Calling All Fellow Fatso's


Active Member
Alright. I really need to lose some weight.

At the risk of boring everyone, this is my background. 37 years old, used to be very active (hiking, biking, lifting, etc.), played small time football in college, have spent a fair amount of time in the gym and my weight has always fluctuated in the past (staying relatively lean has always been a challenge).

The latest fluctuation has been up and I am at an all time high (235). My problems are: I am not as motivated as I have been in the past, I currently have no fitness goals, good diet but drink too much, not enough cardio and am often tired because I now have a 4 month old. Keeping the weight off is also in general harder because I am getting older.

Six years ago I had a sheep hunt in Alaska (very good goal), worked out religiously, watched my diet closely and even gave up the end of my sheep hunt I weighed in at 197. So - I can do it...just need a little help.

With the number of outdoorsmen (and women) we have on MM I am sure others would like to lose some weight as well. So lets help each other out with: motivation, encouragement, shared tips and accountability.

If we have enough interest I would like to do a biggest looser type format. This is what I was thinking - initial weigh in January 1st and then subsequent weigh ins on the 1st and 15th of every month. Everyone can PM or email their weights and I will post our progress (or lack thereof) a few days later. Not sure of the best way to post - maybe work up a link to a spread sheet or a word document that I could easily cut and past? That can all be worked out I am sure.

For now I am just throwing the idea out there to get a sense of interest. Maybe it's a gay idea and no one will want to participate. Hopefully we will get a bunch of folks that are serious about losing some weight and will want to participate.

Other random thoughts. Honor system will be used. We can also post personal end goals in the spread sheet. Some of the fitness gurus can help with related 'advice'. Maybe wrap up the contest 9/01/2010 (what i feel is the official beginning of hunting season). Slow steady weight loss is the way to go, 8 months sounds good to me and should be enough time for everyone to reach their personal goal.

Please keep the replies positive. If you are in great shape and don't need to lose weight, good for you. If your goal is to bench press 500 pounds and gain 100 pounds - have your own contest. I realize tracking body fat would be a better way to go, but it is not practical in this particular case.

Again...the main objective of the contest would be - encouragement, motivation and accountability. Personally my goal is to get to 205. That is a good weight for me if I am lifting on a regular basis and it is an attainable goal.

So - lay it on me, anyone seriously interested in participating? Good idea, dumb idea? Whatcha think?
This is what I am talking about.

2003 on a hot Alaska day, a smidge under 200, felt great and could hike all day.

Just recently. Feel like crap, drink too much, always tired and get worn out walking my dog. 235 pounds of fatty under that fleece jacket.
Old at 37?
I don't think thats a very good excuse.
So what kind of drinks are you talking about?
Alcoholic drinks or non-alcoholic drinks?

I gave up Mt. Dew
I haven't had to drink one yet
And it's been a year since I stopped
The same goes for alcohol
I don't touch the stuff at all
And I used to drink 'Till i dropped
Those were tough this is easy
and it feels so good to say
Forgetting Dew is not that hard to do
I've done it a thousand times a day

Friends said it'd take some time
To get the Green Can off my mind
They thought I'd never let it go
Well I guess I proved them wrong
One more Good habit gone
Just like the whiskey and the smokes
Those were tough this is easy
Well I'm all right yeah I'm okay
Forgetting Dew is not that hard to do
I've done it a thousand times a day

I've given Dew up for good
Just like i said i would
The night I walked away
Forgetting Dew is not that hard to do
I've done it a thousand times a day
Yes I've done it a thousand times a day

I will admit,there's nothing better than a couple cans of Mt. Dew per day that are chilled to almost freezing conditions,but I gave it up,I did break the rules a little this year with friends,one of the female members here at MM made me drink a few Coca Colas while having fun with friends on hunting trips,We were hunting,rules change while having fun with friends.
I did not say I was old...I said older and its a fact that as one ages your metabolism slows.

What kind of drinks? Mt Dew? Seriously? I am talking about beer...I love beer, all kinds, I dont discriminate. I would never drink a mt dew because it has too much sugar.

The post was not meant to make excuses or solicit advice...I am well aware of what needs to be done.

