can a .222 be rebored to something larger?



i dont know anything about this kinda stuff.

a friend has a remington 600 mohawk .222
could this barrell be rebored into something larger?

what about the action, could it be used for another caliber if i replaced the barrell?

also, does anyone have any opinions on this rifle?

your advice is appreciated..

mississippi boy.
I'll ask why also. The .222 Remington was and still is among the most accurate cartridges in the world. mtmuley
On that bolt face .223 is about it and that's not worth the effort. those rifles have a enough value he'ld be better off trading it for something he wants.
i just hate agreeing with Dude but he is right. That rifle is a classic....
i just dont have any use for .222 and i was curious about reboring it...

what would this thing be worth?

mississippi boy.
Only a guess, but it might even take away from the value since you rebored for something else. Then too it might add, will let the other experts give their opinion on the subject like RELH.

if you're looking for something diffrent you're best bet would be to look for a new take off barrel on eBay or someplace and have it screwed on. Like mentioned above with out opeing up the bolt face and rails you're pretty limited to what you could do with it. Everything based on that case head is pretty much a varmint rifle and nothing really diffrent than what you have.. You could become slighly 'rifle looney' and build a a 300 wisper. I have one of them on my wish list. Totaly worthless but something not many people have. :D
thanks for the advice guys. i reckon ill just leave it alone..maybe let the wife take whitetails with it.

mississippi boy.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 11:45PM (MST)[p]leaving the 600 in the original condition is a good idea. I have seen them selling for a premium at guns shows if all original and in good condition. I can not see changing it to a 223 cal. because both calibers are very close ballistic twins.
As to used value. Good condition is about $460.00 Excellant condition will bring about $ 750.00 in .222 caliber according to my "Gun buyers guide".


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