Calling Elk


Active Member
For those of you who don’t call but still hunt with a bow how hard is it to get on animals. I really want to start hunting elk with a bow but can’t call worth a lick. If we don’t end of hunting deer this season we will do a elk hunt. Have to decide between bow and rifle
I don't call. Spot and stalk is the way to get it done, especially early season. If you have a call, throw that puppy in the garbage and get out and hunt! killed my cow this year in August without calling. They really aren't that responsive (depending on where and when) during the archery season anyway. You can almost count on calling in another hunter before you call in an actual elk.

Or you can do what they do on Youtube... drive around, shut the diesel off and throw out a couple raspy bugles and see what responds! bound to catch you a road hunter... or two!
I can only speak to Colorado as far as calling during bow season. Cows are vocal all the time, but you have to be fairly close to her them. They will answer and come to calls, especially when they are alone. Bulls get more worked up the later it is in the season. You want to learn to call. Get a video or cd and some mouth reed calls and practice. There is nothing like having a bull come to your call or having the forest around you light up with half a dozen bulls screaming at you. It’s not hard to learn. Get a few blow type mechanical cow calls. You never know which call may get an answer. Have a squeaky calf call. A lost calf can get a lot of attention.
Pick up a few diaphragms in different types and sizes and see what works in your mouth. Rocky MTN calls are the ones I like. Put in code RMEF its 20 percent off I think. Watch Corey Jacobson on youtube or whatever. Drive to work, practice each morning, only annoying yourself. Before long you won't sound like a drying rabbit. Like everything in life it takes time to be good. Or buy a Primos hoochie mama like all the lazies out there, actually do not do that. Its only Jan by Sept you will be pretty good.
Learning to cow call is pretty easy and probably the most effective call. Master that first and then start working on the bugling. Bugling is great for locating but cow calling gets bulls in close more consistently in my experience. Being able to call is what makes bowhunting elk great!

(Great info on how to get started in the above posts btw)
Calling is one strategy or tool of many. And so is still-hunting, spot-and-stalk, etc. Each tool has it’s time and place. I don’t hunt without ALL the tools at my disposal, and choose the right one for the job. Learn to call. It’s one tool and maybe the most fun.
Personally I normally do alot of calling combined with spot and stalk. I like calling more though. There are hand calls that are pretty fool proof anymore that work amazing. As said before cow elk talk a ton to the point where they are almost annoying lol, so don't be afraid to just cow call a ton.
Cory Jacobson was mentioned (great elk hunter) -- also google Rocky Jacobson, (Cory's Dad) he has an amazing you tube vid that is great for beginners.
I guess by my monster muley name callsalot it tips my hand on what I think of calling. Everyone here is right to a certain extent! I made calls for some of the biggest sporting chains for eleven years. Calling has become more challenging due to the competition of so many hunters calling. However we still see plenty of bulls taken every year by calling them in. My advice is learn your tools, if you want to be a caller than be one and learn the art and the strategy. I have friends that are successful as callers while other prefer spot and stalk. For me it's always the calls and figuring out how to make them work for me every September.

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