California To Introduce Wolves?

I haven't read a steaming pile of biased crap that bad in a long time.

Killing wolves creates more livestock deaths. Who woulda thunk.

Better fencing! That's the answer.

Liberals ignore logic and believe the lies they want to believe.

Harry, KA is a liberal utopia. It is exactly what they want.
Harry, it actually does not say anything about introducing wolves, but rather it talks about protecting them when they eventually find their way here.

We all need to send in comments against protection. Wolves are foreign to California, to a much greater degree than mule deer and elk were to Santa Rosa Island. Dianne Feinstein saw fit to lead an effort to exterminate ALL deer and elk from Santa Rosa Island, arguing that they were not native to the island. Well, wolves are not native to California, so we should apply the same logic and exterminate them, using Di Fi's logic.
I skipped the entire blob of crap article and enjoyed the real facts in this instance:

"California resident Amaroq Weiss, a biologist and former attorney who has been working to recover wolves in the West for 16 years, is West Coast Wolf Organizer for the Center for Biological Diversity"

No motive to be seen here, move along.

"There is no reason why I have to tolerate your stupidity if you are unwilling to tolerate mine." ME
I find Hunter Harrys comments about moving to Wyoming humorous, that would be a great move to get away from wolves alright.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-13 AT 08:58AM (MST)[p]

I want to move to Wyoming to get away from the psychopathic liberals that control California, the democrats have a super majority here and are on a rampage like I've never seen before
The wolf article I posted is more about that liberal treehugging mindset than the actual wolves themselves.
Here in California democrats are the biggest threat to hunting, wolves would just be the final nail in the coffin.
In Wyoming, you can kill the wolves, you think that will happen here?

Yeah right.
So, this supposed "biologist" works for the Center For Biological Diversity. The same group who started the online petition that resulted in hundreds of death wishes to me for airing a wolf hunt on TV.

CBD and California policy makers are the last people I want "settiing the tone of US wolf management."

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-13 AT 11:21AM (MST)[p]

Oh yeah Randy,

Here in California she has credibility as a highly educated wildlife expert.

In just the last year, I've seen the banning of hunting bobcats and bears using hounds, the statewide outrage over a coyote hunting contest in Modoc County, the uproar over California Fish & Game Commissioner Dan Richards legally hunting a mountain lion in Idaho, the push to make Fish & Game relocate problem lions instead of kill them, the changing of the Dept of Fish & Game to the Dept of Fish & Wildlife that cost millions of dollars so it wouldn't sound so offensive, the ban of selling legally (box)trapped bobcat pelts, the proposed statewide ban on all lead bullets, and certainly the gaggle of anti gun California politicians beating their chests and putting forth numerous anti gun bills after the Sandy Hook incident.

Makes me want to vomit.
Center for Biological Diversity, one of the few things I don't like about AZ. We have so much good going on down here I can't understand how these wack-jobs can continue to survive here. I guess Tucson is just different than the rest of the state. That's where they teach kids that AZ is an illegally occupied territory of Mexico in the public schools and their congressman is an openly bi-sexual female with an agenda to promote the LGTB lifestyle nationally and children should be encouraged to experiment with alternate lifestyles before they settle on gender stereotypes. Since they already want to influence the political scene in CA, can we just deport these folks to CA, please?
>Center for Biological Diversity, one of
>the few things I don't
>like about AZ. We have
>so much good going on
>down here I can't understand
>how these wack-jobs can continue
>to survive here. I guess
>Tucson is just different than
>the rest of the state.
>That's where they teach kids
>that AZ is an illegally
>occupied territory of Mexico in
>the public schools and their
>congressman is an openly bi-sexual
>female with an agenda to
>promote the LGTB lifestyle nationally
>and children should be encouraged
>to experiment with alternate lifestyles
>before they settle on gender
>stereotypes. Since they already want
>to influence the political scene
>in CA, can we just
>deport these folks to CA,

There is a no return policy when KA exports freaks.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
There are a bunch of good people in California who are getting totally screwed by their State government and the liberals who placed them in office.
So sorry HH, and my other CA sportsmen friends, for all the crap that you must endure!

