Can I archery hunt if I draw a Controlled rife tag?



I am a non resident and I am not sure what the rules are. I am wondering if I can archery hunt on the unit that I draw a deer tag on. If I can, what do I need to do(take archery course etc...)?
You can do it but you will be competing with the rifle hunters, there is no separate season for archery on a controlled rifle hunt.
70 and 78 are the only controlled hunts where you can hunt archery before the rifle hunt. I think the original email was talking more in the way of how Wyoming does it.

To answer his question it is no. If you draw a controlled rifle tag you cannot go during the general season archery hunt (provided there is one). You can hunt with a bow during the rifle hunt dates though.

I think the bugler has it correct, if I understand the question. However unit 70 and 78 are not the only units in the state like that. 11a is the same way, could be more units.

I actually think it is a good thing. The hard-core archers will never put in for the rifle hunt. The deer or elk will be a little stirred up before the ultra mags show up... The success rates are low for archery. keeps the opportunity up and the competition down for the tags.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-10 AT 06:44PM (MST)[p]if you havnt had a archery permit in idaho not sure if your state you have to have one or not. If you dont have one in your home state you will have to take a bow course contact fish and game.


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