Calender of Yourself?


Long Time Member

I recieved an x-mas gift in the mail yesterday from a fella back east-ish.

Nice card and note...


A 2011 Calender with all 12 months photo's of him and animals/fish from over the years.

Kinda nice but kinda..........ya know???

Yeah i hear you! At least his calender wasn't of himself with a bunch of his super foxy girl conquests...

Then you'd really have to hate the Guy!! :)

My favorite calenders have big bucks on them. I keep them hung on certain ones i like even though they may be a couple years old! :)

Robb, it's better than a tie........I guess.

Kilowatt sent me a calander with ALL big mule seer. It is great!

That would be cool to make but in my case i would have 12 months of me holding nothing. I would more then likely be showing off my rifles and that i only have two. Hmmm two page calendar 6 months a page. Now Im gettin somewhere.

Hey wet_boot!

Please send me a Calendar!

And not the one with yourself in it!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
Eelgrass stats:
Kilowatt sent me a calander with ALL big mule seer. It is great!


Well maybe next time I should send you a Dictionary as it is CALENDAR AND DEER.....Merry Christmas Steve...LOL

one dry boot, does she have a sister? I need a woman that would do something like that.

That was nice of stinky to send you that. I bet Bess got one too. Its the thought that counts and stinky was just thinking of himself. :)
Kilo, don't blame me too much. I start drinking earlier and earlier in the day now that I turned 62.

sorry i don't have your address. i would just post it on here but it violates the Do not post nude pics rule. that and she would pull a Loraina Bobbit on me. oh and yes she has a sis, turns 21next month. don't worry, she made one for me also! ;)
I do not know where to hang it.....

It certainly isn't going to replace the Garage Calendar.....

Nor the one behind my bathroom door......

And it sure as heck 'aint' replacing the Elk hunting Camp calendar....

No way I am hangin' it at the job----some guy every month---not happening!

Maybe leave it in a Womans Bathroom at a rest area.....

Does Ms PleaseDear have a place she hangs Calendars you don't know about Robb?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-10 AT 07:09AM (MST)[p]Robb, I see your problem.....maybe give it to Pred for Christmas? Or maybe TripleK. She likes stuff like that.:)


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