Calf Elk Survival near Cody

Game departments never like to say predation, because it's something they could do something about most of the time. it's always the weather, nothing you can do about that.

If anyone wants to see what predation looks like take your sled up the Gros Ventre in the winter. those elk being fed up there are just dog food on the hoof. you'll see some moose, but no calves. makes me want to scream.

Stay thirsty my friends
I am not sure what more the Wyo and Mont G&F departments could do about the problems with predation. I think we all know that an outright slaughter of all wolves is not going to happen again and a Grizz hunt is a long ways off. Even if it does get through I cannot see a reduction in numbers being an acceptable answer. I would think this will be the new normal for the foreseeable future.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-13 AT 02:02PM (MST)[p] I
>think we all know that
>an outright slaughter of all
>wolves is not going to
>happen again and a Grizz
>hunt is a long ways
>off. Even if it
>does get through I cannot
>see a reduction in numbers
>being an acceptable answer.
>I would think this will
>be the new normal for
>the foreseeable future.

I agree with your statement. just like the rest of you I hope they can crack down on the wolves and Bears. Lowereing wolf tags isn't a good idea. The calves just get hammered big time.

Im also a little upset with the game and fish. While Finishing up the electrical work at Lake Hotel in Yellowstone I seen a game and fish truck roll up. I just had to ask what are you guys doing up here? The response was we just wanted to drive up and see the motel. I kept my cool and thought to myself I see where the cuts need to be made. But don't get me wrong the game and fish has some outstanding people working for them.
You're correct , I'm always so pizzed at my states worthless game dept I tend to carry it over to other states.

The wolf problem is the biggest threat to hunting in the last 100 years. I guess what I should have said is the WY is doing all they can to deal with it , I just wish they were a little better at publicly pointing out how serious the problem is to those who don't understand it.

Stay thirsty my friends

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