California DFG are freckin idiots............

lol...IDIOTS???....they are genius...we are the idiots, we tolerate it.

>lol...IDIOTS???....they are genius...we are the idiots,
>we tolerate it.

So TRUE.......... :-(

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne
The problem isn't just in California...I don't mean the HSUS, I mean that hunters no longer have much influence over the F&G in many (if not all) states.

They have become very agenda-driven and politicized.

WE NEED to demand and take control.

We will never be able to do that if our knowledge and understanding come from what our buddies think or from any source other than OUR OWN STUDY of the science. Please educate yourselves and those with whom you have influence (learn about winter feeding, domestic-animal grazing, predators, Pittman-Robertson and many other things). If we don't, our children and grandchildren (many of the younger ones here) will not be able to hunt.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I'm sure the claims are justified, and the thought of it pi$$es me off, but the "article" sounds more like an opinionated rant than a factual article.

I wish it were written in a more "newslike" fashion, with more specifics (money for what went where, when, etc.) so I could share it with other Outdoor News Entities here in CA.

Best of Luck,
>I'm sure the claims are justified,
>and the thought of it
>pi$$es me off, but the
>"article" sounds more like an
>opinionated rant than a factual
>I wish it were written in
>a more "newslike" fashion, with
>more specifics (money for what
>went where, when, etc.) so
>I could share it with
>other Outdoor News Entities here
>in CA.
>Best of Luck,

You can download a PDF here. This was the beginning back in 2009. You will have to register to read it though.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne

My immediate concern is that HSUS money could influence DFG planning and strategy as it pertains to hunting and fishing.

I can't believe that the DFG couldn't find a more suitable partner.

What the hell where they thinking?

>My immediate concern is that HSUS
>money could influence DFG planning
>and strategy as it pertains
>to hunting and fishing.
>I can't believe that the DFG
>couldn't find a more suitable
>What the hell where they thinking?
>Eldorado obvious...

Sorry folks you will see more and more Peta members becoming DFG personnel in the coming years h3ll they have a bunch in there now., It's a sad deal, They are going to beat us by becoming Wildlife personnel in all the states and I don't see a way to stop them.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
We should take note of the tactics being used and stop them! BUT... we will probably continue to argue among ourselves over petty things and kick against the hunting organizations who could help us.
Unless we unite and get behind a big push to get this turned around, we'll probably have to live with it until we lose our hunting rights.
I'd rather have SFW at the ear of UTDWR than the humane society.
Take your pick and live with it.

The bottom line in this country, in spite of ALL the hunters, ORV people, outdoor enthusiasts, etc., that you know, we are outnumbered about 5 to 1.

There is no way that this issue can go in another direction. The media is biased and bought off to the extreme.

All of the money we spend is going to be increased to support these programs and when "they" finally get their way and we are gone, who will pay for the wildlife programs we now support?

I cannot guess at how much I spend each year on memberships, donations, taxes on sporting goods, licenses, tags, fuel etc, etc, etc.....and I am a piker compared to some I know.

Are these "nature fakers" going to replace those monies? I doubt it!

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
I think it would be great if we didn't buy any hunting or fishing permits for one year and see how they deal with it. Never happen I know, but I can dream.
California game wardens are a damn joke. They pulled some major illegal s#*t with us last year on private land. First off, they drove through a locked gate. Some how they opened the lock. Second, they came into our ranch house with out warrant or probable cause. There were 3 minors asleep and 4 adults that were asleep. All lights were off.

This all happened because someone was spotlighting the ranch(6000 acres). So they took it upon themselves to just walk on the house(no joke)

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