california wardens suck!



anybody watch the latest episode of those wardens in california? wild justice i think it is.

I can honestly say I have zero respect for california wardens. I'm sure the guys are cool but the laws they are enforcing are insane. They busted a vulture poacher last time and you woulda thought they had alcapone. at this point I was thinkin to myself ok, those birds are protected in every state. I can see people possibly having attachments and its a very well know law and all so whatever.

Next they were gettin real serious. they were going after wild boar poachers!

Really! I mean come on are you serious? I didn't know whether to laugh or wait for the punch line. Come to find out they are serious.

Thats the equivalent of handing out homeowners tickets for not having a license for that mouse they just caught in their trap.

pigs aren't a native species to north america if they aren't javelinas. The spaniards released them in florida when they first hit the americas. Since then they have over run the place. They are a foreign species and every other state in the union has no season for pigs. They want them gone. But oh no! not california. Those tree huggers somehow got limited protection for those things. Once I saw them getting in the helicopter to go get big bad pig poachers I had to turn of the tv. Now I remember why I quit watching television. I get sick of being reminded how rediculously out of control our government is getting.

California game wardens need a reality check. Seriously!

And shows like this only politicize certain agendas. I doubt many of the new hire wardens hunt or fish as judged by the contempt for both.

I especially hate it when the media uses the word "Hunter" instead of Poacher

I believe if you checked you will find that feral or wild pigs is open to hunting year round in CA. The only requirement is that you have a valid hunting license and a tag for the pig which is very cheap.

I am sure your own home state wardens will nail you or anyone else for shooting a protected bird. Also what non native game animals or game birds you have in your state that was transplanted there from somewhere else. Are you saying these animals or birds should not be protected either.

I think he was saying something about not liking Californa wild pigs... but I kinda quit paying attention when he mentioned not having respect for someone else. It was just too funny to be taken seriously after that.
Hey stinkbug!

It ain't the KALI Wardens that make the KALI Laws!

Them Guys are just tryin to SHINE their Badges once in a while!:D

Them KALI Kondors are nothin more than oversized Black Birds in TARDville!:D

I'm not arguing that Lead was the main reason they almost became Extinct,but it wasn't from them eating Gut Piles!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Stinky, it appears NVB doesn't like you much since he's always doggin you at every given oportunity but I think he's really just got a man crush on might wanna put that shirt on buddy ;-)[/IMG] ~Z~
Yea, those stupid California wardens, they're just like those stupid New Mexican wardens that bust people for shooting non native Orxy without licenses.
Oryx and pigs are different. When those oryx leave the range they are hunted down like dogs. Then we have ibex. They live on one mountain. They are once in a lifetime tags. However once those things leave the mountain all you have to do is go buy a tag at walmart. Point is they don't want them spreading. Pigs are spreading like wildfire and they need to be controlled. Its the same thing as requiring a tag for every mouse you catch. And to require a tag for a mouse, just like for a pig, is assinine!

Hey zack. You need to ignore NVB. When's the last time you stopped and had a conversation with a beggar on the side of the street in salt lake city? probably never. you say hi, try to be courteous, look straight forward and keep going. You know a conversation is pointless because quite frankly you are on a much higher level of comprehension then they are. You always agree with them, keep noding and walking. this is how you deal with nvb. Whatever you do, don't carry on a conversation with him. Its pointless and goes nowhere. I'm not sure whats wrong with people like him but I gave up guessing a long time ago.

So hi nvb, hows your day today?
Pigs do "spread" quite easily....but we have depredation permits that F and G gives us for that. Pigs have become a big business here in Ca. $15 for a tag. If a guy can't afford a $15 tag to keep it legal, he deserves to be popped. On the other hand, if these guys that were busted were farmers and they were turned down by F and G for a depredation permit, then I think they are in the right. Pigs have shown to be the cause of many crops that have turned up with E. Coli. I have friends that have to destroy acres and acres of perfectly good crops simply because there has been evidence of rooting. Anyway, if they're not in that boat and they just want to go shoot a pig, don't be a cheap ass and buy a friggin' tag!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I watched a few episodes of the show, then quit because I could not take their 'us versus them' attitude.

