Cache Cow Moose


Long Time Member
Does anybody know a good place to look for an Anterless Moose on the Cache, preferably near a road?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I went scouting up above Hardware Ranch this past Saturday and had 3 different cows run across the road in front of me. It probably wouldn't hurt to check the area out. My buddy has a bull moose tag on the Cache, so if anybody sees a big one, let us know!!
No problem Grizzly. You didn't happen to see any bulls did you? When is your cow hunt?
No bulls, though I heard that upper Providence Canyon has some nice ones.

The hunt begins Sept. 16th.
The moose will start to move into the area between Hardware and Rock Creek about the time the hunt starts. The last several years they start to move in about now and will increase into Sept. I saw 3 last night but saw as many as 11 in one night last year. They where all with in 200 yards of the road.
I would just spend some time driving around and glassing on the south cache. Above Hardware is a good spot, I also see lots of cow moose by Tony Grove. If you drive the dirt roads from temple fork and head back to the south you should see one. I haven't seen any good bulls yet this year. Saw a decent one last fall after the hunts by Birch Creek Reservoir in Rich County, I think that is part of the unit but I'm not sure. Good luck.

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