I am sure you are 4% body fat after finally winning your lifetime struggle with Mt Dew ya down as a no.
I'm battling the same scenario right now. I've been doing Crossfit for almost a year and even though I feel stronger than I ever have, I still weigh the same (240lbs). I can hike all day, I don't really get tired, I just want to shed the ugly body fat. Last August I did a hydrostatic test and the results were 22.9% body fat!!! How do I get rid of it? My trainer tells me diet is 80% of looking good, I just really struggle maintaining. I drink soda now and then, try to cut the sugar out, etc......I don't want some miracle pill just good solid advice on getting rid of the fat!!

Where's Slampunk when you need him? Hey Slam and Stink we don't want to become muscle heads, but you guys gotta know the best way to cut body fat, help us chubby guys out!
I've been doing cross fit for about 3 months now. I didn't have any luck losing weight until I cut out sugar. I went cold turkey for 2 months before my sheep hunt this fall and dropped 12 pounds. I've eased back into a little sugar, but no more eating 10 cookies in a sitting when my wife decides to bake. I was 38 when the weight started to get the better of me. At 43 I go to the gym 3 to 5 days a week just in case I draw a sheep tag.
I'm in the some boat. Wieghed a solid 170 when I got married 5 years ago, and now I'm about 220. I can still hike pretty well and I work out once or twice a week, the problem is the motivation. I would be all for a competition or something, but how do we make sure someone doesn't cheat? If we do it, it would have to be official. Meet at Cabelas for the weigh in and then six months later or so we could meet again. That would be the only true way to do it and the only way I would have the motivation to do it. Otherwise you never know if someone is cheating. Let me know what you decide.
I hear ya HJB. Problem is we don't all live in Utah.

I think traveling for a weigh-in is a bigger participation hurdle than honesty. Overall hunters are very honest people, I think the honor system will work. Losing the weight is your reward - not like we are giving cash prizes. Might have a 1% that lies, not much we can do about that.

I know. Everyone will be required to submit a 'before' picture of themselves in nothing but a slamdunk banana hammock and then in September an after picture in the same nut huggers.

Come on man get your fat@$$ in the contest. Don't ya want to be that cut up 170 pounder you were 5 years ago?
I am in. Daughter is getting married in June and I need to lose some pounds BasinBoy
You make the post to start the whole thing and as long as all the participants submit before and after pics, I'm in. I'm sick of being a fat a$$
OK - I am in. Have done this many times before but need to be more committed to it for the long haul. I am nearing my all time high once again, need to get back to around 220. Know exactly what I need to do, just need to get on the ball and get it going. Do have a suggestion - there is a great website we could all use - Allows us to form a group, weigh in regularly, keep up with each other, blog etc.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
ewwwwwwwwwww god!
Is that where we take nearly all our clothes off & do a weekly weigh in?
They have a show on tv like that & every time I see it,well I throw up a little bit in my mouth.
I'm in. I am 279 should be 220. I can hike still but it's slow going and I am pretty sure I have three to four minor heart attacks every time I go out. I have probably blown 15 stalks in the past three years due to my conditioning. I hate loosing my ability to hunt the way I want so lets do this!
HJB - I was just kidding about the banana hammock. You want to strap one of those on, be my guest and post up the pics. :) Honor system will work - why get in this contest and lie? Makes no sense.

Roy, Max1, BasinBoy - its on. Put your plan together. Think of goal and remember it's a marathon not a sprint.

If you are in - let us know, the more the merrier. But - think about it and make sure you are committed. I dont want this thing to flop. If we start we are going to 9/01/2010.

We can also track a collective amount of weight lost.
Lets start it the first of the year and then make a "Kick-Off" post for all the participants. That way we can update our performance and what not. Don't worry, I won't be wearing nut huggers. I'll attempt to put on one of my camo shirts from 5 years ago instead, it really brings out my boobies :)
I'm in. I weigh around 250 lbs and want to get to 215. I will weigh in officially on Jan 1 after the holidays and post an exact weight. This should be interesting
I am in, Jan 1 2010 sounds like a good date.
I am 190 and need to be about 165....
Should be fun..........


Great idea tagless! Here's a suggestion for our aging hunters out there. Get yourself a decent bicycle whether it's a mountain bike or a road bike and start cranking out the miles. A bicycle provides you with an excellent aerobic workout and is not hard on the knees and joints like running/jogging.

