Can McCain win ?


Very Active Member
I know the odds are against him, but what would it take ?

Obama hasn't really breezed through the primaries, but he's posed to wrap it up soon.
As I see it, McCain has a few advantages that Hillary couldn't exploit.

#1 Experience. Hillary tried, but let's face it, she has very little experience herself.
A lot has been made of Hillary?s recent commercial showing a sleeping child in the suburbs, and noting that if an emergency arises at 3am, she has more experience than Obama. McCain should make a commercial almost identical, only with McCain and his 50+ years experience answering that 3 am emergency call. Perhaps ending the commercial by noting that McCain had been serving his country in the military for three years already the day Obama was born.

#2 Liberal
Hillary couldn't make any headway by accusing Obama of being a ?Liberal?. Not so for McCain. He has solid centrist/moderate credentials. He could and should frame the contest as between a moderate against a far left wing liberal and use Obama own voting record vs his own to do so.

#3 The economy
During the primaries, Obama has gone on record suggesting a lot of new spending and middle class tax cuts. Force him to explain how he would pay for it without raising middle class taxes. McCain hasn't suggested any new spending (that I know of).

#4 The war
McCain?s biggest weakness might be used as a strength.
I know polls show everybody wants out of the war, and that's what Obama promises, but how is he going to do it without creating a bigger mess.

Not that McCain has much of a chance, but if he did, I think this is what it would take.
I honestly believe McCain will beat Obama. For exactly what you stated Conda. Also Obama is banking on the youth and first time voters heavily. No candidate has ever won when relying on this group. They are typically to lazy to put the hash pipe down and vote.
Kid gloves are on right now with Hillary. The Republicans are not so whimpy. They will "Swift Boat" (which is code for tell the truth about a Democrat) Obama like no other.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
To be real honest... Im worried that McCain will pass away in office, he just dosn't look real healthy to me...

So I want to know who the VP will be before I can decide on anyone.
How could saying Obama is a liberal hurt him? polls show a good majority of Americans want a dem in the whitehouse, that means a liberal.

Things in Iraq are far from great, more bombings in Baghdad today, Bush says he can't promise any more troop pull outs which means Iraq can't hold it's own without them. since the war is unpopular and not done by any means Obama stands the most to gain .

The real problem McCain is going to have is when the debates come, Obama will cow kill him.

Many Americans are concerned about his age.

The economy and high gas prices may not be all Bush's fault but since McCain is more or less Bush III don't think Obama won't use it against him and once again bring up " change"

McCain is toast.
The polls show Americans want a democrat. Run the same poll but use the word ?Liberal? instead of democrat and it's a whole new ball game.

?Things in Iraq are far from great?
Hillary couldn't ask for details because she had basically the same plan, a blank piece of paper. Not so with McCain. Once Obama?s plans are spread out before the public, can you say ?Buyers remorse? ?

?The real problem McCain is going to have is when the debates come, Obama will cow kill him.?

Your right about that. Still Bush won, twice, and nobody thinks he's a good debater.

Come on dude, we've both been wrong before. Don't you think McCain has a teeny tiny chance ?
The only chance I can see for Mccain is if a major scandal were to come out on Obama. Hillary has probably done her best to find that and so far no luck.

Bush is an awful debater for sure, but McCain is just as bad and his age makes him seem senile, I'm not saying he is but it's easy to write him off as old grandpa who's not with it anymore. Obama is as smooth and quick as a mono rail salesman.

Unless the war in Iraq looks as if we can bring troops home and put it behind us before the election McCain is in big trouble. if the economy stays slow and the money we're spending there looks as if it could be of more use domestically he's in huge trouble.

McCain has a chance , about as good as my chance at drawing a sheep tag this year I'd say.
> The economy and high gas
>prices may not be all
>Bush's fault but since McCain
>is more or less Bush
>III don't think Obama won't
>use it against him and
>once again bring up "

So, your gonna vote for McCain because he's the best for your pocket book.......But he is "Bush III" ? Does that mean your gonna vote for McCain yet complain everyday about how he's ruining the country?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I ain't voting for McCain because his old lady looks like she put her eye liner on with super glue. Besides it's a non-debate right now. The majority of America is just thinking "someone please help us outta this mess" of course that could change but I doubt it!

