can i still score my Antelope



On October 9th of this year I shot my first pronghorn. I decided to try and do a European mount by my self. I have seen my friend do it a couple of times and it came out nice. A few days later a guide friend of mine came over to see my antelope. When he saw the horns his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He said it was one of the biggest antelope he had seen in some time. he put the tape to it and came up with a ruff score of 87 inches. But he said he wasn?t sure if I could get it officially scored because I had already boiled the head and loosened the horns.
Does any one know if I can still get it officially scored?
Yes it can still be scored. For Boone&Crockett it has to go through the 60 day drying period and then they can be scored. Pronghorn horns can be scored off the skull because there is no spread credit added to the final score just the length and circumfrence measurments and then the deductions from both sides. That is the best way to score them is off the skull.
Once your horns are mounted back on the skull permanently B&C in most cases will not score them because some are known to stuff the horns to make them swell to gain a higher score so if you are wanting to score them by B&C standards leave them off and let them dry for the required period.
Now if you are scoring them for SCI(Safari Club International)you don't have to wait for the 60 day drying period, they can be scored green which in most cases there will be less shrinkage and you will have a higher score. That is a plus with SCI scoring and another plus is there are no deductions like B&C so your buck will be given full credit for all inches of horn scored.
If an animal scores in the top ten in SCI records then it will have to be scored after a 60 day drying period. You can contact SCI or B&C to find who is an official measurer in your area. Hope this helps.

B&C allows scoring of antelope with the horns off the cores.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
>B&C allows scoring of antelope with
>the horns off the cores.

Correct. That is the prefered method.
B&C has no rule against scoring mounted pronghorn. If the horns have been obviously stuffed they are unacceptable. The length is sometimes very difficult because of the hair and the taxidermist's knife. They will almost always score better unmounted.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
i am new to the forum and appreciate you guys helping me out. i have some photos but they are not that good. i dont have any field pics i only have pics when we were skinning him. i will try post them.

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