I participated in the BP MS150 Bicycle Tour from Houston to Austin, Texas (180+ miles in 2 days) during the year 2006 which was the same year I went on a mountain goat hunt in Colorado. I've been cycling ever since and for a 40-something year old it's the best heart healthy excercise routine I've found.

By the way, I road the BP MS150 on a mountain bike the first 2 years then graduated to a road bike (the difference is similar to driving an off-road jeep versus a luxery car). I also killed a huge mtn goat billy on my Colorado hunt due primarily to my extensive bicycle training. My weight is higher than I perfer right now but I've started training for the 2010 BP MS150 in April... I won't know about any lucky tags until June or July...

Count me IN!
Songdog - welcome aboard. Love riding my Mnt. Bike but, it causes parts of my body to go numb. And they are the parts I really dont want to go numb.

Roy - I quickly checked out the site you mentioned. Tell us more? We can establish a MM team? Does it cacluate lost weight? Can others see our team or is it secure? Thanks...
Count me in as well. Last year I started working out again and lost a few pounds, but I fell off the wagon and haven't done squat for the last couple of months. I've told myself I won't buy a bigger waist size pants, but I'm nearing that reality. I'm 233 and want to be around 200-205.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-09 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]Im in although my torso weighs as much as some of your guys legs. lol
I have a big problem to over come. work pays for all my food. food tastes good especially desert. I get desert for every meal. so this should get interesting. Hope I don't go hungry


Archery is a year round commitment!!
I guess I need to do it. Stepped on the scale this week 321 pounds. To my defense I had my coat on. Would like to be around 200 but would be good with 220.
No I wish. I'm just a big guy, but I still can put some miles on in the field. This last year we had a GPS and it said we would walk 8-15 miles a day bird hunting.
Alright you guys am in but putting a before pic. on this web site would be dangerous,just put them up after there is a winner.i stopped smoking and cut the my drinking back last year.i have had 2 hip replacements in the last 7 years.last year even carrying the 60 pounds extra i hiked them mountains in col. like i was 25 again. MAIN THING IS DIET.I have lost a few pounds just in the last month by just diet don't know how much but i went to put my belt on yesterday i went one notch tighter am in .tony
I can honestly say I'm twice the man I used to be. Graduating from high school I was 140 and now I am 280. I didn't break 200 until I hit 35 and I finally broke 250 at 50. I eat less than at any time in my life, so I know that a stringent exercise regime is my only option right now.

I recently had a sleep study because of apnea and extreme snoring. I was always exhausted. The study showed I stopped breathing 108 times an hour and my blood oxygen level dropped to around 70. I got a CPAP machine to sleep with two months ago and it has helped tremendously. I'm not tired in the daytime anymore and I don't snore.

Now I need to get serious about losing the weight. I had a salad for lunch today. Can you believe it? A salad is what food eats.

Anyway, count me in.
I guess ill start tomorrow since I just ate
deep fried mushrooms
deep fried crab claws
a 24oz porter house steak
baked potato
steamed veggies
and topped it off with a 5,000 calorie cheese cake.
I then chased it all down with a tall coke.

serious the cheese cake was larger then the steak.

i can forget about running tonight. what else can I say "im a pig!"


Archery is a year round commitment!!
I just turned 48, I weigh 235 would like to be around 200
several years ago I went on weight watchers and lost 16 lbs in 6 weeks, felt great then the holidays came and screwed everything up, Can't seem to get motivated again. I am in too !

" Just Livin' the Dream "
I guess I am in too....
You guys are making me feel guilty....
I know I could lose 30-40 lbs....
Goodbye my daily Coke w/2 lime wedges and 1 lemon wedge....

