Can you combine too many foods?



I'll admit i like all of the mentioned foods, but may-be not all at once!

I took Lime Jello and added Vienna weiners and mini marshmellows before it set, in a lovely jello mold, to the Wed night poker game. Kentucky Fried Chicken drumsticks and Hersheys Kisses are ok in orange Jello also. Serious giggles!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-07 AT 10:33PM (MST)[p]Yeah, right after the duck call practice session!!!

thats the only way that sounds good!
I will give anyone on mm A 100 bucks if they take a burger with everthing on it, one beer and mix in a blinder. Get a shot glass, fill it up with the mix. If you drink the whole thing and not puke. 100 bucks is yours. I will need proof on video posted here.
Gila, that doesn't sound too bad, in my mind, its going to look that way in my belly.

I may just try that this coming week off!! no hundred needed.
Damn i can catch a fish when i try. I missed in my post that you need to swish it around in your mouth for 10 sec. but if you can do it tag your on. Dont forget we need to see it posted right here.
Yea, beer and a burger sounds good up front.......but I got to believe, blended and swished is going to create some serious SPEW!

I'm sticking with my Jello creations. Jello has no odor.
Just fed my 8 month old turkey and beef dinner. Looked like a blended bass. Makes me cringe! Speaking of combining foods...have you ever put cottage cheese on your corn? (not on the cob) It's good stuff....don't knock it until you try it!
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
I lost one of the best hunting partners a guy could ever have last year to cancer, GRHS. He did all the cooking after i once fixed us a quick meal of canned chili beans, corn, and new potatoes, all in one pot. Hey, what's the matter with that? yum!

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