Canning Block Ranch NM


Very Active Member
Has anyone out there hunted this ranch? I noticed there was a post on Jesse's about the place next door (Preston Stone) that had a buck harvested in excess of 91. Matt Larson runs the hunts there. Was curious if anyone has been there or know someone who has. This place is 20 miles NE of Capitan.

I hunted this ranch in 04. There were three bucks that Matt thought were shooters. The buck that I took was the second largest and he net scored 80 3/8". I saw one that was much larger but his left horn was broken so I decided to pass. Even with the broken horn I believe he would have scored close to 84". If you have any other questions p.m. me, thanks
Thanks Don,
I saw the photo of the one off the Stone next door and you knew the area had the genes to produce good ones. Matt told me more and more have moved from Stones on to the Block. He told me he has 2 spots open this fall. He wants 2K, no guide, but you get to stay at the hunter lodge. Does that sound reasonable for the quality of hunt? Jim

I do not know a thing about the hunter lodge as we stayed in Capitan. We paid $1500 for tags no guide in 04. The pronghorn go back and forth between ranches. The chance for a B&C goat are there, but upper 80" probably not. Easy ranch to hunt and glass, see if he will let you scout prior to hunt. He usally has people from Texas hunting so ask what happened to them?

Hey Don,

Would still love to see a picture of the buck. Did you try [email protected]? I'm not sure what is going to happen to those tags at this point. Seems to be some things brewing at the ranch. I only have one spot left this year with my antelope hunts and was thinking of picking up Matt's tags. The spot I have is on a ranch south of Tucumcari. We took an 84 6/8ths net on it last fall. Its posted on my website at Jim

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