Cali Draw Odds??


Long Time Member
Don't know if many of you guys have noticed the nice animals that have been posted up that came outa Cali this past season or not but there have been quite a few.

Last year, i asked if the "Draw Odds" feature was going to be expanded to take in kali as well. I was then told, "next year", maybe not in those exact words. Well, next year here we are. Is there any progress or plans to have Kali included for this hunting season? That would be Deer, Sheep, Elk, and Antelope. Thanks!!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-11 AT 08:41AM (MST)[p]If there is an X in front of it the draw odds are 1%

There I fixed it. :)

Sage, you should know by now that you can only ask questions about UT in the General hunting forum. LOL
For me I can put in 3 points for x9a and draw it. One of my friends drew it in 2 years though.
Thanks Guys! Last year when i posed my question, i was answered by either the guy who "does", did the feature or Founder, or both, can't remember exactly without digging up the thread. But that is where i got the "next year" and would appreciate hearing back from such a person in that position of knowledge. Thanks again,

doesn't any one believe in just "plan a%% luck"? anyway's anyone ever drink bong water before?


Founder and the "draw odds" guy must be on vacation, good on them, but i'm still waiting for the courtesy of an answer when they return. Thanks!

CA put enough information in the application book that you can figure draw odds in the random and top pools. I don't think you can get it earler. It would be a very short turn around to post here for last year's data on this years draw.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-11 AT 05:40AM (MST)[p]Fudd, thank you for, in this case, keeping your opinion to yourself.

If it matters, i disagree with you. I too know my way around the regs booklets but this isn't just for me or for you. The "draw odds feature here, for the other states, is much easier and quicker to use than anything working with the booklets. For that matter, it may well draw more people to this website once they hear that the feature that works so well, now includes Cali's big game draws as well.

As i stated above, i'm waiting for a response from those who officially said to me, "next year".

"Why the "in this case"?

The reason i inferred for you to butt out, "in this case", is that generally, opinions in my threads are welcome. I need or want not to hear from you, or others for that matter, the reason why this can't be or is not the case.

I believe i've made myself clear here Fudd. Don't be obtuse and take a hike!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-11 AT 09:06AM (MST)[p]Joey, i wonder if ca is going to get done? i noticed Wash is not done either,,,,, not sure the posted responses understood your question,,,,,, i realley wish they would add ca also , that way i could look at multiple states from the same spot and not have to wade through the state websites ,,,,,,, although i have about a zillion spots linked up LOL rack? bong water? dude geeze LOL

rack to answer your question ,,, not on purpose LOL :)
I didn't give an opinion...The "Fact" is that CA has not released last year's draw odds to the public, so they can't put them in yet:)
But here's some sage advice: Don't post on a public fourm if you don't want a few opinions you may or may not want....It comes with the territory.
Don't get your panties all in a bunch. You want to shoot your mouth off where it's not wanted fine, Go ahead and comment some more but i can't make it any clearer that your comments on this thread, especially after the first one, were not asked for.

The Fact is, our DFG does these draws with a Computer. The Draw odds for the next year are known to DFG personnel THAT DAY based on what occurred and how many successful full point applicants drew out. There is always going to be the variable of exactly how many people put in for which zones the following year but all the other needed info is there, has been there, and could possibly be available. The info that we get now comes so late, as explained by F&G to me, because they don't care to spend the money on the Booklets any sooner than they have to.

None of what you are trying to inject here, or what i have stated for that matter, has any bearing on the fact that i was told maybe next year and i am waiting for a response from those that told me as much.

Joey, Elmer and everyone else waiting for the California drawing odds - I am the one that produces the drawing odds available here on MonsterMuleys and the main HuntersTrailhead site.

First off, Joey - I am sure that you communicated with me last year about the California drawing odds and not Founder. If I told you that they would for sure be available this year, I apologize. I typically do not commit to when each state will be updated let alone when bringing up a new state. There are just so many variables effecting when and how that can happen. Hopefully I told you that I was planning to add California by this year. Unfortunately that has not happened and at the current time, does not look like it is going to. Keeping up with the 9 states I already have in the database, along with the other elements available on HuntersTrailhead, has become difficult to keep a handle on as I am only a one man show. My intent is to add Alaska, Washington and California as soon as I possibly can, but please understand that there is a ton of work that goes into developing a new state. I assure you that they will get there and I apologize for the inconvenience of them not being available right now.

Secondly, I want to thank everyone that is using the drawing odds here on MonsterMuleys and on HuntersTrailhead. I talked with a lot of you at the Expo this past week and I really enjoy hearing that the system is being used. I was pleased to hear how many tags were drawn last year based on decisions made after researching these odds.

Please be patient and I promise to get the remaining states up as quickly as I possibly can.

JDC, Thanks for your reply Jon!

Yeah, You didn't say for sure, you just made it clear to me that you would try to get Cali up and running by "next year", which is "this year". I don't blame you for not being able to get it done, was just hoping to hear at least of some progress, which i'm not. I do agree there must be a lot of work involved.

I hope some can now see why it was you who i was directing this question. If i'm gonna get BS's to, Might as well get BS's to by the man in charge! :)


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