Can you do it?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-10 AT 02:32AM (MST)[p]I only could do it for 12 seconds til I started rubbing my head...yes I timed myself lol!!

I mean rubbing my "tummy" as you call it...


I heard 1911 was trying to rub all the 'hurting/aching' parts yesterday but couldn't cover them all?}>}>}>}>}>
I only lasted 30 seconds...I guess I was rubbing the wrong head?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
No I'm not drunk,I gave that crap up long ago.

I was watching TV,and they did a segment on it, at which point in time 45 and I both had to try it.LMBO

( anything posted after 2am I take no credit nor no blame) :):):)
I thought it was pat your head and rub your tummy? Either way, yes I can do both. I think the lobotomy helps.
I can button my shirt with my tongue....does that count for anything ??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I think NVB does that multi-tasking thing,rubs both places with one hand at the same time!
I am still trying to figure this out!!

No I'm not drunk,I gave that crap up long ago.
I was watching TV,and they did a segment on it, at which point in time 45 and I both had to try it.LMBO

( anything posted after 2am I take no credit nor no blame)

So if you and 45 were doing (IT) was he rubbing your belly and you were patting his head? or was he patting your belly while you were rubbing his head? I am so confused! Maybe I got (IT) I forgot the other 2 hands. ok help me out here you were watching TV segments. 45 with both hands was trying (IT)? But what was he trying? You indicate you both had to try IT. What is (IT)? You indicate they did a segment on (IT) What is (IT) I give up dose this mean he was trying (IT) or you were trying (IT) or were you starting to drink (IT) again.
I think (IT) pretty much explains its self, If not all those ideas are a great start, for any ones imagination. :):):) LMBO

NVB now you have made me curious!!!;)
>I heard 1911 was trying to rub all the 'hurting/aching' parts yesterday but couldn't cover them all?}>}>}>}>}>

This is a perfect thread for B Bop A Bozo. It matches his IQ at 88!

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