"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
Okay I think this just might be what I need to really get going. Here is my problem, I have a Coues deer hunt on the San Carlos which starts on Dec. 26 and goes thru Jan 10. I do not think we will be leaving until Dec 31st, but I know for sure I will not be by a computer on the 1st and will not be near one until about Jan. 11th. So how will this work for me?
No worries. Weigh in on the 30th or 31st. Potentially a bit of a disadvantage for you. I am going to sandbag and be a total pig and lush until weigh in day on the 1st...
Well let's see I weighed 263 2 years ago and in 6 months I was down to 215 and now I'm back up to 256. It's all motivation....and the sad part is I felt a 1000% better at 215. It's no different then drinking or smoking, you get off the band wagon your done.
Would love to get down to 200lbs......So I'm in!
Workout at least 45 min 4 days per week at a sustained pace, cardio as well as resistence. Get out of bed and X the coffee, eat something healthy right away to get the metabolism going. Push-ups and sit-ups straight out of bed are a good way to get the blood flowing and the metabolism going. Eat small, healthy snacks throughout the day. Don't drink or drink sparingly (light beer is a good, albiet less satisfying choice). X high fats/saturated fats and simple carbs. Think before you eat something and how much better you will feel if you don't. Remember that you can't get the days, months, years back, so take advantage of them while you can. Pain is your friend. Find something that will consistently motivate you. Put a sign on your bedroom door that says you are a puzzy fat azz. Get pizzed off and run/lift it out of your system. That big buck on the mountain is laughing at you . . .
I've never seen this many chubby guys get so excited at once...LMFAO!! Fat people are fat because they're LAZY and talk is cheap!! I wish the very best of luck to those of you who are serious though cuz we need less fat people in's disgusting!!

Im in as well. Last year I lost 30 pounds and strayed from the diet and put it all back on. Now at 52 I need to drop 60 pounds to get down to the 190 range. I quit smoking nearly 8 years ago and still have the 40 pounds I gained from that. I hope this group will give me the extra will power to achive my goal. I won't post any fat fu!!er pictures on the internet, I don't want to end up as a cut and paste job all over the internet.
I'm in. 240 the other day and need to be down to 210.

Thanks for starting this, excellent idea!

>Fat people are fat
>because they're LAZY and talk
>is cheap!!

Kiss my ass never_catch. You have no clue what goes on in people's lives. I had a major health problem, massive surgery, laid up for almost a year. Then job issues. Excuses are like, you know, but many of us get huge setbacks.
It took 41 posts before somebody didn't appreciate being called FAT!

And never_catch,
Call me heavy,
Call me Chubby,
Call me over weight,
Call me Square,
You can even call me Rectangular,
But never call me f'n PHAT!

I'm in, but I've already gotten a head start on most of you guys. I weighed 270 last January, but lost 17.5 lbs because of what I believe was insulin resistance. My blood sugar went to 533 (which is dangerous), so at 252.5 at midnight on September 30th, I started getting serious. I changed my diet to close to zero carbs per day (under 20 grams), lots of lean protein foods, vitamins, water, and walking........ALOT of 6+ miles a day average. This moring (Dec. 17th) I weigh 223.5 lbs. My short term goal was to get below 220 by the end of the year, and it looks like I won't have a problem hitting that mark. My long term goal is to be under 200 and RIPPED when I draw my LE Elk tag next year (14 bonus points and trying for a Muzzle loader tag should be easy). January 1st, I'll start my weight lifting (body building) with proper nutrition and see if I can get my MANLY figure back. I want those gorgeous twenty something women to be saying "he looks pretty good for an old guy" - something to keep my wife interested.
OK I'm in too. A year ago I lost 12 pounds and was very close to where I wanted to be and now I'm right back to where I started. I'm 39 5'-8" and weigh 177, ouch. I would love to drop 15-20 lbs by 7/31/10 that's hunting season starts for me.

It is more than an attitude change it is a life change. I have noticed that when I make it fun for myself then I tend to stay with it. Mix it up tredmill, outside jogging, eliptical, mt. biking, hiking, basketball, weights etc.

My biggest weakness is my sweet-tooth. Got cut out the sweets. Finding the time each day is another challenge. I leave for work at 6AM and get home around 6PM. I just need to get up at 4AM like I used to every morning. You tend to burn more calories throughout the day when you workout first thing on an empty stomach and then follow that up with a healthy breakfast.

Good Post and thanks for the motivation.

Six months ago I stepped on the scale 220lbs.. I was ashamed of myself letting myself get to be that fat.... I replied to myself fat a$$! well it is time to do something about it... so to this day im at 177lbs and its amazing how much better i feel and I honestly was setting my goal for 190. I started out walking 2 miles a day now im running 3 miles per day except weekends... never thought I could do it. the more you do it the easier it gets AND WHEN THE POUNDS START TO SHED THATS WHEN THE MOTIVATION BEGINS....GOOD LUCK FELLOW FAT A$$E$!
ok then,lets put some mony on this,maybe 5 or 10 bucks a person,and the winner gets the to gamble.tony
Ok boys this sounds fun! I'm definately in but my goals will be a little different. I'm currently 180 and around 12% goal is to be down to 160 and 5% by the first of April. I am pretty good with diets and training programs so if any of you need some help with your goal I will do what I can!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
I was 6' 4" 260 last year at this time. I dropped all the way down to 226 during my elk hunt in September. I have gained some of it back and would like to get down around 215-220. Count me in Jan 1st.

