Calif Bucks of old


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 08:58AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 08:56?AM (MST)



These are a couple of bucks from back in the day. Some may recognize them. The one buck on the right measured over 40" something like 41" with the cheaters.
The owner and I think the guy that shot it was Jerry Quigley. He was a retired Battalion Chief with CDF at Bieber station.
Sorry but I do not know. Every morning when we got to work we would just stand in the Chiefs office and just stare at it.
No I beleive Chief Quigley took it home once he retired. I don't know if you can see them but there are cheeters on each side that stick out about 4". It didn't have real deep tines but it had crazy mass.

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