calf poacher


Very Active Member
Did anyone else see the story from friday about the guy that shot the moose calf in his neighborhood in utah?? The calf was brousing on his shrubs, so he gut shot it and hit his neighbor's house too with a second shot. I hope they lock the idiot up!!!
He chose to build his house on the winter range and should expect to see animals show up in the winter.
Yeah I saw that story too. It always ticks me off when you see those people on the news whining about having wildlife in their neighborhoods. I hope they lock that idiot up for a while too.
just more fodder for those who oppose. They better charge him with felony reckless endangering for that crap.. one charge for every person in the house he shot.

Kind of makes you wonder how an ape figured out how to load and shoot a gun.
yeah and guess what it all goes back to us as hunters. because
anytime someone has a gun its our fault

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