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
5% OFF to all Members!!!
Discount code = monstermuleys
I'm in.. Want to drop 20 - 30 pounds. I know it sure is a lot easier to find it than to loose it.
Gosh fellas I feel terrible about what I said so I thought I'd bring somethin by to cheer you up...

Happy holidays from the Z-Man!!

Great Post! We need to keep this at the TOP of the Forum so we can all maintain motivation.

I am defintiely in!!!

I am a 33tard about 225 lbs or so & turn 34 next month. Last year my 54 year old dad form allot lower elevation and not quite in his prime (but still pretty dang good shape) still gave me a run for my money in the Utah Mountains and wishing that every step after 10+ miles was the last for either of us.

This year towards the end of June I decided to do something about it for this year's Archery hunt and lost some weight and gained muscle/cardio and the mountains definitely seemed smaller as I gained some of their respect back and made my younger age of my dad more apparent.

Taking on a second job in September though, put the weight back on as we have breaks every hour and Energy Drinks became the diet of choice and now here I am...READY TO MAKE A CHANGE!!

My goal: down from 225lbs+ to 195-205lbs - Lean Muscle and Mountain Killer. I got a good elk this year with my BOW now I need a Great Muley!

Anyone real serious should check out this forum.
This stuff is amazing. I started doing the hcg diet 12 days ago already lost 17 lbs. Im was 250 would like to get below 200. It feels like im cheating somehow it works so well. I highly recommend this if your serious enough. Gotta give up the booze while doing it which is the hardest part.
Started a great desk job a few years ago and have gone up a lot. I'm 39, 6'5" and close to 300lbs. I'd like to be 240 by the fall. I'm in!!!

respect my authorita
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-09 AT 08:02PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-09 AT 08:00?PM (MST)

I was trying to post pictures of the Krispy Kreme Calander for Never_catch maybe he could catch one of those women
You can count this fellow fatso in. Already looking forward to Jan 1, I plan on turning 260 into 220.

Count me in.....although I am not overweight,I have an upcoming shoulder surgery that will keep me away from the gym for several months. I will have a LOT of work to do to get back in archery shape. Good luck to you Matt and Scott........
Excercise and Diet are the key ingredients to solve these problems! Heavy on Diet!!! One must first learn how to eat clean and like it, otherwise you will go back to your soda and french fries. Learn how to carb count and the difference between simple carbs(bad) and complex carbs(good). Remember this, a gram of fat has 9 calories(always) some fats are alot better than others. A gram of protien has 4 calories and a gram of carbs has 4 also. Generally to burn fat you want to consume more protien than carbs and do it in 5 or 6 small meals per day (this jump starts your metabolism). If you like eggs in the morning try and hold out a couple of the yolks and add a few more whites(go easy on the salt to). Have a cup of oatmeal with some honey for flavor (you want whole oats not the quick oats, they diggest slower and have more nutritional value).

I sure hope this help some of you out, like I said earlier I will help anyone if you need it. :)

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
I'll second the egg whites. I'll generally have three eggs (sometimes 1/2 dozen!) in the morning, but I'll separate out most of the yolks. I eat these with a flour tortilla or whole wheat bread . . . I eat canned tuna by the truckload, a lot of fruit, and good carbs. Anything with a ton of fat in it has to go if you are trying to lose weight. Snacking throughout the day will increase your metabolism and keep you energized. X the caffinated energy drinks, they do more harm than good. Remember that you must excercize regularly. I realize this is sometimes a tall order when you are busy, but make time. Even 10-15 min is better than nothing. Once you get to the point when you know you are in control and are making good gains, it gets easier. You must look at the process as longterm, as in a lifestyle choice. Find a workout routine that works for you and that is sustainable. Do as many varied activities as you can, ie: walk/run, walk/run up hill, walk/run down hill, bike, swim, snowshoe, hike/backpack (in the summer I will put weights in my pack and/or one of my kids and go for a hike), and lift weights (use weight that you can handle and that will burn fat and tone muscle, ie: something you can do 12-15 reps, 3-4 sets). Weight-train your whole body. Remember there is a difference between good pain and bad pain. Don't push your body if you think you have stretched/strained something, but don't giveout because your muscles burn. Drink plenty of water, it will lubricate you muscles and joints to work better for you and prevent injury.
You can count me in. Currently I'm around 257 and want to be around 217-220. My biggest obsticale is breakfast. Since I usually have to be at work around 5:00 AM I usually fuel up on fatty biscuits and gravy.

