Call or no call??


Very Active Member
I gotta bring this up probably will open a hornets nest, but, should the Byu-Washington game have ended on a ref's call??


Wildlife population control specialist
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-08 AT 07:25PM (MST)[p]I want to say this first off.....i hate BYU, i dont know if hate is strong enough a word.i was hoping for a Washington win.

that being said, it didn't end on the (correctly called) penalty. They had a chance to tie it up with a 35 yard extra point. They got it blocked, game over.

This was bound to happen sooner or later after the implementation of this new rule. Should it have happened in that close of a game? Probably not, would have been a better call in a 42-13 blow out rather than in a close down-to-the-wire game. If the kicker would have missed the kick then I would say that the refs did affect the outcome, but a blocked PAT has nothing to do with the distance of the kick. There is absolutely NO difference in the way the O line blocks on a PAT versus a FG. Essentially it made it a 35 yard field goal - a situation Washington and its fans would have loved to have in OT just minutes later. However, the kick was blocked and the game ended. Washington can only blame themselves for poor blocking.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It was the right call a hundred percent no doubt. However i do think it affected the outcome of the game. It took a run of the mill PAT and made it into a tough field goal. For those that played football you understand that, momentum and the mentality of the game are huge. this call obviously affected it, it shifted some momentum to BYU and took some of the fire away from Washington. It is all part of the game though, and the commentators on ESPN really piss me off haha

Wildlife population control specialist
I agree with the call a hundred percent. Im a Y fan thru and thru, i was frankly astounded that they threw the flag. A couple of plays prior they let a blatent hold slide that was right in front of the back judge, so i figured it was a little home cookin and that flag just about dropped me.

Wildlife population control specialist
I've officiated hundred of games. THAT was a mistake on the part of the officials. NEVER should an official determine the outcome of the game.....or the probable outcome.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-08 AT 07:23PM (MST)[p]Ok gb22, answer me this...if the quarterback had done the same actions, say on the first drive of the 3rd quarter would you have called a penalty?

the answer should be yes, because the actions committed were worthy of a penalty.

if that young quarterback doesn't want to make his team suffer(at any point in the game)he needs to control his emotions,period. Besides if its not called at the end of the game, just because its the end of the game, i fear more penalties will be committed knowing the refs wont call it.

reguarless i'll be cheering loud and clear for UCLA this weekend! and Wyoming the week after that!

pretty iffy it's not like he whipped the ball into the stands but rules are rules.frankly ,i like the over the top touchdown dances i think the rules are to strict it's a game lighten up a little.
NO, I would not have called a penalty. From what I saw, the guy made a touchdown, jumped up, tossed the ball over his shoulder and ran to his team. He did NOTHING that was unsportsmanlike.

I took my kid out of a game when he ran the last 15 yards with the ball over his head. He was "being cool". That is classless. Being excited over the typing score is not classless. It's one of the reasons all of us played.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
The ball just didn't go over his shoulder, he threw it high into the air. I see where the ball has been timed at being in the air for 2.8 seconds. Do the physics, that ball was thrown HIGH INTO THE AIR.

I disagree with refs that don't want to make a call at the end of the game. Points are points and they count the same at the end of the game just as they do during the rest of the game. Call a game the same all the way through.
Like Bronco said after the game, rules are rules. And yes, there were a bunch of no calls on both sides all throughout the game. Why the refs decided to let all of those go, and not the unsportsmanlike penalty, who knows. Point being, it is what it is, game over.
"I want to say this first off.....i hate BYU, i dont know if hate is strong enough a word.i was hoping for a Washington win."

there were lots of bad call s the last two minutes of the game .... not to mention the one in the end zone .... to bad for the men who fought so hard that it comes down to a penalty but would have BYU blocked it at 25 yards i think so ... Sad truth is BYU owned the last quarter and the game should not even of been close ....but in the end Justice was done BYU wins and still drops 3 spots in the polls ...WTF
Alright, let me preface this by saying Im a diehard BYU fan, but I am also not completely blinded by my blue glasses:

Was it the right call...YES
Does the rule suck....YES
Did the refs cost UW the game...NO
Did the UW kick protection team cost UW the game....YES
Were the refs horrible all game...YES

