Camp Practical Jokes



Anyone like to share some practical jokes that they pulled on their hunting buddies or neibors that they camped next to while they were out hunting. I am getting pretty pumped for the up coming season, and I feel a little humor just might settle my nerves. Look forward to hereing about some.
i will dig a hole undeneath my buddies steps of his trailer cover with cardboard backfill a little after we harvest and have a few to celebrate.that way the next morning we have something to laugh about.oh yeah taking the you no what from a bull or buck and putting it on one of their winshields or stove of trailer.tying electrical wire to their drivelines the night before opening morning the ol can of beans in the fire always works some blue food dye n their beer always has them wondering what the hell is going on the next morning. also putting a cowboys butts drive me nuts bumper stickers on there bumper will really get some laughs until they figure it out
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-08 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]Buy this stuff and squirt it on your buddys gear each night after they hit the rack.


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