Cancer is fungus.....



Cancer is fungus
by Dr. Tullio Simoncini

this guy has successfully treated cancer unlike kemo and radiation, this stuff won't speed up the dieing process...

Among the many books that try to give an answer to the problem, the one given by the oncologist Tullio Simoncini distinguishes itself by its simplicity and its innovative ideology.

The book ?Cancer is a fungus? describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping. The growth of the fungous colonies, together with the reaction of the tissue that tries to defend itself against the invasion, causes the tumour. This is a simple and solely extracellular phenomenon.

Therefore, there is only one cause of cancer: candida, which, according to the anatomical branch concerned causes different histological reactions. This is the reason why there are so many types of tumours.

At the moment, sodium bicarbonate (in a solution of 5% or 8.4%) is the only remedy capable of making the tumours disappear completely. In order to get the maximum of damaging effect, the sodium bicarbonate should be brought into direct contact with the tissue. This can be done by bringing a special catheter into the arteries that go to different organs, or by using the conventional endoscopic methods.

read more about fungi get the book
>WOW! How cool is that????
>Who would have ever thought.......

A guy by the name of Doug Kaufman for years has been preaching that very same thing and he got the idea from what he had seen himself and another world renowned physician name A.V. Constantini. Do a google search on Kaufman and find his web page, you can learn alot if you're interested in your health and the fungus connection.

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