Game Wardens, filmed in Montana, is a lot better. The Wardens there still write citations when needed, but, their attitude is much, much better.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I have to agree with fed doc. the us vs them attitude is what is really getting me when I think about it. I watch alaska troopers and I see them going very easy on the guys over there. By easy I mean they are using common sense and not being jerks when someone is honestly doing their best.

I would have to agree that those cali guys don't hunt and they are there to enforce every single law period. What really pisses me off is that they caught a 19 year old and a 17 year old fishing in a barbless area. both were smoking pot and fishing with barbed hooks. Those douche bags threw the book at them for the barbed hooks and wrote citations. But when it came to the pot smoking issue they just gave them warnings and sent them on their way.

That right there shows you how f'd up the morals are in california. They are basically saying its ok to do drugs because thats how it is. However if you are a hunter or fisherman then were here to bust your balls cuz thats just not acceptible in our bunny hugging state.
Most people from Cali know that it's not just the wardens that suck, it's the entire DFG as well. Game management in Cali is all about the money. There is no plan to increase dwindleing herd sizes, increase success rates or buck to doe ratios whatsoever. Revenue generation through licenses, tags and citations is all this state cares about. Oh yeah, and the wardens are complete IDIOTS!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
I'm old enough to remember a time when ranchers begged hunters to come shoot their ferel hogs in northern CA. When they discovered that city slickers would pay big bucks to shoot one, all of a sudden they looooove them hogs. And of course the DFG has to get their piece of the pie.

Not impressed with the cali-warden show. I feel they are show boating for the camera and doing there state more harm than good. I seen a few times what appeared to be mob mentality with these men with something rather simple. Then when they played up the archery poacher and showed the 90% decompsoed 2x3 buck and said it had been there for just a few days, I new the shows gig was up. Fake, Fake, Fake. All about the ratings.
This may seem harsh (but Stanky made the post so I figure I can be honest/nasty) but the whole state of California could sink in the pacific and it wouldnt be so bad. Its everything thats wrong with the US jammed into one state. If you live there and this bothers you deal with it or better yet move.
We are dealing with it, we are sending our liberals to other states at a record pace so all you other states can have a taste of what we are going though.

Just go to Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, and you will see a lot of our transplanted liberals voting there. Just keep tuned, it is moving further West. Makes us Northern Kali boys happy as all get out.

I Guess KALI people don't like TARDS/MORMONS for the most part?

I'm sure a few have moved in but not all that many!

Most of the KALI Folk that have moved in here moved in to KALI (From across the Border!) before venturing here!

Maybe when Obama gets done De-valuing Our Dollar a few of them will head back South?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Yeah I get it.
Plenty of BS coming out of Kali.
My point is that as bad as some things are, Northern California is still the West.
The mountains, the animals, the fish.
I've been to a bunch of eastern and southern states and know first hand that for me at least, you couldn't pay me to live in some of those places and there are a boat load of them.
Kali don't compare to the Rocky mountain states and I can hardly watch Alaskan shows on tv without my heart aching knowing I had several oportunities to move there as a young man.
My wife has roots here and she's the biggest reason I'm still here, I couldn't replace her if I tried.

Still, I make the best of things here.
Hell, my kid got his first job and spends most of his day on horseback out in the hills, how cool is that?
Most MM veterans have seen my Kali pics, I've lived a good life here, better than most.

I don't know of too many states that have more beautiful places and opportunity to hunt and fish than northern California. I live a long ways away, but my son who lives in northern California can be out of the city and hunting or fishing in a very short time frame. I've spent weeks in northern California, and don't believe I even have touched what it has to offer. The show Wild Justice I will agree, the Wardens do come off as disrespectful and anti-hunters.
Are San Francisco, and Los angelas within striking range of north Korea yet? Let's keep our fingers crossed. Lol
I have to agree with HH. I have lived in Nevada, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.....I always end up back in California.

