Can someone tell me why!!!!!


Very Active Member
why the HE!! do the dumb freakin bicyclists get to ride in the middle of the road!!!! i cant tell you how many times they have almost cause me to crash coming around a sharp turn or over a hill and wam bicyclists in the road and a car coming the other waty! these stupi idiots think they own the raod i am so dam sick of it!!! half the time the idiots i see biking on the roads when there is a bike trail jus toff the side of the road yet they choose to ride the dam road! why is it ok for these idiots to ride a bicycle when a 4 wheeler cant even go on the road and we have to register and pay taxes on 4 wheelers. im so dang sick of it. these idiots stop and and leave there bikes laying in the road and stand there. when thye could easily get off the road!

sorry had to vent almost got in a wreck cause of them today! i think this is a bigger pet peeve for me than everyone out puttering around on 4 wheelers bow hunting.
i for one think it should be illegal for a bike to cross the white line! anyone else agree?
This is definitely one of my pet peeves.

Wait till you get about 10 of them. Then they really get stupid.

They wont go in single file. They wont pull over to let traffic go by.

With you on this one OX.
In my vehicles it's an automatic $10 bucks to anyone that doors the stupid basterds!
Its even worse to eye rape a long haired shaved legged bicyclist from behind and then find out it has a goatee or beard when you try and go around.

Ya run em off the road. lol


Nets are for fish!!
Laugh if you want.
But I've got a Biker story.
I was going to Blanding once.
About 20 miles before I got in to Moab I comes upon a GEEK on a bike.
Traffic was wall to wall & I just didn't have a safe pass.
The GEEK could'of moved over 6 feet but oh Hell no!
So's I pull's up right on him,yes you could say I was drafting!
Guess he got tired of it,He flips me the Birdie.
That's all it took.
I finally gets around him.
Dropped her down in to 6th gear at 20 MPH.
And let him Draft behind me.
Yes,it would be fair to say that poor Bastard inhaled!
Try having the Amgen Tour of California come right through your town and they shut down the damned roads. The only bright side of it is you get to see Lance Armstrong eat a little asphalt every now and then. :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Not a fan of bikers! Another story: Im going to the next town with my old man. (hes 60 by the way but tough as hell.)anyways we come up on some bikers. There is a 6 foot shoulder and this one is clearly in our lane just being a dink so the old man honks to get him off the road. He flips us the bird after we go by. My old man locks the brakes up and stands his truck up on its nose. He jams it in reverse in the middle of the highway and stomps it back towards this biker. The biker stops and trys to back peddle but were about to him so he just jumps off his bike and picks it up and jumps the guard rail and runs into the bushes. Im laughing my A off meanwhile the old man is ready to whip him if he wants to come back out of the bushes. Pretty funny, lucky for him he ran and hid.
LAST EDITED ON May-22-10 AT 08:41PM (MST)[p]haha funny stories guys! glad you guys have this same dang pet peeve nothin ticks me off more!well seeing how you guys all get the birdie to they must flip it alot. i always felt special when i got one to flip the bird but guess i should feel to special
why are they even allowed on the roads? i wonder how tuff those guys are ive been tempted to xtop and stir chit a time or to but dont know if those guys are solid muscle or just solid leged basterds. prob wouldnt wanna get kicked by one is my guess but id sure like to woop on one or two here and there when there being idiots.

they shut the road between enterprise and st george off every year and it pises me off! i dont get how they can get away with it!

i wanna get them outlawed from state roads and highways.

my step dad drives truck and he bought a air train horn to hooke up on the passenger side so when the idiots dont get off the raod he can wail on it. hasnt got it on yet but cant wait. ive been wanting to chip my truck mostly for these idiots so i can smoke em out when i need.
andy after seein that i thnink i can tak em! ill just follow them til after they get to the top of a huge hill and they are drained from the climb!!
I cringe every time I pass them on the steep narrow hills around our place. There is barely enough room for a car/truck. It's a death wish for them I guess. If something goes wrong, guess what buddy? I'm going home that night, and you're not! Good luck!