Good luck?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-13 AT 10:15PM (MST)[p]These people will win. Because they feed the masses with outright lies and claim it's scientific. I love the one they use that the wolves " only kill the old and weak". Sure. Last time I hunted in Wyoming I talked to some locals that said the wolves had killed the biggest bull elk around. A huge 7 point In his prime. The same area, before the wolves came had a herd of about 100 elk we would see every year, the last couple of times we saw less than 10. Also what's this about a public comment period? Haven't heard about this yet.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-13 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]Thought they already had them....."Canus Politicus Idioto" genus

Look out folks,they already have them there with numorous Farms of the "save the" crowd. Thats where these AZ/NM hybreds came from. Not from Mexico....then that's another spieces and topic...
Use the laws/rules against them,"Non Native Invasive Spieces"...
>AT 11:21?AM (MST)

>Oh yeah Randy,
>Here in California she has credibility
>as a highly educated wildlife
>In just the last year, I've
>seen the banning of hunting
>bobcats and bears using hounds,
>the statewide outrage over a
>coyote hunting contest in Modoc
>County, the uproar over California
>Fish & Game Commissioner Dan
>Richards legally hunting a mountain
>lion in Idaho, the push
>to make Fish & Game
>relocate problem lions instead of
>kill them, the changing of
>the Dept of Fish &
>Game to the Dept of
>Fish & Wildlife that cost
>millions of dollars so it
>wouldn't sound so offensive, the
>ban of selling legally (box)trapped
>bobcat pelts, the proposed statewide
>ban on all lead bullets,
>and certainly the gaggle of
>anti gun California politicians beating
>their chests and putting forth
>numerous anti gun bills after
>the Sandy Hook incident.
>Makes me want to vomit.

Why do I get the feeling the year is 1938 and we're Jews living in Germany? How much longer are we willing to live in denial?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-13 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]a good wolf
I'm surprised she could even type that article with her arms wrapped so tightly around that tree, you would think it would be hard to reach the keyboard!
Yeah but what a hole to patch. Sorry for you guys in CA. Harry, Wyoming is looking to cut wolf tags. Come on up to Montana. We have tons of them, and a 3 tag quota. mtmuley
i wouldnt worry about it cali guys, there is no deer to eat no elk, just stupid people, and mountain lions. the wolves wont do well there and maybe it will be positive as the sewer sucking slime ball city folk that want all this will see the wolves encroaching on their yards and eating their pets and god forbid their children or them
theox, After reading your last post here and several of your other off the wall comments going back a couple years but especially these past few months, i'd have put those, "sewer sucking slime ball city folk", just a notch or two above yourself.

If you truly believe that there is no Big Game here in Kali worth protecting, you are incredibly stupid along with being way to vain.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I feel for you Harry. Wolf introduction is a tool of the anti hunters, and then they enlist the help of a whole lot of stupid people to help them.
The worse is the hunters that placate them.
COOL......I may incorporate that logo into the camo pattern on ALL my varmint rifles!

"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid"
>COOL......I may incorporate that logo into
>the camo pattern on ALL
>my varmint rifles!

Best idea yet.

Chinese say Wok for wolves.
Playing on ignorance in Long Beach. Anybody that signs up will believe anything they are told. That's a big part of the problem. You wanna see ignorance, check out howlingforjustice. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-13 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p]Sage, i dont really care about your opinion. If i am 2-3 notches below city folk that puts you 2-3 below me lol JK You are not that close to me! But seriously, think what you want of me, you dont know me, and would probably change your mind if you did. I was being sarcastic and having fun about it so chill. trying to make light of a bad situation. It makes me sick to think thesepeople with no knowledge of the woods or anything is gonna dictate what happens to our hunting heritages. I like poking fun of cali just like people poke fun of utards! Just all in fun, really wasnt designed to make you cali folks butthurt, So suck it up.