Politics and "invasive species" aside, there are VERY few of you that can even come close to the outdoor opportunity that I have.

Not hours away, but in minutes, I can look at deer, elk, waterfowl, upland game, and fish for about 5 different species.

I can shoot a bowling ball cannon, if I want to, almost out my bedroom window. I have shot 27 coyotes this year and never been outside of 15 miles from this computer.

I can get on no less than 20 dirt roads and drive 50 miles without seeing a "posted", or "private" sign of any kind.

I hunt and fish in mountain, desert and river basin terrain, all inside of a half hour drive from my home.

No, there is no Walmart, Starbucks or Cabelas near me, but UPS will have anything I need, on my doorstep in 2 days.

Are there better "trophy" animals in other places? No question, but better opportunity for just being out amongst it....NOT!

And yes, the Game Wardens we have NOW aren't "user friendly" to the law abiding citizens of this state. They are a direct, programmed, result of the politics OF this state.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-11 AT 03:19PM (MST)[p]+1 nickman!

...and though i live over 300 miles away from Nickman, i can do the same exact things. Catch a 5+ pound German brown trout, kill a 4X4 buck, shoot a limit of ducks or geese, kill a yote or two, catch a smallmouth bass dinner, or access 10's of thousands of timber co or open public ground acres...all "walking" distance from my front door. Not too many back East, can say that!

There are certain places in Cali that i wouldn't care to live but there are some really great ones as well. Only the mentally challenged would lump all of Cali's places or people into one group!

i would have to agree with you guys. Ive met lots of great people from california but they all agree on one thing. That is that LA and san francisco are giving the entire state a bad name. I still say those two places need nuked. Just my two cents
Well, this started out about Kali game wardens, and I don't get that channel, but it turned into a pro/anti Kali thing. I've lived in Kali all my life. The grandparents on both my side of the family and on my wife's side all moved to Kali during the Depression or Dust Bowl times. I'm glad they did.

Here is what I've had to endure during my formative years, January to December.

January was the end of duck and Brant hunting, and the beginning of winter run Steelhead. Back then the limit was three Steelhead per day. It ran until about April 1. I caught fish anytime I set my mind to it. About April 1 the rock fish started showing up off the jetty. Ling Cod and other bottom fish were a guarantee. About that time the Night fish and the Surf fish showed up on the beaches. One dip with your net and you could have a 5 gallon bucket full. We caught 1,100 lbs. one day/night. Go early and catch a limit of Red Tail Perch as a bonus. The surf fish will run all summer.

Keep your eye on the tides because any minus tide was good for a limit of Razor clams at Clam Beach.

June and July was backpacking up into the Marble Mountain or Trinity Alps Wilderness. All the streams had native rainbow and cutthroat trout. The lakes were stocked with rainbows or brookies.

Be sure and get back home by August because that's when the half pounders showed up in Eel River. 12" long to about 3 lbs. Fishing for half pounders gave you an opportunity to find the good runs for the comming salmon run. The bigger Steelhead are showing up and Dad wants me to go with him out in the ocean so he can bring back 6 salmon. Crap, I get sea sick, but OK Dad.

Archery buck season opens mid August too. Guaranteed to see 10-20 legal bucks a day. Then rifle season mid September. Hurry up and shoot a buck because the rain brought in a huge run of giant salmon into Eel River. Fish for salmon until mid October when duck season starts. I love duck hunting, so I concentrate on that. I'll take a break from duck hunting only if the river drops and the Steelhead show up. By then it's Christmas and then New Years, and the cycle starts all over again.

I kept hearing about going out of state to hunt, but I can't afford that, and besides, I'm having too much fun!

No wonder my back is wore out!

Parts of Cal. do suck but it's because of the politics and all the outside people that have invaded the state with their way of thinking. I've been to every state in the US many times and California is without a doubt one of the most beautiful states in the nation and no doubt at one time probably one of the best places to live in the world.
Eel pretty much pegged my life as well and add in the abalones that bigmoosie mentioned too.