For of you that know health eating habits, what would you eat for breakfast?
eggs but cut out some of the yoke, Oatmeal, fruit, french toast with protein powder added and light on the syrup if any, yogurt, cereal, protein smoothie, bagle, or have less of the biscuits and gravy and add one of the options listed above.
egg whites and oatmeal.
You can make a big blender of egg white pancakes up and leave it in the fridge. Blend a couple cups oatmeal add a cup of flour, about 12 egg whites, some baking powder, maybe just a touch of milk, or better yet a couple containers of fat free yogurt. These are good and a fast alternative. you can also sort of use them as your biscuits, instead of syrup(fruit better) or something like that top them with a little lean biscuit gravy.
I seriously wish all of you Good Luck!

I'll be 63 in a few days and I ain't going on no diet, till after the New Year.

Best advice for losing weight....get a girlfriend. Well, for younger guys anyway......I'd hate to see the "girlfriend" I could inspire at my age!

Another option to improve your hunt; get a longer range rifle.

Get a nephew to go hunting with you.

After a knee replacement, an ankle reconstruction and one stroke, I can tell you one fact....don't wait till you are 40 to establish a fitness routine.

Once your body learns you are OK with packin' a few extra pounds, it will insist on keeping the extra weight.
Lets keep in mind that the average person has a hard time making the transition to eating clean and most people aren't willing to do it cold turkey so to speak. Keep in mind that really anything processed or that comes in a package (like some meats), usually has a lot of preservatives and bad fats. Stay away from white breads and go easy on salad dressing and butter. Another suggestion I have would be to determine how many calories a day you will need to support your muscles under all of that smoothness :). There is a formula for this and I will post it later today or tomorrow. Its a calculation based on your lean body weight and the calorie intake needed to sustain it, if you don't feed your body the excess calories to sustain the fatty tissue then your body won't have any more need for it! Oh and water is a must, keep out of the sugury drinks even gatorade and some sports drinks have as much sugar as a pepsi.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
I'm In

I am 40 years old and everyday I feel like I am 80 years old

Crap what happens when i am 80 ? Perhaps I wont make it that far.

The 40 year mark felt like a half way mark.

I have had the worst exercising routine. Weigh about 225. Should be 185.

Two replaced knees, horrible arches in my ankles which roll nearly everytime on the trails. Screwed up my back between wreck in skiing and hauling too much weight on my back.

Don't do the weight... Don't be a He-man...You'll regret it everytime you put on your socks.

I want to go for the 8 month program. I hope to cut this short by 4 months so I don't have to in a Tshirt all summer at the pool.

I have a very good Pear or Tire figure and would like to gain some inner pride of remolding my girlish figure.

I am looking for perhaps a new bike to get thru this. Two years ago I got one month into PX90 and running everyday... Two a days of sorts and dropped shed pounds quickly. Just got very sore knees and gave in. Hunting began and never got back at it.

Ready to go for it!

Chunky Midnight Snacker
Yesterday was my birthday; I was 57. I still feel good and actually think I'll be hunting when I'm 80. I still guide hunters and carry a pack hundreds of miles every year.

I'm about 6'1 and 1/2 and weighed 182 yesterday. That's less than when I played football in high school and way less than when I played ball in college. I've had 3 knee operations and three shoulder operations. I was stronger when I was young, but I still do pretty well.