Yes I like to stir the pot and put different perspectives into the conversation. I like to have my opinions on things, and I get sick of people making blanket statements about habitat etc. Im not sure which off the wall comments you are refering to sage( cause there are alot lol) but if it has to do with atv's and habitat etc. I fully believe four wheelers driving over sage brush can actually help habitatin some cases. Sage brush encroachment has become a serious problem and something needs to kill some brush. Its getting old and worthless, its using significant amounts of water, and is plain out of control! ( at least in my hunting grounds) Go look at some range pics from the early 1900s til now, you will see what fire suppression has caused. But thats a whole different coversation. Just because my opinion differs than yours does not mean i am wrong. I have seen what happens when sage is cleared and PJ is cleared. Springs begin to refill and wildlife returns. A lot of studies can be tainted because they are done on such a short term scale. I actually am a pretty reasonable person. I just get sick of everyone thinking a one size fits all policy works.. 4 wheelers can actually do some good. especially in areas where bison used to roam. Bison tilled up the ground in their massive herds and actually stimulated grass growth etc. The bison's hooves would sever the stolons and create an increase in plant production. If you are unfamiliar with stolons look them up. It may just change your closed mind about atvs. Do i see a prob with atvs no..... not here....maybe in your neck of the woods. But i see benefits from them sometimes. Also sage brush is pretty tough stuff and many species will not die from a 4 wheeler. Sage needs to be spiked, or every last green leaf needs to be cut off to kill it. I have cut thousands of acres of sage, and I know how hard it is to kill. It often returns within years. Here in utah we have some pretty insane amounts of sage, and i think the old stands are actually decreasing the habitat production. Deer do eat sage, but in my observations they eat it when they have nothing else to eat, or the sage is the only thing sticking out from snow. So yes sage is critical, but so are the other plants. anyway enough ranting, good day sir!

Yukon, come on you are better than that!I have never had a prob with you, that just brought you down in my books. I thought pretty highly of you before. But with comments of stfu show your true colors. Not very classy....

My sewer sucking slime ball comment was directed to the city folk that have nothing to do with the outdoors and think they know whats best for our backyards. Im sick and tired of these people that just want to ruin hunting, or ruin our lifestyle casue they get a crazy notion to have a disney movie fantasy of perfect harmony. Man is the enemy and raccoons, wolves, deer, rabbits live in harmony together. Im tired of these people. I dont try to tell them how to dictate the city! I mean heck a lot of cities are deer habitat, and wolf habitat, bear habitat but we are not trying to reintroduce them in to the cities. Any way preachig to the choir wont help.

Putting wolves into our ranching, or hunting grounds is the same thing as releasing a bunch of convience store robbers in to the 7-11 parking lot. Place willl get robbed! These people dont understand that killing our wildlife and livestock can be financially devastating. People thinking o well ranchers lose some cows. Well how about when we release these poor robbers into their back yards and it threatens there livlihoods, or financial security!

Yukon, Sage..... Chill brothers! We are on the same side!
Actually man is the problem, not wolves, raccons or rabbits.
according to scientists the world has lost 40% of its biodiversity recently, all due to humans, ah but who cares.
Do you think ATVs are going to replace bison? hardly, burn that sagebrush and your going to get cheatgrass, guess who brought that here? guess what ate the native grass and allowed the sage to take over?

There ain't no going back to the good old days, too many humans, too many domestic animals, we couldn't fix it if we tried, and were not going to try.
Stephen Hawking says man hasn't got a thousand years left on this planet, we are killing it, I think he is being somewhat optimistic.
>Actually man is the problem, not
>wolves, raccons or rabbits.
>according to scientists the world has
>lost 40% of its biodiversity
>recently, all due to humans,
>ah but who cares.
>Do you think ATVs are
>going to replace bison?
>hardly, burn that sagebrush and
>your going to get cheatgrass,
>guess who brought that here?
>guess what ate the native
>grass and allowed the sage
>to take over?
>There ain't no going back to
>the good old days, too
>many humans, too many domestic
>animals, we couldn't fix it
>if we tried, and were
>not going to try.
> Stephen Hawking says man hasn't
>got a thousand years left
>on this planet, we are
>killing it, I think
>he is being somewhat optimistic.

Piper Cheat grass is far more useable than over encroached PJ and old unusable sage.
1. cheat grass can hold soil down, pj CAUSES SOIL EROSION. Pip any idea how much water a Juniper can consume? Take the height of the tree mutiply by 4 and also by 7. 10 foot tree. 10x4=40, 10x7= 70. that tree can consume 40-70 gallons of water a day! with an extensive root system like the juniper has( can grow down 25 feet and send roots laterally 100 feet in any direction NO WATER MAKES IT PAST A THICK STAND OF PJ.