People can blame the refs all they want. The blame lies with the UW PAT team...they failed in keeping back the BYU pentration on the PAT. Plain and simple. Heck, if you want, you can blame Locker as well. Act like youve been in the end zone before. Drop the ball or hand it to a ref...then go celebrate with your team. End of story. The leauge made a point of coming out this year and telling the coaches and players that an emphasis would be made on this type of penalty....they knew it going into this game, and yet Locker made the choice to THROW the ball into the air. Anyone who says that he just dropped it over his back is either blind, mildly retarded, or just plain didnt see the play. He threw the ball, jumped up and down a few times, did his taxes, ate lunch, took a nap, and then the ball came down and hit him on the head. That sucker went HIGH.

If people want to play the "blame the refs" game, then Im more than happy to go back and cite NUMEROUS times throughout the game where the refs failed to call blantant hold, chop blocks, etc. that cost the BYU defense big plays that would have resulted in UW having to punt or turning the ball over on downs. week will be a tough challenge for BYU. They need to fix some of the problems they are having on both offense and defense...because UCLA will be a handfull.
x's 2
how bout that Charger game? ever hear an NFL game be so
quite at the
Bruin's will put the QB down to the ground! (all game)!
now....The NFL need to set some new reg's on how long your hair can be.... seems like it's getting longer and longer every year I even seen ponytails half way to butt cracks, if I want to see dreads locs that long I will watch the movie preditor!(and I saw a few whites guy also with
Have you actually read the un-sportsmanlike rule? Here it is from Section C of Rule 9, Section 2, Article 1 of the rule book states "throwing the ball high in the air" is unsportsmanlike conduct.


Later, Brandon
I spoke with a college coach yesterday about this. We both are not BYU fans but that is beside the point. He said the "intent" of the rule was to stop players from throwing the ball in the stands, spiking it into the wall. It was not written that way though as he agreed. His opinion was that it should have not been called but he understood why it was called. He thinks it was called because it was an early season game and the referees were trying to set a precedent for games moving forward as this rule was recently changed.
The only mistake the official made was showing poor judgement. That was well within the standards of an excited 20 year old athelete making a big play in a big game...Locker is a class act and lets his ability show in his play. He has never taunted anyone. To bad the marginal players in the country costs this kid a great moment...Poor judgement! In this case the rule failed.....Oh yeah, this is my 4000 post.
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with those that think the call was a bad call. The rule states that the player cannot throw the ball in the air or it is a penalty. Nuff said. Does the rule suck? Yes, but it is still a rule and must be enforced in the 1st through the 4th quarter regardless of score.

gb22 - I wish you were the ref when I was playing ball or when the kids I coach are on the field. In a close game I would tell ever lineman to hold on the last play because a ref cannot make a call that could decide the game (or is the rule of yours just biased towards receivers?). I have seen more penalties called on deciding plays than I care to mention (holding, Pass interference, block in the back, etc).

The penalty ultimately had an impact on the game. The ball trajectory for a kicker on a PAT is different than that of 35 yard field goal and that is why it was blocked. Could we blame the blockers, yes, could we blame the kicker for not getting it up in the air, yes, can we blame locker for throwing the ball, yes, can we blame the refs, no.

Kingfish - It's a bad rule but it's still a rule. You can play within the rules or you can be penalized. In college ball you can't play ignorant and act like you didn't know the rule existed. Marginal players didn't cost anybody anything. The kid let his TD go to his head and it cost his team the game. Would I have done the samething? Probably. Congrats on the 4,000th post BTW.
I know it's all speculation about what would've happened if they had been kicking from the three instead of the 18, but here's what the Washington kicker had to say about it afterwards:

The additional distance had no impact on his intended ball trajectory.

Further, here's a pic of the blocked kick:


Notice the fistfull of #84's jersey. If WA had made that kick, they should've been called for a hold and backed up another 10 yards. Fortunately, the country was all spared that misery because #84 swatted the kick away. Looks to me like if he'd missed it, #42 would've got it.

We'll never know whether the extra distance would have caused the kicker to miss, because the kick was blocked before it cleared seven feet off the ground. That's a breakdown in OL play.

I'll leave whether the rule sucks or the flag should've been thrown to others...I couldn't care less about any of that.

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