Here's what I do:

1. Break a sweat every day. I have a commercial treadmill in my great room and get up at 4:30 or 5 and run 3-4.5 miles almost every day. On weekends, I still run, but I scout and hike and hunt and do things like cut firewood, fix fence, etc.
2. Watch what you eat. This is not rocket science. Calories in, calories out. I still eat the stuff I like, but I do it in moderation.
3. Try not to drink any calories. I drank enough beer when I was young to last me a lifetime. I don't see any need to drink pop. Now, I drink good old water from our well. I'll chew my calories and enjoy them.
4. Realize this is a year-round committment. You can take a few days off if necessary, but as you get older, you have to stay with your effort. Don't think you can take off 10 months, then take 3 weeks and get in shape for hunting season. Not likely to happen.

Like I said above, this is not rocket science. You can buy all sorts of gimmmicks, have people make you diets or exercise programs, but in the end, it's up to you - personally - to accept the responsibility. I live 25 miles from town, so I can't really go to a gym or exercise place. And having my own handy place to work out at home has been the key. I'll stick a 50 pound sack of salt in my backpack and carry that on the treadmill, on an incline and watch TV. It's easy and you can do it daily. Or run, or just walk.

We all get old and we all have hurdles to overcome. But as I always tell my kids - "You can do whatever you want." You just have to make up your mind, commit and follow through.

Good luck to all. Merry Christmas and I hope 2010 holds great memories for you.
my stepdad quit smoking and put on alot of wieght

my momn would tell him he was big boned but he would say he was just fat

then he decided to quit all his snacking and his cokes

now he looks like he did when he first became my stepdad

Bobbie Faycer
I would like to have a go at it myself. I don't want to take anything away from MM - but what do you guys think of going to and keeping track. We could post here as well, but on that website they have several weight-loss tips and tools as well as tracking charts for this sort of thing, and actually we can form our own team of MonsterMuley members. Seems like a good idea so take a look.
I'm in. I herniated a disc in October and have gained 11 pounds. I'm 188 now and plan to get down to 170. The exercise part will be coming in slowly so I'll have to do most of it, initially, with diet. I hope to be riding the mountain bike by March assuming the disc heals up well.
You guys are lightweights - literally, I need to lose about 100 pounds, so I could really use some encouragement.
>I'm fat, I'm in.
Same thing here, I'm 6'1" and 18 months ago was running 3 miles per day and lifting 3 times per week, as well as other cardio. My diet was at least somewhat healthy and I had an overall trend of losing weight each month, even though it had steadied out to only a couple lbs per month. At that time I was right around 260-265 lbs.

I am now back up over 310lbs again. Have gained 4 inches in the waist in the last year. Wearing my old underarmour really makes me feel the a bad way!

I expect to get back under 250lbs and would feel completely succesful if that were to happen.
Last time I commited myself to lose weight I dropped 60-65 lbs, I think I can do it again if committed.

I'm in.
So what type of energy sustaining food would you recommend ? I'm 55 and I find it hard to sustain my energy when I go an an all day Elk shed hunt for instance - I do try to pace myself. I exercise regularly and am in pretty good shape. I'm usually hiking at around 6,500 to 8,000 ft.
the reason your not fat is you spend all your time chasing does. You look like a young buck on a desert winter range after the rut.

you will turn into an old buck some day, your pot belly and sway back will come with time. LOL

Now can I have one of those donuts?


Archery is a year round commitment!!
Nope I'm hookin you up with a box of e-clairs buddy lol, you're not fat SW but we can surely get ya there if ya want lol...

oo ya eclairs now you talking. can i have ice cream on top and chase it down with a monster monster energy drink?

Wait your trying to trick me!

I will do this weight loss thing.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
So what is the general consensus, are we going to make a plan? I could definitely use some encouragement, and I am certain others could benefit from this as well.
I'm in!!!! Although I work out most of the year, my knees don't handle all day hunts well anymore. Going chukar huntin tomorrow and will feel my knees til Tues.

So my goal is from 210 to -195. Just turned 50 this month and remember boxing @ 156lbs 25 years ago. But thats was 3 hours workout, 5 days a week including 40 miles a week.

Before and after pics????
were all these lose weight adds on this site before this thread started? i dont' seem to remember them.