Just wish it was the same today, although there is still a lot of opportunity. Same activities at the same times of year just less of everything except maybe the surf fish.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-11 AT 01:43PM (MST)[p]beings I have spent 2/3 of my life in Cali I gotta Chime in...

I've had my share of run in's with Wardens and in Cali, back when I used to guide, There was one warden out for my tail, one day we had a guy drive by the house shoot a forky while standing in the middles of a paved road, naturally we called F&G and the dude was sited.

well later that afternoon the warden pulled me over while I had a client in the Truck he asked for my log book and I had forgotten to fill in the log for that day, he wrote me up, I came un-glued I told him you trying to force me outta business cause I'll just get on welfare if you are and save you the trouble, then I hollered & said I did your job for you today and turned in a poacher...

next day that warden called me asked me to come in to the office and he ripped up that citation in front of his supervisor...were buds ever since but he never quit following me...
bigmoosie, first it's nice to hear from you. I sure hope you're doing well. The first time I visited Kenai it was like my younger days in CA, only on steroids. Plus it lasts almost 24 hours a day in the summer. You live in a very special place. I hope it stays like it is for future generations.

For some odd reason I never got into abalone. I guess it's because if it was an abalone tide, it was also a clam tide. I would much rather eat razor clams than abalone.

Bill, I hear you still have decent clamming up your way? I used to go to Redwood Creek and catch Candle Fish. My friends tell me they're gone now, but not sure. I've even been up on the Klamath eeling at night, although I never really cared to eat them that much.

Bill I went up to Orick like 5 time last summer on good tides, and never saw a surf fish. Nobody fishing either. I felt like a stranger.

California is only a shell of its former self. I feel sorry for todays kids. We used to go for the pure joy of getting out on an adventure. It was all there for the taking.

Good post Eel.
You left out the Delta- some of the best fishing in the world but then I would have to put my carp bow down to do it- maybe sometimes.

I think most Non Res. view Ca as Hollywood and LA- which- as Nor Cal guys know- LA is a different world
I'm one of those California implants that transferred to someplace better...HH, Joey amd RELH can B.S. you all they want but I'm glad I left....I get to hunt Deer, Elk and fish EVERY YEAR right out my back door...and I ain't no liberal....I go the game and fish meetings and other convservation programs all the time and say my say when someone is trying to change something that ain't broke!!!
Plus I can buy any amount of ammo I want and and any gun I want and it doesn't have a friggin' paper trail as long as I-80.. And as for the Tea Party movement you are either on the train or setting on the tracks cause your'e gonna get run over one way or another....
Eel, yep we still have some good razor clam years here but it can be hit or miss.Next time I hear they are getting them I will shoot you a PM.

Still a few surf fish up here but I have heard Orick area has lost it's shine.

I feel bad for my kids cause they have to work with whats left but I am seriously pondering a move to greener pastures for their sake. Just don't know where yet.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
>Plus I can buy any amount
>of ammo I want and
>and any gun I want
>and it doesn't have a
>friggin' paper trail as long
>as I-80

I always find that statement about "paper trails and gun purchases" to be hiliarious.

EVERY hunting, fishing and outdoor organization, magazine subscription, etc, etc, etc, that you ever belonged to, subscribed to, or went to, has a paper trail that will lead right to your front door.

Those of you who think you are "under the radar" are simpletons of the first order.

Don't you watch NCIS?...........LOL!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
This was never intended to be a cali bashing thread only a thread pointing out that your game wardens are left winged bunny hugging liberals.

Now since my thread was jacked let me chime in.

