Cancer came close to home...



LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-07 AT 12:37PM (MST)[p]I just got back from San Fran Sunday night, got a call last Wednesday from my niece, her mom my sis, was taken to the ER for severe body aches, they took a blood test only to find Leukemia in the blood, they said she was gravely ill, if she didn't begin treatment she had at best a week to live!...

my sis said she just wanted to go home and die and not do treatment, well Saturday we went down to pray with her and for her, her white blood cell count was around 90,000 and the red was like 200 (I'm not an expert on the cell stuff soooo) an hour after we prayed with her, her white blood count went down to 20,000, she then decided to do the treatment, if any of you know what that means, its a week of intense Chemo, which results in allot of vomiting and nausea, your immune system disappears and her organs can shut down.

Well Saturday they began the chemo, 1 1/2 hours after chemo she ate a huge dinner, Hmmmm... so I went in to see her, she told me she had a dream while treatment was going on, that she said to God "I've made some deposits into your Kingdom, I now need to make a withdrawal" she said after she said that, a hand appeared with a huge ziplock bag and said take as much as you need as she was reaching in she woke up...

Today I just got a call, the cancer is gone and her blood is perfectly normal, is this a miracle? Well if you know what the success rate of Chemo is, you would say YES!!!!
With God anything is possible. God Bless Manny.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
My honest opinion is that the stupid doctors mis-diagnosed the problem, or got a bad set of blood test readings. The real miracle is that she got better even though the doctors were trying to poison her with Chemo. God indeed works in mysterious ways, and I'm happy to hear that everything is on the mend. I've always said "stay away from doctors, they'll only kill ya and bill ya".
It could be a miracle. Chemo is not fun. Last year I was diagnosed with hodgkins disease at the age of 27. Im now 28 and Cancer Free. SO FAR! I went through 6 months of Chemo and 12 sessions of radiation. I fought through it. Archery Elk hunting and going through that crap was a fight but I proceeded to go on. God Bless your sis and may she stay healthy..

We considered the misdiagnosis, but we intend to put her on Graviola an herb that kills cancer cells, it's killed all the tumors in my old man three years running and he chose not to do chemo...

but how do you explain not getting ill from the chemo?
She's either real tough, or else God's goodie bag has some neat stuff in it. Either way, it sounds like she's doing alot better. I hope she makes a complete and full recovery. Good luck, and our prayers are with you and your family.
After all this I would have her get a second or third opinion. Cancer can progress undetected until it is too late. My father was diagnosed with Lymphoma in July and passed away in August. I am a religious man but logic tells me to have her see other doctors and get another opinion. Opinions won't hurt anybody. This just doesn't sound right.
Manny I pray it was God that came to her and healed her cancer that would be awesome. Congrats to you and your sister. God is great!!!!

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