2. cheat grass is a cool season grass and will come green first and provide some nourishment in early spring, and at least is feed for a couple months in critical times.
4. no atvs wont be as good as bison but fire suppression is a major threat!
5. walt disney, i mean piper! enjoying cali?land of the fruits and the nuts!
From Fish & Wildlife website:

"The State of California is NOT intentionally reintroducing wolves."

not saying I believe it.....their words, not mine.

"Any wolf that enters California is protected as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act."

up to $100,000 fine for shooting one.

yukon i just went back and read your first post and you said dang near the same thing i did? wtf man? lol, you got 2 personalities?
Sorry Theox, I live in Wyoming, and actually its still a bit more pristine than Tardsville.
Growing up in Nevada, I know a bit about cheatgrass too. Utah juniper can consume those large amounts of water, but seldom do, and many times their root systems only make it a few feet down into the rocks, I have cut some down that were hundreds of years old and no more than 6 feet tall, I have a big very old stump in the garage.
Fire in low elevation great basin- desert type areas has proven to be a bad thing for the most part, cheat grass is not much good, I guess its better than a few things though.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-13 AT 09:52PM (MST)[p]Seemed pretty defensive about kali so assumed you had to be one of them.... my bad.
Yes juniper is making an impact on water, consider utah went from 30 percent if you dont think they consume more water than they leave you should move to the land of fruits and nuts!

I am by no means advocating cheat grass, but i sure as hellll would rather it than alot of stuff.

this link is what i am refering tooo! look at the encroachment! both sage and pj

you cant tell me sage brush fire is not a good thing! If you read the words It totally agrees with me!
if you seriously cant agree that we have a problem with fire suppression and the photos are not enough to see what i am refering to, there is no since in talking to you anymore about it. cause we will never see eye to eye
I replied to theoz, "If you truly believe that there is no Big Game here in Kali worth protecting, you are incredibly stupid along with being way to vain."

My statements stand! If your pants are all up in a wad because so, so be it. You run your mouth as if you are better than others when in truth we can only be the best that we knowingly can. I hate this but, City Folk included!

Yes, i do not share your views on ATV's and their potential damage to our Public Lands by same. Your sage brush argument is moot. I do not own, or ever have, a ATV and detest seeing them blazing off wherever they want or choose only because the terrain will allow them to do so and the scars of their passing are evident reminders, your saying that they don't exist or not.

Seems to me that you have enough issues in Utah to fix before running your mouth about how bad the hunting is and the people are in Kai! Jokes or not, it gets old and i thought yours just too much over the line!!

Yes, in most ways, we are on the same side...


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-13 AT 06:51PM (MST)[p]

sage..... did you not see yukons post? his is way worse than what i posted. If you have your panties in a bunch because of joke so be it lol. whatever man, i rarely agree with you on much anyway. Not sure how you think i act like i am better than anyone else... pretty dumb comment there.

Mtmuley, im not advocating cheat grass i have said that i think it sucks, but it sure is a helllll of a lot better than alot of other plants, and its at least a little usuable. Not advocating atv use, but i do not believe it causes the "scars" everyone claims, i see a 4 wheeler track when out hiking, its gone come next year and the sage brush is stilllll there sucking moisture. I just disagree that its causing the damage claimed. I ask and i ask for people to post up pictures of this degradation, you guys post pictures of a trail or 2 or whatever but never pictures of all this dead sage brush etc.

takes 2 miles of 4 wheeler trails to equal 1 acre of land. so i dont see the harm in a few 4 wheeler trails. they are only twice as wide as hiking trails and dont see the differences. 1280 miles of atv trails = 640 acres 1 section.... 1 mile by 1 mile. I rthink the 22 million acres of blm land in utah can hand a few hundred acres of atv trails. Id be more concerned about housing developments, and mountain house subdivisions(cabins) than some 4 wheelr trails.