I personally have a 50 bmg which I legally bought in my state. I will also add that I have yet to shoot down a passenger plane with it as california stated I would. In addition I have a supressor for my sako which is illegal in california. Did I also mention I absolutely love shooting my AR and I've enjoyed shooting the fully automatic weapons which my state has graciously allowed me to legally purchase. Now, i didn't know this was much of a fishing site but if you wanna compare apples to apples we have tons of alligator gars which can be bowhunted year around in the pecos. There are lots of catfish, crappie, perch, bass, trout, blue gill, cut throat trout, german browns, carp, minnows, chubs, etc. May I also mention the catching of grasshoppers, butterflys, moths, inchworms, grubworms, flys, mesquitoes, beetles, ants, etc is also open year around and could be fun if that is your thing as well. Buuuuuuut, since cali just like every other single friggin state in the union has fishing available on an extremely broad scale year around I will have to say we have to exclude that and any other non big game animal out there.

Lets talk about cougars! Wanna explain to the cali's that our children aren't cougar bait? Didn't think so. They still have the mentality that cougars are going extinct. How bout rabbit hunting? I can walk in my back yard with a gun, no hunting license and shoot a rabbit anytime. then we have catalina sheep. I can go to the mountains anytime and slaughter as many as I want with no license required. What else can I shoot a lot of 365 days a year with no license? Well, theres hogs, and prairie dogs, coyotes, badgers, ground squirrels, sparrows, collard dove, and the list goes on.

In cali you have to have a friggin license for everything. There is no off season where I live if you know where to find the animals. Lets just say I don't have time to go swim with the clams. I've got big game critters I can hunt year round. On top of that our big game season here starts in August and ends in march. That means I only have 4 months to hunt my pigs and catalina sheep. And lord knows with the numbers we have 4 months is near enough time to put a dent in them.

As one last final argument for my state let me ask you one more question?

Can you do like me and take your supressed 50 BMG out into the field and shoot a big game animal of some sort in the middle of the summer with no hunting license, and then walk up to said animal and whip out your full auto mac 10 and put 50 more 9mm rounds into that guy to finish it up? I didn't think so. I think that statement alone says a lot about cali's jacked up legislation putting handcuffs on the sportsmen of the state.
I doubt that you will get any kind of argument about our State Government......we don't like it either.

As far as guns and ammo go.....Stomper, we all already know that you NEED those big guns and all that ammo to get it done!....LOL. Do YOU think you could hit an airliner....parked? Just sayin'.....

Yes, I have a certain ammount of envy for some of what you mentioned, but all in all, I am OK with where I am and what I am able to do.

We all got to be somewhere.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I will make all u Cali fans a deal. U guys vote Nancy pelosi out of office and make it illegal for the Mexicans to fly the American flag upside down and the rest of America will start liking ur state. Sound like a deal? Lol
Ba ha ha Stinks you make me laugh every damn time i get on here. I agree with your long post about all the killing and catching with no trouble from anybody. Im gonna have to make a trip out there to take part in some of that goat slaying.

+1 on the nancy pelosi. Mexican or not you fly our flag upside you deserve to be buried upside down.
>I'm one of those California implants
>that transferred to someplace better...HH,
>Joey amd RELH can B.S.
>you all they want but
>I'm glad I left....I get
>to hunt Deer, Elk and
>fish EVERY YEAR right out
>my back door...

Don't let me bullsh*tt you...

I hunt 2 deer, turkeys, & predators every single year right out my door too Longgun.

Just be clear, I ain't ever said that California is the best place to live, never.
What I do say is that is sure as hell ain't the worst.
That's all.
The generalizations are what's BS.

stinkystomper said "Can you do like me and take your supressed 50 BMG out into the field and shoot a big game animal of some sort in the middle of the summer with no hunting license, and then walk up to said animal and whip out your full auto mac 10 and put 50 more 9mm rounds into that guy to finish it up? I didn't think so."

Being from California, I guess I just missed out on the finer things of life.:(

Stinkystomper, you don't like to swim with the clams? If I could cook your wife up a batch of my razor clams, she would drop you like a hot potato. She and I would be going to Alaska to fish instead of going to Africa with you for a stupid leopard hunt. Can you eat leopards? I didn't think so.

>Why would you need to finish
>something off after you've hit
>it with your .50 BMG

Don't kid yourself HH... He'd have to hit the damn thing first!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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