"I was beginning to lose my stomach for guiding, finding that the hunted were often more noble than the hunter."
Jay Hammond
I agree with you ox, down here in southern CA bicyclists are all over the place and as far as I am concerned if someone wants to ride a bike that's fine but stay the hell out of the traffic lanes. Some of them seem to think that they are above the rules when it comes to traffic laws that we have to observe when we drive cars yet they want to share the same roadways. Another thing is many have real attitudes to go along with the pretty little outfits they love to wear which by the way is very wrong on many different levels..
Easy there guys! Maybe you would like them to have some respect for all those redneck aholes driving huge trucks blowing a thick black smoke pulling their ATV's and hunting gear up to their favorite camping spot. After all when they get the wrong impression of you trying to run them off the road they group all hunters in the same category and may just look at us a little differently when it comes time for giving their opinion on a matter that may affect our hunting rights.

I am a road biker and I have had my fair share of jerks on the road that drive too close, throw things etc, etc. Like it or not we do have a right to be on the road. Sometimes a cyclist may not be hugging the shoulder because of road debris and the risk of getting a flat by riding in it. That being said I typically ride right on the white line and always get over as far as I can when I hear cars coming up. I also agree that many DO ride out into traffic, especially when in a group, when they shouldn't.

The reality is it isn't a perfect situation for either the cyclist or the driver. Cyclist do lame things at times as well as drivers. Just remember, the car you are driving will always win and could end in the loss of a life if real mistakes or mis-judgments are made.
Hey alp. You ever seen what 3 un-eaten double cheeseburgers and fries from whataburger will do to a biker when their all wadded up in a bag, and you pass him at 60 and try to throw him some grub, cuz you know that poor stickly bastage is hungry? I even stopped to see if he needed help but he didn't really wanna talk. So I just got back in my 3 mpg, diesel guzzlin, greenie eatin ford and just drove on. Poor guy had legs the size of my wrists and must have been a cross breed between between a japanese and an ethiopian. Guess he will think twice next time he waves with his middle finger.

BTW..... when I lived in Boise Idaho I ran them somebeeches off the road every saturday and made sure I donated a heavy box of donuts to them dudes everytime I drove by. ROFLMAO!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
If they are respectful and move over as far to the right as possible, I will go as far to the left as possbile and slow down for them.
If it is one of the A-holes that feel they are driving a car, I like to let them know that my mirror is the same level as their head when I go by them, while I'm laying on the horn.
I want some sort of high pressure washer that I can direct out the side of my truck so when I drive by them they get a good shower just before they hit the dirt.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

That's funny!

All I can say stinky is that you'd better be careful who you are tossing a bag of garbage at. Especially if you plan on stopping to "help" afterwards. I know a lot of those guys who could make a ton of the arrogant douche bags talking trash here look really stupid.

It's all basic courtesy, cyclist shouldn't be running down the middle of the road and drivers shouldn't be running them off the road or throwing chit at them because they make it a little inconvenient to pass on a narrow mountain road.

BTW stinky, my calves are most likely BIGGER than your thighs and I guarantee I could hike you into the ground. But you are just waaaaay too into yourself to think that some dumb cyclist could stand up to your silly actions.

I happen to be on both sides of the fence. It sucks trying to pass on a narrow mountain road when you are pulling a big load and it sucks to get ran off the road. Honestly I mostly ride the narrow mountain roads during the week so I don't have to deal with the traffic and the jerks (funny how the cyclists are the jerks when I am driving and the drivers are the jerks when I am riding).
We had a developer here in town back in the good ol' days that got pissed at the city so he cut all the trees off his property one weekend. A few days later he's heading out of town and some guy on a bicycle flips him off as he passes. He anchors it and backs up, running the guy over breaking one of the guys legs.
Cops told him to calm down and not do it again.
LAST EDITED ON May-23-10 AT 05:35PM (MST)[p]alp if you really are one of the ones that move over that is great i dont mind that. but i dont believe you shoukld be driving down the narrow windy mountain roads. its a death wish i have came around turns several times to have bikers right there and a car coming the other way. luckily i was able to slam the brakes hard enough not to kill the dumb bikersb in the middle of the road. liucky for him i wasnt towing anything or he would have been roadkill.. i think its stupid and ridiulous and such a horrible traffic hazard to have you guys out there. ive been in 4-5 close calls the last few years with these cyclists.

