Cain Ranch in New mexico



I have drawn an antelope tag in New Mexico for the Cain Ranch in Unit 36. Does anyone have any info on the quality of antelope I can expect? Has anyone ever hunted on the Cain Ranch?

Also, my tag says that I have a unit wide hunt. Does that mean that I am not restricted to the ranch itself?

Thanks in advance for any information.

Alot of juniper on this ranch. Hunt on or near flats on the east side of ranch. You can find antelope in the junipers and possible a good buck. Not a great ranch but a 15 inch mid 70's possible, maybe better if your lucky. Unit wide means you can possible change ranches on the second day if there are no shootable bucks by game wardern standards and you can only change if they approve it and then they will send you to another ranch that is unit wide. Unit wide typically in unit 36 means low anrelope numbers but hit it hard I saw a 16 plus there 2 years. Good luck.
Thanks for the input. I have received my liscense in the mail, but have yet to receive a map of where the ranch is. Do you know if it is in the northern part of the unit?

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