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
ICMDEER offers good advice above. Breaking a sweat everyday is good advice. Come up with a varied workout routine. As ICMDEER says, there is no magic potion that will help you, it all has to come from your desire to be fit. This requires a lot of motivation . . . In response to the question above about energy sustaining foods while hunting, it's hard to beat trail mix. I've about had my fill of it, though, and have resorted to making my own. Nuts are a good source of energy, have a good balance of fat, protein, and carbs. The key to maintaining energy is to calorie up at regular intervals and also to not overexert yourself, and keep hydrated. Lots of guys eat beef jerky, but this will not sustain your energy, it's hard for your body to digest, and it will dehydrate you. I have not tried vit. C supplements for water, but I can see their usefulness. I eat a lot of flour tortillas while hunting, and I occasionally make some homemade energy bars. There are lots of recipes for these online. I stick to the old mountain house meals like eggs and spagetti for hot meals. These meals are good in the evening and will replenish your body with needed fat, carbs, and protein. Pound for pound, they're simply hard to beat.
OK, I'm in. I'm 50, 6' 1" and around 195. Need to lose at least 15 pounds of fat and maybe put on a few pounds of lean muscle. At my age I have the usual 50ish joints and tendons that sprout pains every time I start to exercise, so I need all the encouragement I can get. I'll encourage ya'll if you will encourage me.

Phantom Hunter
I'm in! I need a new challenge and some new motivation. Let me tell you big boys that it is possible to get this done! In Sept of 2007 I killed a Bighorn ram and weighed 342lbs. In late Sept of 2008 I killed a Mt Goat and weighted 255. In January of 2009 I ran my first 1/2 marathon and have run a total of 7 1/2 marathons this year including the Pikes Peak Accent.

My biggest motivation is my family. I want to be able to hunt with my kids and grandkids! I never really did a special diet, just the old burn more than you put in. I try to limit my portions but eat a little more often, cut back to 1-2 cups coffee, i don't really drink soda anyway, and cut the alcohol to once or twice a month. I log all my excercise on a calander that i look at when i get dressed in the morning and undressed at night...always can see if you skip a workout. I am also a HUGE beleiver in a Heart Rate Monitor. I see people ride a bike or walk and never get the heart rate to were it needs to be.


I have set my next goal at running a trail full marathon in June 2010 and would like to be down another 30lbs when i do it.

Never give up....good weeks on the scale will outnumber the bad weeks on the scale....and its so much easier chasing down that big buck/bull with out the bowling balls in your backpack!!!

It's all part of the experience Clarke!!!
+1 earthman.. Setting goals both long range and attainable short term goals.


It's amazing what you eat during the day without even giving it a second thought but when you write down everything you eat (honestly) it becomes very apparent why we gain weight.

As earthman said log your daily exercise, walking, bike riding, running, swimming, whatever you do for exercise log it.

Never measure your success by what the number on the scale and don't weigh yourself more than once a week. It's easy to loose weight in the beginning but the weight loss can slow down or plateau at times and it's easy to get discouraged.
Never give up.. Stay with it.
This sounds good, I would like to be able to keep up with my little Bro (3X4) again. If I could shed 40 pounds and about 10 years I would be happy. I better hurry and eat the rest of the Christmas candy before the 1st.
Great idea! I'm about 5'10 and am pushing the 200 lb mark. I always told myself I'd never get to 200 and I'm almost there. I'd like to be down to about 180. My plan is to drink as much Coors Light as I can until the 1st and hopefully reach that 200 lb mark so I'll be forced to diet! j/k...I have a treadmill as well as a nice weight set. I just need to stay motivated to use them. Its so easy to not do it. Diet is also hard. I just got done eating a bowl of Captain Crunch. An apple should have been what I grabbed. I'm in, piggies!!

Hey I'm in, soon to be 59 and weigh in at 237 need to be at 195. I'm also looking for a treadmill, started walking and it was working, but now wraped up in snow and ice which makes it hard to get out and walk.
Good for you guys. This sounds like so much fun it almost makes me wish I needed to lose alot of weight. I'm 58 6ft. 170. I have to stay in shape year round or it hurts too much to do the stuf I like. My advice is to eat reasonably and find mostly fun things for exercise that you can sustain over time. Variety is what works for me. A couple of days a week at the gym for weights and aerobics and then hiking,biking stadium stairs are great. I love motocross but any physical fun activity will keep you motivated. Then you can fully enjoy what we all love most!
I'm in. Would like to lose 60lbs as a long term goal but will be happy with 30-40 by September. I'd really like to lose my man boobs by April so I can go to the lake and take my shirt off :)

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