Canadian Travel


MtnHunter (Guest)

I'll be hunting in Alberta in Sept. and I was curious about the passport situation. I know that there are firearms declaration to fill out , but is a passport necessary. We will be flying into Edmonton airport. I would like to here from someone who has some experience in this situation. I realize that the passport is not required but will we be held up extensively in customs without one.
Having a passport will expediate things for you. Otherwise, you will need to have photo ID and original issue birth certificate, which you may not want to carry with you. With a passport, all the customs and licensing and firearms declaration will go quickly. Hope this helps some.
Also get a Customs form 4457 from US Customs either before you leave or as you are leaving the US so you can get your firearm back into the US.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-04 AT 08:54AM (MST)[p]Listen to the advice of Kilbuc. We have gone to Canada to hunt geese for many years but since 9/11 getting our firearms back into the U.S. has been a real pain. This past fall the border agent wanted to know how many shotgun shells we fired. The Canadians are a pleasure to deal with but coming back into the U.S. is often miserable.
You should be aware that the Canadian officials will take your name, address, make, model, serial numbers, etc. and share it with the BATF here in the USA... if you dont mind this, go for it. Personally, I have decided that I would rather hunt in a less "big brother" environment.

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