Can the Pats be beat???



The Patriots are a great team but can they be beat? I think they can. I think they will lose a game this year. I hope it's not just wishfuly thinking either. But, I believe that the Steelers will be the team to put an end to their un-defeated season. What's your opinions?? Can they be beat??
If its the steelers that do it, it would be the last game of the season, would they even try too hard if that was the case? Yes to keep a perfect season, No to rest up for the playoffs.

i believe Buffalo has the best chance, stranger things have happened.
I hope it's Buffalo. But I have a friend on the Steelers. It's not their last game of the season. They have three more games after they play the Steelers. I guarantee their starters will be playing and they will definitely try to win that game.
My bad, i must not have seen the whole schedule as i do now, thanks. then the steelers still have the best chance, but i'm looking for the bills to sneek in and steal one from them!
So does Don Shula, he's already asking for the *....cause of spygate. He's scared some one else will have the perfect season.
I know huh...I wonder how long it will be before all of the 72 Dolphins come out of the woodwork too??
4 more wins and they start popping up like little weeds.
I can already see them, sitting by the tv, watching nervously, wanting to call the press conference to cry about the cheaters.
It will only take one coming out then the rest will jump onto the bandwagon.
ALL TEAMS have people looking for the other teams signals.
Their last game is vs. the Giants. If the Giants defense keeps it up, I think they will be the team to beat the Pats. I dont think Brady performs well out of the pocket and there havent been many teams that have pushed him out. He also seems to lose a little confidence after getting pounded, which also hasnt happened that much this year. The Colts put pressure on him, and should have won the game. Umenyiora and Strahan are the best chance to get after him consistently. The Giants also have a Moss comparable in Burress. If Eli was more consistent, I think they would be the NFC team to beat right now. Not that Im complaining. . .Im a Cowboys fan!
The Pats have beaten the Jets, Chargers, Bills, Bengals, Browns, Cowboys, Dolphins, Redskins, and Colts. Most of these teams are among the worst in the league. In fact if you through out the Cowboys and the Colts (two quality teams that they did beat), their opposition has a total of 25 wins and 36 losses. Only time will tell if the Pats are as good as they have looked so far.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-07 AT 04:23PM (MST)[p]MortgageMan

I am a big Steelers fan. Have been since the early 80's (right before all the bad years). Who it is that you know on the Steelers?

Brett Keisel. He is one of their Defensive lineman. We played college ball together.
30 much for your theory about the Colts not giving another one away... can you say...all-time record holder in interceptions...S-I-X and don't be trying to blame it on Viniteri.

The Pats can easily do just what the Chargers did...beat themselves. The Chargers are a mediocre team and they had mediocre stats against the Colts and any team in the NFL can have a bad day.
if they hold together, no major injuries, and continue playing the way they have been, i think the cowboys can probably hang with them. they did for 3 quarters before, but there is 4 quarters in a game. of course, the only way they can play again is to meet in the superbowl. that would be just fine with me. as with peyton manning last night, everybody has a bad game every now and then. i think tom brady's is coming up.
I hate to burst your bubbles...but they haven't beaten the Dolphins, yet. If you haven't heard, the Dolphins own the Pats, 5-2 at home, including the Superbowl years. I think that is since Belichek showed up, but don't know.

And the "fins" have this new RB...Ricky somebody.

Seriously, if they get a few injuries (like the Colts did) a team changes dramatically...not that I think that would matter.
>I hate to burst your bubbles...but
>they haven't beaten the Dolphins,
>yet. If you haven't
>heard, the Dolphins own the
>Pats, 5-2 at home, including
>the Superbowl years. I
>think that is since Belichek
>showed up, but don't know.
>And the "fins" have this new
>RB...Ricky somebody.
>Seriously, if they get a few
>injuries (like the Colts did)
>a team changes dramatically...not that
>I think that would matter.

Dont forget, the 'Fins" have something the Pats dont....JOHN BECK!! :) I hate the Pats, so I hope they finally get beat!
The Eagles played the Pats tough. I think its just a matter of time now before they are beaten. Andy Reed layed the blueprint for beating the Pats. The Eagles just made some dumb decisions and got some dumb penalties too. Time will tell, but I think that the Pats can be beat by the right team on the right day.
The 'invincible' tag certainly has been removed. The Pats were dang close to losing to a team that won't even make the play-offs. The Pats have been 'exposed' by Defensive Coordinator Johnson.


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