cali/oregon poacher


Active Member
just read in the paper that a redding ,ca. man was sentenced for killing a trophy bull elk in the weneha unit in oregon back in 2006 he got a $50,000 fine and his hunting lisence revoked for life looks like oregon dont f@$k around with thier out of state poachers i wonder if the resident poachers would get that stiff of a judgement p.s he had no lisence or tag for the unit so he is just another scum bag poacher in my book that got what he deserved.
That is the way it oughta be. Throw the book at them. That is a good question if a resident had done the same thing would they have gotten the same punishment. One way to find out....any one from Oregon want to go kill an elk illeglly? Please, help us rectify this situation!!

As far as fines are concerned they are very minamal for a resident most that I have read about don't add upto $1500 barely a slap on the back of the hand. The biggest thing is the lossing privilages in oregon and 26 other states. It has been brought up by oregon hunters association and others to make the fines stiffer but it has not been done yet.

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