California Bighorn help


Long Time Member
My brother drew a resident Nevada California bighorn tag. We didn't have time to talk much, and I will get more info as to specific area etc. Since he moved to Nevada from Montana, I think his hunting urge has lessened. He wasn't really exited about this tag. Should he be? I lived in Nevada for 12 years but never put in for sheep. But I do know this is a killer tag.(I think.) Can anyone give some info to get him exited? Thanks mtmuley
I'll take the tag off his hands, if it were legal. But I'm sorry he's not excited because there are many people in this state and others that would give their left nut for that tag. What unit is it for? I sure hope he's willing to put in the work or he maybe should not have applied. Maybe he should higher an outfitter. Best of luck to you and your brother, its an awesome opportunity.
>He wasn't really exited about
>this tag. Should he be?

Yes he should!

I have the list of who drew if you PM me his name.
He should be happy! There are sooooo many people that would be excited about it that it is almost a shame that someone who draws a tag like that isn't more excited. I hope he catches sheep fever and gets pumped up for the hunt. Good luck to him.
He should be on his knees thanking the Creator! I have put in for that tag for 17 years in a row now and I have never drawn the tag. I know of some killer areas if you want to PM me with his name.

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