Cache north rich antelope



Anybody have any advice about the cache north rich unit in Utah? I have two doe antelope tags and the hunts starts next Saturday! Anything will help!
I have the same hunt. More private than public but still places to hunt. Landowners want them out of their fields so may grant access.
Buddy went up last week & saw 5 goats. I always see tons up there so don't know what the deal was.
I may make it up midweek to give it a look.
Where are you from?
I'm from just south of salt lake. Draper to be exact. Let me know what you see (no specific spots unless you don't care).
I also have the 2 doe tags for the hunt starting Saturday...If anyone has the contact information of any landowners willing to allow access to their land would you mind PM'ing me? I'd be happy to speak to whoever I need to....Or, will there be enough critters on the WMA to get it done? How is access to the rest of the public ground in the unit? Thanks!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-12 AT 02:58PM (MST)[p]There is so much public land that I would not even worry about access to private. There are antelope everywhere on public land on this unit. Drive around for a few hours and you will see them everywhere.
I had a couple of early tags. The last weekend I hunted from Sage Creek juction clear over to the WMA south of Woodruff and back and never saw a doe that was not on private. LOTS of bucks though.

The does were pretty concentrated in a few fields that were clearly marked No Tresspassing or hunting. It seemed like they weren't in the field you could get permission for or so it seemed. I never really tried to get permission.

As for roads there is a bunch. Just head east or west from the blacktop and follow the roads that go North and South.
+1 on that Middlefork. My wife had the early tags as well and we found the same thing. Most of the bucks looked lost...crusing for does but, there were none (or few) to be had. There weren't that many animals in the fields either however, this is where most of the animals were.
I spend lots of time in this area every year and I can't remember ever seeing fewer animals. I had this same doe tag the year before last (before the two doe/increase in tag numbers) and there were animals everywhere. IMO last years doe tags were way too many and put a huge dent in the number of animals...this years tags will only make it worse. I was in this area last week on the ML deer hunt and things weren't any different - not many antelope.
On a side note, after finding a low number of animals and a pair of twin fawns running around without their mother my wife made the decision to enjoy some tag soup. I was extremely proud of her decision! Not saying that she did anything others wouldn't/haven't but, it was really cool to see her do something she felt was the ethical thing to do and set a great example for our 8 year old son who was along with us.
Sent you a pm woodruffhunter... If ya have a min. check it out please. Thanks

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