Huntindude, congrats in advance for the sheep tag you are drawing this year. :)

Obama has almost won the dems primary, but, he has not won yet.

I really think if McCain does not screw up somehow he can take this election regardless of how fed up the majority is with the republicans.

I think the Dem majority in congress will hurt them not help them.

There are a lot of people in this country that will hesitate to vote for Obama because of his color and whether you believe it or not there are plenty of reasons to justify not voting for him.

I would not feel that confident in obama, just as I dont feel that confident in McCain.
I think the "Dark Horse" involved will have a say if McCain will beat Obama. That dark horse is Hillary. If she fails to drop her bid for the democratic candidate in the next few days, you will see her pull out all stops to backstab Obama in order to beat him. This can be his downfall with a portion of the democrat voters and others who have not made up their mind. she is in a "insider" position to know his weakness better then McCain and can bring forth information that could damage him and allow McCain to expand on it for his benefit in the general election.
The next few days will tell if Hillary drops out and trys to bring the democrats together, or if she fights on and causes a big rift. What you have seen so far from her, is just a small taste of what she is capable of doing.
I have mentioned before about infro. given me by a agent who has sources in the white house security staff, and he stated that it was common knowledge, during slick willie's term, that Hillary was known as a very vindictive "#####" that would stop at nothing to get even with someone who interferred with her political ambitions. Obama better watch out if the democrat leaders fail to rein her in and work towards uniting the party.
Gets more interesting everyday.

The democrats are well aware of what Hillary could do if she won't quit if it gets down to the point she should. it sounds to me as if they're ready to deal with it should it come to that.

Hardway after more thought about the fact that up to 3 supreme court judges are likely to be replaced in the next 4, 8 years for sure I will vote for Obama. it could take years to have the chance to moderate the court again, while the tax issue is a MAJOR concern to me avoiding an overly conservative stacked deck in the supreme court is more important. Obama would nominate moderates who lean liberal, McCain would nominate far right whack jobs to pacify those who say he's not conservative enough. look for this to become a major issue once the general election debate starts, and in Obama's favor.
Dude are you sure you're not a woman?;^) You stated just a short while ago you'd vote for MCCain and now you're flip flopping.... maybe you had better enter the race!I still think the old man will win it by a nose! In the end the R card will be too big and Obama won't be strong enough to overcome it!
> Hardway after more thought about
>the fact that up to
>3 supreme court judges are
>likely to be replaced in
>the next 4, 8 years
>for sure I will vote
>for Obama. it could take
>years to have the chance
>to moderate the court again,
>while the tax issue is
>a MAJOR concern to me
>avoiding an overly conservative stacked
>deck in the supreme court
>is more important. Obama would
>nominate moderates who lean liberal,
>McCain would nominate far right
>whack jobs to pacify those
>who say he's not conservative
>enough. look for this
>to become a major issue
>once the general election debate
>starts, and in Obama's favor.
LMAO.You crack me up dude, just cant make up your mind can ya?You can rest assured if you vote for Obama cause you'll shurley have someting to complain about. Should'nt you be out brandin calves or something :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Obama has already gone on record that he will be appointing supreme court judges that are like Earl Warren. Earl Warren was noted to be a very "liberal" and a noted "activist judiciary" in his term as the supreme court judge. You may end up eating your words if that is the style of judges you want on the supreme court. That is the style of judge who "makes laws" and not just interpert them as set down in our constitution.
This is one subject you really need to think about some more before you make your decision on who you vote for.
If you remember a while back, I myself stated that I would be giving a look at Obama to decide if I voted for him. I have given him a good enought look, that he scares the crap out of me and I do not want him as my president. His ideals concerning the economy, the U.N. leads me to believe that he is far too left and not the moderate he protrays himself to be.

