cailifornia pronghorn 2005



I just found out today that the person who won the California Govenors tag at the mdf auction could not hunt this year, I was the second runner up so they are offering the tag to me.I pulled some info off the CA dept of wildlife showing tag quotes and drawing statistics.Being from northern Nevada I think these zones are close to me.Any help would be much appreciated on these zones.

Thank you

F.Y.I. I paid $4500.00 for the tag (maybe)
I have a friend that rides zone 4, horse back about five days a week looking for cows. He has seen alot of good bucks that would make the book.
PM me if you want more info. I wish I could draw one of those tags.
Talk to you later,
I'm guessing you hunt any unit with that tag?

A buddy and I did well in the Lassen unit, however that was the 1995 season so not much applicable information for you, other than we hunted east of Susanville (east of hwy. 395). We also had a local kid take us out to look over several big dry lake beds within Lassen National Forrest. Almost every one of those had a small herd or two of 'lopes living there. Wasn't where the average out-of-the-area hunter would look for goats and we didn't see any other hunters. Kind of a local knowledge thing. You could probably pick these up off a good topo map.

Looking forward to getting back in the application game after the 10 year mandatory wait.
congratulations on getting that tag. Being a resident of California, I've had the good fortune of being drawn twice here. There are probably B&C pronghorns in most if not all the zones. I've also been fortunate to draw twice for antelope in Nevada as a non-resident.

It's been a few years since I've hunted either state but I would be glad to share my thoughts . Send me a PM and I will respond.

Long Hunter Get ahold of me I know alot of the Area in North east part of California. I will make some phone calls and see what I can do to help you.
Thank you all for the information, you all have been helpful.Thank you for the personal messages.I will be intouch as my homework and scouting season approaches.

Two years ago I was fortunate to be drawn for the Likely Tables unit (2nd season hunt) and what a hunt!!! I have since moved to Idaho and was drawn for an antelope hunt there, and it did not even compare to the quality of the hunt I had in Cali. Saw several big bucks in the Likely Tables area (could not get withing 500 yards of them), and ended up taking a 12.5" pronghorn on the last day. He was a beautiful buck that was an easy shot due to his curiosity of what I was. If you need any information on this area I'd be glad to help out. I've got maps and everything for this area. But, be warned as you probably already know antelope in Cali are nothing like antelope in Wyoming. You have to hunt for them in Cali!!!!! They are a lot more spooky. If I could afford it I'd do this hunt all over again.
I drew Likely Tables tag two years ago and hunted with a great guide, he is very reasonable, has at least thirty years experience, and he scouted for about three months before the season opened. The same year he was also the guide for the govenors tag holder ( he took a 17" buck,but it didn't make the book) I took a 15 1/4" buck on the first day that grosses about 76 and my friend took a 14 5/8" on the third day. Both of these bucks were in areas that I wouldn't have found on my own. If you want his name and number please e-mail me. I think he is still guideing( he's up in age).

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