on MM who make jokes about his family and his blowup doll. ?

Neighbors who were interviewed said "Joey" was a quiet guy who kept to himself and rarely came out of his basaement.
"High atop the High Country Tune Up Command Center....."


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]Surf porn or go to the range, surf porn or go to the range? Choices, choices, choices.
What my home office would look like if I hit the Lottery.
I'D like to know what that gun is on the far right, with the long barrel-I want one of those!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 09:28PM (MST)[p]Looks like a Browning M-2 .50 caliber machine gun, however I would like to have one of our Army/USMC brethren to confirm it. The one that scares me is the olive drab tube behind the one you speak of, I think that is a shoulder fired TOW missile (hopefully it is just the empty tube and not one that is loaded), that thing will reach out 2 plus miles and has the ability to be steered by the operator.
Nope.. thats a 20mm..notice the flash suppressor?...keeps you on the ground after you touch it off....
Long gun, I didn't notice the flash suppressor, the rest of the body looked like a M-2 to my untrained eye. I was an aircraft maintenance guy in the USAF, not something I would have seen on a regular access.

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