I still maintain that McCain cannot win because there will not be enough Republicans casting votes to overcome the Dems.

This campaign and it's players have put the GOP to sleep......and they don't have a wake up call scheduled till 2012.
202 I'm not flip floping I'm deciding, if we all knew who we were going to vote for we could have had this over with already.
McCain has a GREAT chance of winning over either dem candidate. In fact I will be suprised if he doesn't win. If hillary wins it's a sure thing. Obama will be harder to beat but once the truth starts to come out about his liberal positions and shady business dealings he'll lose.

By the way I am not a fan of McCain, but I do enjoy freedom so I will support him.
" 202 I'm not flip floping I'm deciding, if we all knew who we were going to vote for we could have had this over with already."

WTF..............LMAO :)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
>>>but I do enjoy freedom so I will support him.

And that right there is the biggy! McCain will win!
I'm late on my 2 cents as always not that anyone cares, dam work always gets in the way. I liked your post Conda, some good thinking their. Yes I think he has a chance to win. I think it is very limited most of the country wants to distance theirselves from Bush.
RELH Your right on supreme court justices and that does concern me. In my opinion we do not need more Judical Activist judges with their own agenda's. I really only think you will see two justices go off in the next 8 years. This is actually a fairly young Supreme Court. Obviously the Federal District and Circuit and Appealate courts will have a great number of new justices which might be activists.

Percentage wise I would give him a 30% chance. I might add your ideas on how to run the campaign are perfect I'm sure much of that will be used in the McCain campaign plan.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-08 AT 07:02PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-08 AT 06:45?PM (MST)

Hillary is so freaking smart .. she knows that she isn't going to be elected POTUS but she is banking some serious power in the senate right now. Honestly, the general voting public is tired of the negative press that the neo-cons are generating. I don't think McCain has a chance in heck. So here is my prediction!

Obhama wins by a comfortable margin.

Hillary get's appointments in the senate that make her the most powerful woman in the world.

Rush Limbaughs ratings go way up.

Republicans regain control of congress in 2010.

Life is good for a couple of years.

Jeb Bush runs for president in 2012 and wins.

Things go to hell in a handbasket for another 4 years!

Caroline Kennedy is elected POTUS in 2016. Things are good again!

Rush Limbaugh passes quietly from a perscription overdose.

ClorideRUS shoots a 420 bull and croaks with a smile on his face.

The END!

I think the democrats are going to see the lid open on "Pandora's box". The news just announced that Hillary has taken the Ohio primary and the primary in Texas is within 2 percentage points. This means Hillary will increase her attacks on Obama and bring up anything that will cost him votes, including issues on the econonmy, foreign matters, and his lack of experience. Obama on the other hand is now seeing that her attack issues are working and will go on the attack himself and do everything to undermine the citizen's trust in her.
The democrat primary will go down to the wire and it will get very very dirty before it is over. McCain has won the GOP primary and will be massing his forces for the general election. This will go to his benefit.

Does look like she's going to win Ohio, but the experts say she needs to win both states by 63% to stay in the race due to the delegate system. the dems say if she does go more negative on Obama they'll turn their back on her, if that happens she'll cut her own throat for the future. she still could do it, we'll see.
If it was any other democrat canidate, they would listen to their party, I have doubts that Hillary will listen. That woman is so power hungry that all or nothing may be her way to go. I think she has the frame of mind that to her, if her party pulls away from her, she will feel that she does not owe them any allegience and will go all the way if there is any glimer of hope.

Looks like she won TX, 202 must have voted for her.