I understand its frustrating seeing a 4 wheeler track when out hiking for sheds, been there done that very annoying, but lying about the problems it causes is weak. I still enjoy my hike, and often find sheds near the tracks.
I also know how frustrating it is to have hiked in somewhere only to have a 4 wheeler putting around when hunting deer and elk. Ticks me off, but im not gonna lie about the problems it doesnt cause. some people prefer to hunt on 4 wheelers cause they are lazy but still wanna get out and hope to luck into a dumb deer. So be it, i use it to my advantage and have many times had deer pushed to me from atv riders. I realize you old timers miss the days of no 4 wheelers i envy the seclusion you had once you got away from roads. but once again not gonna lie about 4 wheelers causing problems where i see no problems.

Anyway we are completly off from the OP so if you guys wanna continue badgering me etc do so on pm or whatever.
ox said, " Not sure how you think i act like i am better than anyone else... pretty dumb comment there."

Yeah sure ox, when you address people as, "sewer sucking slime ball city folk", you certainly don't believe that to be a condescending statement. Right!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-13 AT 08:13PM (MST)[p]

Well its from little rascals sage so yes it is for sure funny. I never said i was better than them. I just think they are sleaze bags for this kind of stuff. Not all city folk are slime balls i was refering to these idiots that want to have wolves but wont even get out to see them, just think its such a great idea cause it sounds neat. They dont care about the impacts, just their little walt disney fantasy! If you dont think these wolf groups are lying sleaze bags and the majority of them are city folk with absolutely no care who it effects or how,well you are crazier than i thought. The wolves are in peoples backyards, on their ranches killing their livestock they depend on to make a living. Sorry but that sounds like slime balls to me
0x, you keep clarifying exactly who you were referring to but i went by what you said in your post. That and your past stated beliefs that it doesn't hurt to run around where ever with your ATV.

As i said, don't you have enough on your plate with Utah's problems before dishing dirt on Kali? Very few here are happy about any of the Liberal agenda, the tree hugger, wolf, and other major predator, lovers in particular.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
So you are saying you dont want me to oppose california getting wolves? you dont want my name on a petition, you dont want me writing your legislators?. I was being sarcastic in the post cause i was frustrated with the pro wolfers! I dont want to see any state be devasted by wolves! So yeah I will worry about Utah and Other states! States like cali get wolves it only pushes the possibility of utah getting them transplanted. I dont want wolves anywhere in the lower 48! I dont understand why you are badgering me about talking crap on the peeople that are trying to introduce wolves. Maybe i didnt clarify i was talking about the city folk that want these changes, my bad! goodness man! Why are you so butt hurt! I dont know why you are pickig this fight! I said nothing different than what yukon said in the first post, but you are attacking me! Goodness! I have explained the atv thing enough! If you want to continue the atv issue pm! For this wolf matter i really dont understand what you are so tore up about, are you a city folk or what? Quit being so sensitive! Like i said i was making light of a bad situation! I was frustrated and i am plain sick of these pro wolf people that dont understand the consequences of wolves! Sometimes i wonder if you are even a hunter sage! You get really wierd about things like this!
you're unhappy about the liberal agenda , wolves etc, but you are defending them? Weird......
0x, here's your post one more time, "i wouldnt worry about it cali guys, there is no deer to eat no elk, just stupid people, and mountain lions. the wolves wont do well there and maybe it will be positive as the sewer sucking slime ball city folk that want all this will see the wolves encroaching on their yards and eating their pets and god forbid their children or them"

Me butthurt? Hardly! You don't sound one bit concerned other than to take shots at Kali guys and our Big Game which you seem to know nothing about. It is condescending, attacking, and will be read by not one single wolf lover in these pages. Us guys here know more than anyone what we are facing, we don't need some big mouth hotshot punk from Utah telling us how stupid we are, how our city dwellers are sewer sucking slime balls, and how the wolves are going to effect our game management.

From most anyone else, i would have heard a, "i probably shouldn't have said what i did, didn't mean anything against the Kali guys here on this Forum" but i guess that ain't happening and i'm not wasting another moment of thought on you or your thoughts on the subject!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sage- Are you even readin what you post? Its clear in my OP that I said the city folk that want the wolves are sewer sucking slime balls. LOL

Cali guys take shots at Utards all the time. Thought it was a trade off, Besides all i did was say the hunting sucks there, just cause the few times I have been there I dont see any deer worth a dang. Which by the sounds of it there are not a whole lot(less than utah and its 2 times the size). I really dont get why you are badgering me LOL.I said it will be funny when the wolves enter the city folks back yards and eat their pets, I also said i hope not the children or them! I dont get what you are reading but you are making a big deal out of nothing and making yourself look quite butthurt and dumb.... so whatever, no one else on here needs to here our bickering so PM if you want to continue the trash talking over NOTHING.or... Option 2 just quit crying,it was not a big deal! Sensitive little man!
Is there a SFW in California. If not the doors open for a new chapter to capitalize on this wolf deal. There doesn't even have to be wolves, just the idea.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Maybe this will provide some explanation.

