Cajun Wedding gone wrong........

It ain't a party 'til the cops show up. And it ain't a honeymoon 'til the mace and handcuffs come out. :)
I think the groom was acting like that on purpose and wanted to go to jail , so he didn't haave to stay with that blushing bride .
Yep, unbelievable... you know prior to Tazers and dogs...there would have been some work done w/a sap, nighstick or some folks shot...and I could see where it would have been justified.

The cops had multiple attackers, and they all wanted to fight...or worse.

I wonder how long the cops were there. The thing has been cut and pasted and re-cut and pasted the timeline is hard to follow.

John 14:6
Everyone has fun at wedding. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
There is NO entertainment to compare with Rednecks under stress!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier!

You can't make this stuff up, truth is always better than fiction. For magnificent human behavior, read history, or watch uTube.

Eelgrass, see what you shell be missing come on and join the fun there is a pool in the yard to push JB into for a laugh.

That groom has style. Did you see how he got up after his
1st tazing and then fell after the 2nd tazing. Now that is


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