She didn't win by the margin she needed but she did win, I agree she'll press on.
This is gonna be fun now. Regardless of how the Dems side turns out, tonight I think that McCain was the big winner, and not just of the Republican nomination, either.
I agree with you. The dems are going to ingage in a bitter mud slinging fiasco that will help McCain in the general election. He needs to get smart and select a VP that will be accepted by a majority of voters. He has that matter with Keaton savings & loan that will hurt him in CA. with a lot of senior voters that lost money in that swindle by Keaton. But, Hillary has worse baggage and I think things will come out from the Clinton camp that will hurt Obama. I look for Hillary to use surragates to leak things on Obama so she can deny personal involvement. Crap! she will blame it on Karl Rove and the GOP.

The one sure thing is that the next few months are going to be very entertaining.
I suspect that Hillary will take the gloves off now and her real self will begin to show. By June or July, she will not look very "Presidential" even to the most diehard Democrat.

This is a scary woman and "Hell hath no fury", is going to take on a whole new meaning.
I don't think she looked presidential in her comments this morning. But then again neither did McCain, I really feel sorry for him when he tries to talk.
That endorsement with bush today was pathetic....I'm no bush hater but McCain isn't going to be helped appearing like that with bush.

Well, there all poloticians which means they are liars. I dont really like McCain but if voting for him means it might stop either Hillary or Obama I'll vote for him. I was thinking I might do a "write in" this year, but that would just be a vote for the dems. The cost of a anti-gun pres is just too high.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-08 AT 10:35PM (MST)[p]The newest poll shows Hillary beating mcCain by 6 points, Obama beating him by 12. you better hope the dems kill each other because that's McCains only window of opportunity, no competition.
Let's just put it this way, If the Dems do not beat McCain and win the whitehouse this year, they might as well pack it in for 10 or 15 more years. The best the Dems can offer will enter the real race neck and neck with McCain. With the way the economy is turning as of late and all the bad press the Repubs have gotten with the war, the Dems should be alot worried they can only manage a dead heat entering the stretch run!

Dude, polls right now about an election eight months away are meaningless. Remember, LAST WEEK the polls had Obama winning Texas. Eight months ago some polls had Rudy winning the GOP. Polls said Obama would win New Hampshire just days before Hillary won it.
>Let's just put it this way,
>If the Dems do not
>beat McCain and win the
>whitehouse this year, they might
>as well pack it in
>for 10 or 15 more
>years. The best the Dems
>can offer will enter the
>real race neck and neck
>with McCain. With the way
>the economy is turning as
>of late and all the
>bad press the Repubs have
>gotten with the war, the
>Dems should be alot worried
>they can only manage a
>dead heat entering the stretch

Huh ??????????

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Now McCain is being blamed for sinking the 2004 Boeing air tanker contract and opening the door to the French Air Bus company to get the deal. the loss of 44,000 American jobs is going to be on his head, I'm not saying it really should be but the heat is on him in this morning's news. he's got some 'splaining to do.
Like I have said, McCains honeymoon with the press is over.
They are going to blame him for everything from the Asian Tsunami to Lindsey Lohans booze problems, just like they do to Bush
What's your point? that stuff is Bush's fault.

McCain had a big hand in Boeing losing this contract, he took credit for it in 2004 so he can't deny it. there is more to the story but in the end Boeing lost and that's what will be remembered. maybe they didn't deserve it I can't say but either way it's not the kind of thing he's wanting to talk about. people are starting to lose their sense of humor about exporting good paying jobs, even worse when its tax payer dollars.

On that note did you see where the US Navy contracted their uniforms out to a Chinese company? it's probably saving some money but that just seems wrong.
what do you guys want to do?? subsidize everything so someone somewhere doesn't lose their job??
Is it really a subsidy? if that money stays in the US economy and circulates over and over being taxed each time it might pay back what ever extra it cost to do business here at home. once that money goes to France or China they may very well loan it back to us but that's hardly as good as keeping it here working rather than in the form of debt.

Besides I'm I just believe in buying American first anyway. cheapest isn't always cheapest. McCain mat be the first of a bunch of politians to learn more Americans want their money spent in America. if it hurts him in the election the other monkeys might learn from his mistakes.

If this doesn't make sense yes I probably have had too much to drink to be arguing.

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