The number one selling car in California, two years running; PRIUS

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
From the Sacramento Bee newspaper...

Viewpoints: State must overhaul approach to predators

By Jennifer Fearing
Special to The Bee

Published: Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 - 12:00 am | Page 11A

A year ago, a photo surfaced of Dan Richards, then-president of California's Fish and Game Commission, bear-hugging a dead mountain lion.

Richards had shot the majestic animal ? protected in California, but legal to be hunted in Idaho ? out of a tree where the cougar sought refuge after hours of pursuit by a pack of hounds. The photo set off a social and mainstream media firestorm fueled by the outrage expressed by tens of thousands of Californians and many elected officials.

The reaction to the photo came from an instinct most of us share that abhors the practice of killing animals just for trophies. Scientists broadly concur that humans generally don't need to intervene to manage predator populations.

More than 70 years ago, legendary National Park Service biologist Adolph Murie published research showing predators actually strengthen deer and elk herds by culling out the sick and weak. Numerous peer-reviewed studies followed, also affirming the importance of predation to maintain the delicate balance of our ecosystems. Unfortunately, federal and state policies have yet to true up with these findings, and our laws and regulations continue to allow for the liberal killing of important species like bears, coyotes, foxes and bobcats.

The Richards event was the first in a year's worth of controversies here in California that point to a need for a proactive approach to reconsider how we interact with predators:

? An investigative series in spring 2012 by The Bee exposed the federal government's lethal predator control programs and its failure to reduce wildlife conflicts with humans and livestock despite the trapping and killing of thousands of California's wild animals every year.

? In May 2012, officials killed a mountain lion that was cornered in a highly urban part of Santa Monica when efforts to capture him failed.

? The city of Davis severed its ties with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services in July 2012 after residents raised concerns over the killing of five coyotes ? four of them pups.

? In two separate "public safety" incidents ? one in August in El Dorado County, and one in December in Half Moon Bay ? mountain lion cubs were killed in situations that could have been controlled by nonlethal means.

? In summer 2012, well-known Tahoe bear "Sunny," never known to show aggression or cause conflict with humans, was found shot to death on a West Lake Tahoe beach.

? Throughout 2012, California's first gray wolf, dubbed "OR7" by Oregon officials who collared the animal with GPS equipment, meandered throughout Northern California counties, sparking emotions from fear to delight about the possibility of a future wolf population in the state.

? The January announcement of a new "predator hunting clinic" by the newly renamed Department of Fish and Wildlife , which referred to proper "trophy care" and featured a photo of a distressed coyote, was met with complaints from citizens groups like the Humane Society.

? Despite the pleas of dozens of animal protection and environmental organizations and thousands of Californians, a coyote killing contest was held in Modoc County recently, where teams, including children, competed to win a silver belt buckle as a prize for killing the most coyotes.

? And most recently, a front page Los Angeles Times story chronicled the concern of residents and biologists in the vicinity of Joshua Tree National Park where trappers are trapping and killing hundreds of bobcats each year to sell their pelts for fur coats in China and Russia.

California made progress in 2012. Long overdue legislation to end the cruel and unnecessary use of hounds to chase and harass bears and bobcats resulted in a law banning the practice. Montana prohibited the unsporting practice back in 1921.

And while there were some human-wildlife conflicts in California that resulted in happy endings and some efforts are afoot to improve responses for some species, we need a comprehensive review of our approach to predators in the context of their role in the ecosystem.

All Californians would benefit from more scientifically sound, more humane, and importantly for those who deal directly with wildlife conflicts ? more effective ? alternatives to indiscriminate trapping, killing and hunting.

Let us lead and not continue to let controversies, conflicts and needless deaths set the agenda.

Read more here:

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