that being said i do dont mind the gyuys that actually move over. but those are rare to come by. 99 percent of the ones i see are smack dab in the middle of the road and wont move over they expect us to slow down to be able to get passed them, its dangerous,ignorant and plain stupicd/ ive had guys stopped by there cars or whatever standing in the road like they own it. why not have the smarts and decensy to move over to the shoulder when you are just standing there?

alp with the many bike trails all over why not use those? i have seen many many times a bike trail off the side of the road yet the idiots decide to drive in the road instad of using the bike trail . why is that? is it an ego thing. its plain stupid to have such an ego on a little piece of aluminum. i dont know how many times ive had the bird flipped at me but it sounds like im not the only one!
>AT 05:35?PM (MST)

>alp if you really are one
>of the ones that move
>over that is great i
>dont mind that. but i
>dont believe you shoukld be
>driving down the narrow windy
>mountain roads. its a death
>wish i have came
>around turns several times to
>have bikers right there and
>a car coming the other
>way. luckily i was able
>to slam the brakes hard
>enough not to kill the
>dumb bikersb in the middle
>of the road. liucky for
>him i wasnt towing anything
>or he would have been
>roadkill.. i think its stupid
>and ridiulous and such a
>horrible traffic hazard to have
>you guys out there. ive
>been in 4-5 close calls
>the last few years with
>these cyclists.
> that being said i do
>dont mind the gyuys that
>actually move over. but those
>are rare to come by.
>99 percent of the ones
>i see are smack dab
>in the middle of the
>road and wont move over
>they expect us to slow
>down to be able to
>get passed them, its
>dangerous,ignorant and plain stupicd/ ive
>had guys stopped by there
>cars or whatever standing in
>the road like they own
>it. why not have the
>smarts and decensy to move
>over to the shoulder when
>you are just standing there?
>alp with the many bike trails
>all over why not use
>those? i have seen many
>many times a bike trail
>off the side of the
>road yet the idiots decide
>to drive in the road
>instad of using the bike
>trail . why is that?
>is it an ego thing.
>its plain stupid to have
>such an ego on a
>little piece of aluminum. i
>dont know how many times
>ive had the bird flipped
>at me but it sounds
>like im not the only

Those mountain loops and roads are the ones I enjoy the most. The Alpine Loop, Nebo Loop, the Mirror Lake Highway are among my favorites, but your point above is the exact reason I don't ride them on weekends and I usually leave early in the AM so that I only see a few cars the whole drive and rarely a big truck pulling a trailer.

I am not sure why some cyclist prefer to ride the road rather than a bike trail (I am assuming you are referring to the paved trails up many canyons). I personally prefer the trail to get me off the road (and higher risk)and out of the fumes. I imagine that some of them choose the road due to low speed limit on those trails (10-15 mph) and or congestion of others such as roller bladers, walkers and joggers (sometimes with kids). Personally I would ride the trail as much as possible. I also avoid as much as possible the really busy roads and prefer rural areas with less traffic.
Here in Oregon we bend over backwards for the bike riders. We add bike lanes and widen roads so they have room. But STILL they find the need to ride on the few roads that are not widened for them. It is on these roads that when I come across one I see how close I can get my mirror to them. LOL
well alp i must say you seem like a cyclist that is easy to get along with.(i dont mind the guys that hug the shoulder and are courtious) i dont have a prob with people riding there bikes but when they become road hazards i dont like it. sounds like you take the necesscary precautions to avoid as big of hazards. i just really dont waanna kill anyone and the unfortunate part of it is,im not swerving into the car coming the other way, the biker is gonna get the full force. i just wish most cyclists would be a bit more courtious and a little smaller egos when they think they own the road.

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